Loughborough in Bloom
Working Group Minutes
Tuesday 17th June 2014
Meeting Room 7 – 10am
1. Apologies (SR)
2. Minutes and actions from previous meeting (SR/CF)
JDR noted that in Item 7, it was herself who ask SR about graffiti and SR who answered. Not the other way round.
The rest was agreed as a true and accurate record.
GC to organise an action table.
3. Comms update – portfolio and video update (KA)
JB noted that KA had done a really good job on the portfolio. KA thanked the meeting for the comments and feedback she had received regarding the portfolio and she reported it is now with the printer following some updates from NG regarding incorrect funding and changes to the Quadron logo. KA will receive two copies of the portfolio to send to Britain in Bloom for June 24th. A copy will also be sent to east Midlands in Bloom, although they will also accept a PDF. JB informed the meeting that last year there were some portfolios for the groups and asked whether they may be able to get some in advance this year. KA did not anticipate this being a problem.
Purchase orders have been raised with MO for the portfolio design and production and there will be another order for printing. These have been raised to the Bloom cost code.
KA has put the video has been put on the S Drive.
SR asked KA if she had got any pictures of Terry Yardley Way? KA said no. There are also no pictures of the Inner Relief Road as there would be no where to put them had she of taken them. EM advised that there could be an information board on the day.
SR asked KA about some slides that Kath used on the day last year. KA said MJ would do a presentation and tell Kath what he wanted in it. Kath would then source pictures from KA. There should be a template on the S Drive. SR said we could include the picture of Terry Yardley Way in the presentation.
JB advised that if we are planning on an information board, we must make sure the wording is accurate and the text matches the picture. It is better to keep it simple.
SR asked KA how long the whole presentation is. KA advised it is 15 minutes in total, but take off 7 minutes for the two videos. It was agreed that MJ have an allocated time of three minutes maximum.
The new sculptures were unveiled on June 2nd and the event gained coverage in a South Wales newspaper as well as the Leicester Mercury and Loughborough Echo. SR suspected there may have been a piece in Barley Magazine regarding either the sculptures or the orchard. KA reported that the sculpture pictures did not make it into the portfolio, however this would not matter since they are on the route anyway. SR reported that last year’s sculpture of the legs was in Cardiff but the RHS received a lot of complaints about them being obscene, perhaps because there was no explanation about what they represent. KA asked SR to email her any information she has regarding these complaints.
SR commented that the sculptures in Queen’s Park look really good and the unveiling was a very good event. JB noted that Queen’s Park looked lovely. SR asked if some background information could be put anywhere, such as outside the museum? JB suggested signposting people to the website. KA confirmed that there is currently no information on the website so SR requested that some be added under the Queen’s Park section.
SR and JDR discussed the sweeping of Queen’s Park. NG has agreed to foot the bill for Serco to sweep the paths so a variation order will need sending. SR requested that this be done on a monthly basis. SR noted that the cemetery path also needs sweeping. These areas need hand-sweeping, not mechanical-sweeping but JDR said this is not Serco’s responsibility. SR and JDR to discuss. JDR informed the meeting that Serco will be sweeping Queen’s Park the weekend before the 9th of July. This will be the same for BiB also.
4. Project plan 2014 (CF)
CF reported that the project plan has been updated and is simpler than it used to be. It is now up and running and she would welcome any comments.
5. Route 2014 & maps (SR/CF)
CF confirmed that the route map has been circulated and there are a few changes from last year. This year the judges will travel down Chapman Street to the new Inner Relief Road. Moor Lane has also been added to the route this year for two reasons; firstly, it takes a couple of minutes off the route time. Secondly, last year Charnwood was criticised for not promoting refuse and recycling well enough and this will give CBC an opportunity to show the work we have done with dropped kerbs and recycling facilities in the area. JB confirmed that judges do like to see progression. EM was concerned that the area is not very attractive.
