Schools Forum 14 Oct 14Agenda Item 7 – Appendix B
LSE Team: School Effectiveness / Impact:Partnership Headteachers – developing system led school to school improvementAspect(s): 3.1, 3.2, 3.3?, 4.4,4.5, 4.6, 5.1,5.2, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2 / Date:19th September 2014
Supporting evidence:
end of Key Stage outcomes for 2013 and 2014
evaluations for school to school support
data base of partnership headteachers
protocols for partnership headteachers
pen portraits
partnership headteacher evaluation and support plans
Impact Summary: 40 primary schools received SIG funding and support from partnership headteachers.
Key Stage 1 / Average %
+ or – across 40 schools from 2013 to 2014 / Gap with national 2014 & (2013)
Reading L2+ / +3.1 / Increased +1.1 (-1.3)
Reading L2b+ / +4.5 / Increased +09 (-2)
Reading L3 / +4.7 / Closing gap -1.8 (-5)
Writing L2+ / +4.1 / Increased +1.6 (-1.3)
Writing L2b+ / +5.8 / Closed the gap = na (-3.1)
Writing L3 / +2.1 / Closing gap -0.8 (-1.8)
Maths L2+ / +2.9 / Increased +1.1 (-0.7)
Maths L2b+ / +4.5 / Increased +4.5 (-2.2)
Maths L3 / +3.9 / Closing gap – 3.9 (-9.1)
Overall APS / +0.6 / Previously -0.4 in 2013 no comparison available
KS1 Headlines:
- Increases in APS from 2013 at all levels in reading, writing and maths
- Gap closed and now above national in 5 indicators
- No indicators with outcomes above national 2013, 5 indicators increased above national 2014 and 1 indicator being the same as national.
Key Stage 2 / Average %
+ or – across 40 schools from 2013 to 2014 / Gap with national 2014 & (2013)
Reading L4+ / +4.7 / Closing gap -2.1 (-3.8)
Reading L5+ / +2.1 / Gap widened -8.3 (-5.4)
Writing L4+ / +1.2 / Gap widened -2.2 (-1.4)
Writing L5+ / +2.2 / Gap widened – 3 (-2.2)
Maths L4+ / +3.9 / Closing gap -1.6 (-4.5)
Maths L5+ / +1.0 / Gap the same -7.4 (-7.4)
GPS L4+ / +3.1 / Closing gap -2.3 (-3.4)
GPS L5+ / +4.5 / Closing gap -4.5 (-5.4)
Reading 2LP / +4.0 / Closing gap -2.0 (-3.0)
Reading 3LP / +3.0 / Gap widened -6.0 (-5)
Writing 2 LP / +1.0 / Gap the same -2.0 (-2.0)
Writing 3LP / +4.0 / Closing gap -5.0 (-6.0)
Maths 2LP / +5.0 / Closing gap -1 (-5.0)
Maths 3LP / +3.0 / Gap the same-3.0 (-3.0)
KS 2 Headlines:
- Increases in APS from 2013 at all attainment and progress measures in reading, writing, GPS and maths
- Where outcomes are below national: Gap is closing from 2013 outcomes against national and therefore closer to 2014 national increased outcomes for 7 out of 14 attainment and progress indicators (3 stayed the same).
- 70% (28/40) schools supported by partnership headteachers improved their outcomes, particularly focusing on end of KS2 outcomes (not taking into account progress).
Next steps/Further action:
Key objective:
To develop the partnership headteachers’ programme so that:
- outcomes across the county meet or exceed the county priorities
- there are more schools working in partnership to raise standards across the county
Developing new headteachers
Developing relationship with teaching schools – encouraging partnership headteachers to become LLE/ SLEs/NLEs – being proactive in signposting professional development opportunities.
Data sharing – making sure all stakeholders are informed and know how their school/cluster compares with others schools/clusters in the county and with others nationally. Setting a common goal by sharing county priorities.
Creating a small task force of headteachers willing/able to lead a small project on peer challenge and support (looking at the cluster models – are there any that might need some additional expertise or can be developed further? Identify groups, e.g. new headteachers, 2nd year of headship? Small schools? Junior/ infant schools? Schools due an Ofsted inspection (following the model of Headline Training).
Developing models of peer challenge.
Strengthening systems and processes regarding establishing school to school support plans/contracts.
Secondment opportunities – consider how can the partnership headteacher programme support professional development in our good and outstanding schools?
Induction pack for new partner headteachers so that there is consistency in the approach to school to school support.
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