Ms. Yusuf


Careers in Chemistry

Application: /15 Communication: /10

Due Date: February 22nd, 2011

You are a columnist for a local newspaper that is running a “Career Highlights” series. Each week, the paper highlights careers in a specific subject area like math, technology, health, community service, etc. You have been assigned to write about careers in chemistry. The editor has given you your choice of careers listed below to research and report on. You have been given a 2 page (double spaced) limit per career on your articles. With this word limit, there is no room for unnecessary wordiness. Think through the organization of your information. Be clear, concise, and to the point in your writing. If you write more than 500 words, the editor will cut out excess information to make it fit into the allotted space on the newspaper page. Of course using correct spelling & grammar are a given (since I can’t dock your pay, points will be deducted from your score for sorely misspelled words or obvious, distracting grammatical errors).

You have also been asked to include 2-3 pictures per career with your article to highlight who and what a person in the career works with.

1. Biochemist (chemistry of life, medicines, etc.)

2. Chemical Engineer (at the forefront of research and technology)

3. Chemical Education (secondary teacher/college professor)

4. Cosmetic Chemist (development and testing of cosmetics)

5. Environmental Chemist (water quality testing, air pollution)

6. Fabric and Textile Chemist (natural and synthetic fibres for fabrics, dying and durability, etc)

7. Food or Nutritional Chemist (engineering flavours, testing recipes, etc.)

8. Forensic Chemist (solving crimes)

9. Materials Chemist (development of plastics, Kevlar, etc.)

10. Nuclear Medicine Technologist (chemotherapy, etc.)

11. Pharmacist/Pharmacologist (developing medicines)

12. Research or R&D Chemist

13. Science Writer (technical writing, communicating results of research, etc.)

14. Toxicologist (hazardous waste management)

You have been asked to include the following information in your articles:

1. General job description – what do they do?

2. Where do they work?

3. Who do they work with and for?

4. What kinds of projects or research areas would someone in this career take part in?

5. What type of education and training is required?

6. Discuss the job outlook for this career (Is the field growing? Are there specific areas within this field that will be in high demand in the near future? What is the salary range?)

7. Specifically, how is chemistry used on the job? Include at least 3 specific examples related to the following chemistry topics: chemical & physical properties of matter, classification of matter, methods used to separate mixtures, states of matter, phase changes, subatomic particles, isotopes, periodic table, covalent or ionic bonding, polar or nonpolar molecules, or chemical names & formulas (an example of a substance they could work with)

·  Use a minimum of 3 sources for information and pictures.

·  At least one source should be a print book source (i.e. NOT from a website)

·  Cite ALL sources that you use completely and correctly. Attach the bibliography to your final report.

·  Use MLA formatting for citing your work!!!!

·  Final drafts should be typed & printed before class

ANY PLAGIARIZED MATERIAL IN THE PAPER WILL RESULT IN A ZERO FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT AND NO OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE IT UP! When any number of words is taken directly from another source without quotation marks and an in-text citation, it is considered plagiarism. If you don’t understand something that you read, either ask someone else to help or do not use it

Here are some resources: username: isnahs password: knowledge

McGrawHill Ryerson Chemistry 11

For MLA citing information: