Lake Nipmuc Association Meeting
Thursday, April 3, 2008 at 7pm
Mendon Senior Center
- Meeting called to order
- Motion made to accept March 6th, 2008 meeting minutes. Motion seconded. Minutes accepted.
- Status of membership – 35 new members
- Status of Financials –Ileen M. will update us at the next meeting.
- Stormwater Update – Shirley S.
Several member of Lake Nipmuc Association met in April with Phil Nadeau of DEP, five members of MHD, John Fernandes, Selectman Lawney Tinio, and Damon Tinio of the Con Com to discuss the ongoing problem of stormwater runoff on Route 16 near the marina. In conclusion, the MHD will conduct further tests to determine where the runoff is coming from. Based on these tests, the next steps will be considered. Coverage from reporters at the Milford Daily News and Town Crier were there. At the time of the meeting, the article was covered in the Milford Daily News. Shirley S. will also write an article for the BRWA Spring newsletter.
- Lake Monitoring – Shirley S.We are still in need of someone to head up the Lake Monitoring committee. Tammy Gilpatrick of the BRC offered equipment to test for e-coli. Testing will begin in May. Tammy has offered to do the lab work. A cost per month for testing supplies would be $25. The Board of Health tests the beach area for e-coli. The Association would like to find out when bacteria levels are high at the beach. Some options are to put signage up or send an e-mail alert lake owners.
- Goose committee –nothing to report at this time.
- Public Education committee -A possible newsletter has been discussed. Carole C is interested in heading this up.Carole also designed the Lake Nipmuc logo and it was suggested at some point in the future that we should make up some promo items such as t-shirts and other marketing items.
- Website committee – nothing to report at this time.
- Invasive Plant Life –Shirley has been in contact with Weed Watchers. She’s waiting to hear from Michele Robinson at DCR to find out when they can come out and speak to the Association.
- Public Access –Sue B and Kevin F have been researching a possible public access site in the vicinity of the town beach. The idea is to make it passable on foot by generally cleaning up the area. The general consensus was that no vehicles would be able to drive down to the shoreline. A motion was made to create a foot access path for an Eagle Scout project. This may also have to be approved by the Selectmen. Motion was seconded and accepted.
- Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm