Farm Technology Days 2013 Barron County

Field Demonstration Committee

Areas of Work

Crop establishment and monitoring

1.Determine a plan for rotating all the

necessary acres for use of the show

2. Acquire seeds, maintenance fertilizer, ect.

Equipment and field demo staging area

1. Utility vehicles and golf are managed by Grounds Committee (notify them of needs prior to show)

2. Radios managed by Tent City (notify of needs before show)

3. Accommodate the need for Trams for Field Demo, Parking, Farm Tours and Manure Management tours, including parking.

4. Provide Volunteers for all Tram drivers

5. Maintain volunteer check-in and rest area

6. Hold Morning meetings

7. Gas and fuel tanks are filled each morning

9. Equipment manufacturers are responsible for locking up and managing keys to their equipment

10. Provide safety training to all tram operators, other safety training will be given by grounds.

Field Demonstrations

1. Determine the amount of acres available

Mowing and Conditioning

1. Demonstrate mowing conditioners

Mergers & Choppers

1. Demonstrate mergers and choppers

2. Match up size of merged rows and choppers

Raking, baling and bale wrapping

1. Run the raking, baling and bale wrapping demonstrations

Ride & Drive

1. In order for a company to participate in the Ride & Drive area, it is a requirement that they pay for 4 lots in tent city.

2. Companies with spray equipment need larger areas, allow them to use the Ride & Drive area to pick up potential customers

3. Use a near by field to show off equipment


1. Determine the need for trams

2. Coordinate tram parking, tours, drivers and training


1. Need about 150 volunteers

2. Volunteers will work half days

3. Coordinate for trainings

4. Provide training for Tram drivers

5. Provide Field Demo. Specific trainings for all Field Demo volunteers.

Volunter Positions

Event Announcers- Read a scripted description of equipment being demonstrated. You will be speaking with a sound system.

Equipment Organizers- Line-up equipment and help maintain a smooth flow during demonstrations.

Safety Personal- Keep spectators a safe distance from demonstrating equipment.

Tram Loading Organizers- Assist spectators to find correct tram lines, help them get on and off of the trams

Tour Announcers- Give guided tour around the farm while riding the tram

Ride and Drive- Help the attendees find the ride and drive area outside of tent city and return to admission gates.

Fuel and Maintenance- Keeping vehicles filled with fuel. Fixing tires and providing routine maintenance.

Equipment Needs

UTV/Golf Carts- Must have valid Driver’s License and be 18 yrs or older. UTV preferred because of distance of fields.

1 per demo sub-committee

1 for maintenance

1 for field demo chair(s)

1 Tram committee

1 for Field Operations chair(s)

Insurance must be filed with Tent City Committee

Radios- Field Demo Comm. will have its own channel

1 per tram operator

2- Tram Chair and assistant

2 per field demo sub committee

1 Field Demo Chair

1 Maintenance committee

2- Field Operations Chair

About 40

Supply List

20x40 tent for headquarters

Tables and Chairs for 40

2-3 Ice Chests

1 restroom, (order from grounds)

4x8 Display Board

Auction trucks or PA system for each field demo site

Hay Tedder and tractor

Tractors to pull forage wagons from field to Silos from pull behind choppers

Site maps

Sharpie marking pens

Site map poster size

5 lb mallet

Lunch order forms

Bale Wrapping

-Skid Steer loader with fork

-Bale wrapping repair tape

-Bale Transport wagon