CF also informed the meeting that the judges will this year travel down Derby Road from Warwick Way to Bridge Street. JDR asked if CF has seen the house opposite Bridge Street with high weeds. CF had seen this and is going to contact the owner.
CF confirmed the walking route remains the same as last year.
EM noted that the wildflowers on Holt Drive have been ruined.
The date for East Midlands in Bloom was formally announced as Wednesday, July 9th. Britain in Bloom will take place on Tuesday, August 5th.
CF to confirm dates to MB, copying SW, and check to make sure a diary invite has been created by Admin.
6. Street cleaning and preparation (JD)
JDR reported that she drove the route on Friday and noticed a couple of things. She has started a list of things that need doing. In regards to Serco’s jobs, JDR confirmed there is a lot that does not need doing. However she noticed some issues for CF regarding weeds in planters outside the Premier Inn and the Printroom. JDR suggested it may be worth contacting them.
SR suggested colour coded the list so that responsibilities can be easily identified. CF is doing a running list as well. It was noted that a couple of road signs need replacing. The one turning left out of Chapman Street needs washing down. There are also a couple of areas of graffiti outside the shops on Moor Lane. SR noted that the Beacon Road signpost is damaged and JDR has identified a couple of areas where bollards have been hit.
GC to check engineering queue for any graffiti requested.
JB reported that the Chapman Street Residents Group had a BBQ and there was a really good turn out from groups from the community group meeting. JB said that this year has been very proactive.
SR informed the meeting that due to the new Open Spaces contract, Quadron has been maintaining areas that residents have been previously maintaining themselves. There is no formal agreement for them to do so as it is CBC land although residents see as their garden. There has therefore been a couple of unhappy residents.
SR reported that a lot of the weeds are not dead yet but a couple are starting to die down. It would not have helped that it was raining when they sprayed so it would not have been that successful. EM asked if she is still to drive around with JDR. SR thought it would be a good idea for CF to go.
SR informed JDR that there is a lamppost bracket that needs replacing. JDR said it will be taken down and anything that needs replacing will be done. SR identified one on Ratcliffe Road although it is not on Bloom route. However SR said people may drive in that way.
7. Weed spraying & grass cutting update (LCC/CBC MB & SR)
SR said she is assuming that County has completed the weed spraying they are going to do and we should be seeing weeds die off soon. Regarding the grass cutting, CF sent an email to Debbie asking for everything to be complete by Friday, July 4th. CF asked for an update when the cutting is complete. CF to forward email to SR.
Serco’s men came to do the weed spraying in the town centre on a market day and it therefore could not be completed. However Quadron have now said they will do this for Serco. Quadron still need to send Serco their contact numbers to Serco. SR to send an email to Martyn Bradley.
JDR confirmed that the A6 has been delitter but there are issues with Serco mechanically sweeping and then the verges being cut after, leaving a mess. SR said she appreciates it is frustrating.
8. A.O.B (All)
Parish councils – not had a catch up with aklex or donna. Em not looked at websites.
CF informed the meeting that she has received an email from Cassie at the museum in Queen’s Park about having a band playing when the judges arrive on the 9th. She would like to know approximately what time they will be arriving there. EM suggested the band play war songs to tie in with the sculptures. It was agreed that the judges would arrive approximately 12.30-1.30pm.
SR reported that she has not yet had time to catch up with AM or DO regarding Syston and Woodhouse Eaves Parish Councils. EM asked whether it was worth looking at other parish councils via their websites?
9. Date and time of next meeting (ALL)
Table of Actions
No / Status / Action / CompletedBy? / Notes
1 / SR to send any emails regarding the leg sculpture complaints to KA / SR
2 / Information to be added to the website regarding Queen’s Park sculptures / KA
3 / CF to confirm Bloom dates to MB, copying in SW and check a diary invite has been created / CF
4 / GC to check Engineering queue for graffiti cases / GC
5 / CF to forward emails from Debbie regarding grass cutting to SR / CF
6 / SR to email MB asking Quadron to send their contact details to Serco / SR