N. Novkovski and E. Atanassova: Interface states in RF magnetron sputtered Ta2O5 films on Silicon
Conference paper
F. Author1 and S. Author2
1Institute 1, Faculty 1, Street1 Number1, Code1 City1, State1
2 Institute 2, Academy 2, Street1 Number2, Code2 City2, State2
Abstract. This is an abstract in English (font: Times New Roman or Cambria, size: 10 pt). The abstract shouldn’t contain more than 150 words.
Up to four PACS numbers follow after the abstract (comma separated). No keywords are required.
PACS: pacs1, pacs2, pacs3, pacs4
1. Introduction
The length of the paper is limited to 10 pages for invited and 5 pages for other contributions (font: Times New Roman or Cambria, size: 11 pt). Only one level of headings (numbered as in this example) is expected.
2. Equations, tables and graphs
Equations prepared with using equation editor are to be used:
An example of table is given below.
Table 1: Table description
sample / growth temperature / annealing stepTantalum pentoxide, as grown / room / no
Tantalum pentoxide, oxygen annealed / room / 850°C for 30min
Tantalum pentoxide, Al gate / 220°C / 900°C for 30min
Tantalum pentoxide, Au gate / 220°C / 900°C for 30min
Tantalum pentoxide, W gate / 220°C / 900°C for 30min
Preferable size of the figures is shown with the next example. There are no special requirements for the size of the figures and their internal arrangement.
Fig. 1: Interface state density versus energy for as grown tantalum pentoxide
3. COnclusions
This model can be used in composing your paper for the 9th Conference of the Society of Physicists of Macedonia.
[1] O. Blank, H. Reisinger, R. Stengl, and M. Gutsche, J. Appl. Phys. 97, 044107 (2005)
[2] International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors SIA, San Jose, CA, http://public.itrs.net/files/2003ITRS
[3] E. Atanassova and T. Dimitrova, pp. 439-479, in “Handbook of surfaces and interfaces of materials”, Edited by Hari Singh Naiwa, Volume 4, Academic Press, San Diego (2001)