NAME: ______

DATE: ______PERIOD: ______

Follow the instructions below and explore several nutrition related web sites. Take your time and LOOK at the entire web page (not just what is visible right away). You may do a search for information you can’t locate. Many links have been included to make this easier for you. Simply click on any BLUE link to take you directly to the site. Do not try to type in extremely long Internet addresses.

I.  Go to Take the Kids “Healthy Fridge” quiz – record only your original answers below. BE HONEST! Mark it if you miss the question, it will not count against your grade. DO YOUR BEST!

Quiz Question #1







II.  Go to the American Dietetics Association website at . From their homepage you will click various links to get the needed information. To make it easier, always return to the ADA homepage before advancing to the next link.

1.  Click on the green “Public” tab and then find the “Tip of the Day”. Click on “Learn More” to find the article and then answer the following questions.


A.  What is the “tip of the day”? (just the title)

B.  List two facts reported in the article.

C.  Is this information important for you? Why or why not? (write at least 2 sentences)

Click on the “National Nutrition Month” link…

A.  What is “National Nutrition Month”? (define it…what is its purpose)

B.  Which month each year is designated as “National Nutrition Month”?

C.  Find the 2011 (or 2012) National Nutrition Month theme?

2.  Move the curser over the green “Become an RD or DTR” tab at the top of the page and then click on the “What is an RD or DTR”. Look for information about becoming an RD/DTR. Answer the following questions.

A. What does RD stand for, and what do they do?

B. What does DTR stand for and what do they do?

III. Search for, and then go to your favorite fast food restaurant’s web site. Find the link to their nutrition information and then figure the nutrition information requested below for your favorite meal from this restaurant. (Many sites have a “nutrition calculator” or “meal calculator” which will allow you to calculate an entire meal at one time. I suggest using a site that does this for you.)

**Some favorites are: (My Meal Builder)

What restaurant did you choose?

What did you put in your meal? (list all food and beverages you would eat at ONE MEAL)

Fill in the nutrition information:

Total Calories: ______Total Carbs: ______grams

Total Fat: ______grams Total Sodium: ______milligrams

Total Protein: ______grams Total Dietary Fiber: ______grams

IV. To familiarize students with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and Choose My Plate, a way of determining specific needs based on a variety of factors., you will explore the information found at the website.

1.  Log on to Click on the MyPlate tab, write the saying for each food group.






DAIRY- Click on “Dairy.”

What is included in the Dairy group? List the 4 major categories:



Click on “How Much is Needed?” How much is needed for teens? ____ cups

Click on “What Counts as a Cup?”

Give examples of a 1 cup serving of the dairy group?

____ cup milk or yogurt

____ ounces natural cheese

____ ounces processed cheese

Click on “Health Benefits & Nutrients.”

Our body uses calcium for building ______and ______; and maintaining bone ______. Potassium in dairy foods may help to maintain healthy ______.

Go to “Tips for Making Wise Choices.” Some wise choices for the dairy group are:

1.  Include ______as a beverage at meals.

2.  Switch gradually to ______milk.

3.  Ask for fat-free milk in cappuccinos or ______.

4.  Add milk to ______and hot ______instead of water.

5.  Have fat-free or low-fat ______as a snack.

6.  Top casseroles with low-fat ______.

Scroll the page. What is the key consumer message for dairy?

GRAINS- Click on “Grains.”

List the 2 subgroups and give 3 examples of foods from each group.

1. ______Example: ______

2. ______Example: ______

Teenage girls need ___ ounce equivalents and boys need ___ ounce equivalents per day from grains.

Give examples of a 1 ounce serving for the grain group.

_____ slice bread

_____ cup ready-to-eat cereal

_____ cup cooked rice, pasta, or cooked cereal

Dietary fiber from whole grains or other foods may help reduce ______

and may lower risk of ______, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Fiber is important for proper ______.

The B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin play a key role in ______.

Folate (folic acid), another B vitamin, helps the body form red blood cells. This reduces the risk of neural tube defects, ______, and anencephaly during fetal development.

List 3 tips to help you eat whole grains:

1.  Substitute whole grain for ______products.

2.  Try ______rice or whole-wheat ______.

3.  Use whole grains in ______dishes.

Scroll the page. What is the key consumer message for grains?

PROTEIN FOODS- Click on “Protein Foods.”

List the 7 major categories in the Protein Foods group.

1.  ______2. ______3. ______

4.  ______5. ______6. ______7.______

Teenage girls need _____ ounce equivalents and boys need ____ ounce equivalents per day of protein.

Give examples of what one ounce of protein would be:

_____ ounce of meat, poultry or fish

_____ cup cooked beans

_____ egg

_____ tablespoon of peanut butter

_____ ounce nuts or seeds

The nutrients in the Protein Foods group include protein, B vitamins (niacin, ______, riboflavin, and B6),

vitamin E, ______, zinc, and magnesium.

Proteins function as building blocks for bones, ______, cartilage, skin, and ______. They are also building blocks for enzymes, ______, and vitamins. Proteins are one of three nutrients that provide ______(the others are fat and carbohydrates).

B vitamins found in this food group serve a variety of functions in the body. They help the body release ______, play a vital role in the function of the ______system, aid in the formation of red blood cells, and help build tissues. Iron is used to carry oxygen in the ______. Many teenage girls and women in their child-bearing years have iron-deficiency ______.

Diets high in saturated fats raise “bad” cholesterol levels in the body which increase the risk for ______disease. Cholesterol is only found in foods of ______sources.

It is important to eat 8 ounces of seafood per week. Seafood contains omega- 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. These contribute to the prevention of ______.

One of the benefits of eating nuts & seeds is it reduces the risk of ______.

List tips for wise choices in the Protein Foods group:

1.  Go ______with protein.

2.  Vary your ______choices.

3.  Keep it ______to eat.

4.  Check ______label.

Ways to “go lean with protein” are:

1.  Start with lean ______of meat.

2.  Keep it lean by ______away visible fat, cooking without additional ______, and removing skins ______cooking.

FRUIT Click on “Fruit.”

The Fruit group includes fruit and ______fruit juice. This includes fruits in any form such as frozen, canned, pureed, and dried.

Teenage girls need _____ cups and boys need ______cups per day of fruit.

What are 3 examples of a serving of fruit:

_____ cup fruit

_____ cup 100% fruit juice

_____ cup dried fruit

Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for ______, including heart attack and ______, and may protect against certain types of ______.

Eating foods such as fruits that are lower in calories per cup instead of some other higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to lower ______.

Fruits are sources of many essential nutrients that are underconsumed, including ______, ______, ______, and folate (folic acid).

Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood ______. Fruit sources of potassium include bananas, prunes & prune juice, dried ______and ______, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and ______.

Whole or cut-up fruits are sources of dietary ______; fruit ______contain little or no fiber.

Vitamin C is important for ______and ______of all body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps ______and ______healthy.

Scroll the page. What is the key consumer message for fruits?

VEGETABLES Click on “Vegetables

What are the 5 subgroups of vegetables?

1.  ______4. ______

2.  ______5. ______

3.  ______

Teenage girls need ______cups and boys need ______cups per day of vegetables.

One serving from the Vegetable group includes ____ cup of raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or ____ cups of raw leafy greens.

Eating vegetables and fruits rich in potassium as part of an overall healthy diet may lower blood pressure, and may also reduce the risk of developing ______and help to ______bone loss.

Most vegetables are naturally low in fat and ______.

Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin _____ and _____.

Vegetable sources of potassium include sweet potatoes, white potatoes, white beans, ______products, beet greens, ______, lima beans, spinach, lentils, and ______beans.

Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps to protect against ______.

Fiber-containing foods such as vegetables help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer ______.

Tips to help you eat vegetables: Buy fresh vegetables in ______.

Stock up on ______veggies for quick and easy cooking.

Buy veggies that are easy to ______.

Use a ______to quickly “zap” veggies.

______your veggie choices.

Try ______vegetables raw, or lightly steamed.

Beans and peas are unique foods. They are considered to be in both the ______and ______food groups.

OILS- Click on “Oils.”

List two common oils:

1.  ______

2.  ______

Most oils are high in monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, and low in ______fats. Oils from plant sources (vegetable and nut oils) do not contain any ______. In fact, no plant foods contain ______.

It is important to consume oils because they are the major source of vitamin _____ in typical American diets.

EMPTY CALORIES- Click on “Empty Calories.”

Empty calories are calories from ______fats and/or added ______. They are not healthy because they add calories to food, but few or no nutrients

“Solid fats” are fats that are solid at ______

“Added sugars” are sugars and ______added to foods or beverages when they are processed or ______.

Name foods and beverages that provide the most empty calories for Americans:

Cakes, cookies, ______and ______

Soda, energy drinks, ______drinks and ______drinks


Pizza, ice cream, ______, hotdogs, bacon, ribs

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY- Click on “Physical Activity

Along with diet, why is physical activity important? Being physically active can help you:

1.  Increase chances of ______longer.

2.  Decrease chances of becoming ______.

3.  ______well at night.

4.  Stay or get to a healthy ______.

5.  Have stronger ______and ______.

List four kinds of beneficial physical activity and explain each.

Children and adolescents should do _____ minutes or more of physical activity each day.

List five tips for increasing physical activity.

*******If you have extra time, explore more of the website and visit any of the links provided there. You may also search the Internet for other restaurant, food manufacturer, or food/nutrition related sites.

Explore any of the links you have already gone to or try the following links: (games) (games, recipes, etc.) (recipes and cooking tips, plus more)