Risk Management Guidelines for the Use of McMaster University Facilities and Equipment by Persons other than Registered Students, Faculty or Staff

The following guidelines are intended to provide general information regarding the required arrangements to provide non registered students or persons other than faculty or staff access to University programs, facilities or equipment. Questions related to specific situations should be directed to Environmental & Occupational Health Support Services ext. 24352 or the appropriate University Office noted in the guidelines eg. International Student Advisor’s Student Exchange Office.

Student Placements

Such placements require formal agreements between the placement employer ie.

the department receiving the placement student and the High School or College, placing the student. Insurance for these placements is provided under special provisions of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board plan and paid for by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. Copies of all such agreements must be registered with Environmental and Occupational Health Support Services.

NB The safety training and supervisory due diligence requirements for regular staff and students must be applied to all situations involving student placements.

International Exchange Students

The following is a summary of the requirements for accepting international exchange students:

(a)It is necessary to have a signed agreement between McMaster University and the institution from which the student is coming.

(b)Students coming to Canada to study are required to obtain a Student Authorization clearance from Immigration Canada and can only work on campus.

(c)The time limit depends on the arrangement made between the two Universities.

(d)Health insurance is mandatory for all international exchange students. With the appropriate approvals in place such students are covered under the Universities liability insurance plan. The Office of International Students Advisor ext. 24748 should be contacted in all situations involving the acceptance of international exchange students.

NB The safety training and supervisory due diligence requirements for regular staff and students must be applied to all situations involving International Exchange Students.

Private Sector Company Employees Using University Facilities and/or Equipment

The following is a summary of the requirements for providing private sector company employees access to University facilities and/or equipment:

(a)It is necessary to have a signed agreement between McMaster University and the private sector company.

(b)The private sector company must provide certification that the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board coverage is in place for their employees.

(c)The private sector company must provide a certificate of insurance indicating liability and property damage coverage at a value to be determined by Environmental & Occupational Health Support Services.

NB The Private Sector Supervisor responsible for the safety training and supervision of the Private Sector employee(s) must be identified and made familiar with McMaster University Workplace & Environmental Safety Policy and/or procedures pertinent to the work environment.

Private Individuals

Private individuals requesting permission to use University facilities and or equipment must obtain the approval of a Dean or Director responsible for the facility and sign a McMaster University Use of Facilities Agreement form. The agreement must be co-signed by the Department Chair/Head and Dean (academic) / Director (administration). A copy of the agreement must be registered with Environmental & Occupational Health Support Services.

NB The supervisor responsible for the facility and / or equipment must ensure that the private individual is made aware of all risks inherent to the facility and/or equipment and understands all required safety procedures.


Persons who volunteer to provide services without remuneration must obtain the approval of a Dean or Director responsible for the facility and / or equipment involved and sign a McMaster University Volunteer Waiver form. A copy of this form must be registered with Environmental & Occupational Health Support Services.

NB The safety training and supervisory due diligence requirements for regular staff and students must be applied to all situations involving volunteers.