Name(s) ______ES Per ______

Date ______Teacher ______


What are some OBSERVABLE characteristics that igneous rocks exhibit?

1)they may contain intergrown crystals seen with the naked eye (slow cooling)

2)they may be glassy (very fast cooling)

3)they may contain gas holes (vesicular texture)

What are some OBSERVABLE characteristics that sed rocks exhibit?

1)They are composed of cemented sediments – look for clay, silt, sand, and pebbles in mineral cement

2)They are deposited in layers, and this layering is visible (Stratification)

3)They contain fossils

4)They are bioclastic (cemented shells)

What is the observable characteristic that certain metamorphic rocks (the ones you need to know) exhibit?

1)They are foliated (either mineral alignment or banding)

2)They may show distorted structure

3)They may have visible platy mica crystals (schistose texture)


1)Select a rock sample from bin (1 at a time)

2)Find the number written on the rock. Make sure you place your answers in the appropriate row on the ID sheet.

3)Observe the characteristics of the rock. See above.

4)Determine whether the rock is igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic.

5)Record your answers on the rock ID sheet.

Directions: When you are done with the rock ID (check with your teacher), answer these questions.

1) What name is applied to a coarse-grained, felsic igneous rock?


2) What rock has the same composition as granite, but smaller crystals?


3) Name a coarse grained, dark colored igneous rock.


4) Describe VESICULAR texture. ______

5) There are 2 rocks in your Igneous rocks chart that have an intermediate composition only – meaning they are neither felsic nor mafic. Name those rox.

______and ______

6) How do the 2 kinds of rocks in question 5 differ from one another? ______

7) With respect to Earth’s surface, where do extrusive rocks cool and crystallize (that is, where do they solidify)?


8) What is name of the texture given to igneous rocks that contain NO crystals (non-crystalline)?


9) What are two characteristics that gabbro and basalt have in common?

  1. ______
  1. ______

10) What observable properties does gabbro exhibit that would be indicative of its environment of formation?



11) What is the percentage of plagioclase in a typical granite? ______

12) List the FOUR minerals usually found in basalt (use the middle of the box) and then write the percentages of each.



13)What TWO minerals tend to be found in the greatest variety of igneous rocks? That is…which ones are the most common?

______and ______

14)What igneous rock is generally composed of just ONE mineral?


15)What coarse grained igneous rock is similar in composition to basalt?


16)Unlike other kinds of rocks, igneous rocks form from what processes? ______

17)What is coal made from?


18)What clastic rock is composed of the smallest grains of sediment?


19)Draw the pattern (the map symbol) used to represent limestone.

20)What rock is composed of compacted / compressed clay?


21)A) How are breccia and conglomerate similar?

B) How are they different?







22)What is the largest diameter of rock fragment generally found in siltstone? Please make sure your answer is a DIAMETER, not a sediment name.


23)What common sed rock is composed mostly of the mineral calcite?


24)What THREE minerals dominate all of the CLASTIC sedimentary rocks?


25)If a rock is made of cemented sediment grains mostly about 1cm across, what kind of rock is it?


26)Although Earth is mostly igneous rock, most of the bedrock we see at the surface is sedimentary. Why? ______

27)How do metamorphic rocks form?




28)What are the TWO conditions needed to change a pre-existing rock into a metamorphic rock?

______and/or ______

29)Name the two types of metamorphism.

______and ______

30)What kind of metamorphism occurs next to an igneous intrusion of molten magma?


31)What process is involved in the formation of all igneous rocks, but not in the formation of metamorphic rocks?


32)In what parts of NYS are metamorphic rocks most common?

(ESRT page 2 & 3)


33)Which foliated metamorphic rock has the smallest grain size?


34)What sedimentary rock can change into marble?


35)As shown in the Meta Rocks chart (under Composition), which mineral requires the most heat and pressure to form? Therefore, this mineral is only seen in gneiss or high grade schist.


36)NAME the metamorphic rock that exhibits BANDED texture.


37)NAME the ONEmetamorphic rock is formed exclusively by contact metamorphism.


38)Phyllite and Schist are two foliated meta rox. What distinguishable characteristic could you observe to tell them apart?


Names ______



Sample Number / Observable Characteristics / Rock type