I hope you all had an enjoyable half-term. Our Class Topic is,‘Scrumpdiddlyupmtious!’ We will be finding out all about food, where it comes from and how it arrives in the Supermarket. I have organised a visit to Booths tomorrow afternoon to kick start our fantastic topic – please see separate letter for details. In Science we will be learning that there are different food groups, how to eat healthily and make the right choices and we will even be making our own smoothies! The Topic homework for this half term is attached and I am looking forward to seeing some of your pieces of work and hope you have fun!
P.E. / Swimming
Swimming begins this week on a Monday morning and will continue right the way through to the Summer term. Girls will need a full swimming costume and boys are required to have costumes above the knee, not loose fitting. Hats are also needed and can be purchased from school for £2.00. Please note that P.E. continues on a Fridaywith a specialist coach from the School’s Sports Partnership and this half term’s focus is Dance.There will also be an after school club on Fridays for Year 1, 2 and 3. Please let us know if your child would like to take part as places are limited.
Reading Books and Spellings
Please continue reading together as frequently as you can at home and record this in the Reading Record book. Your child will be heard reading in a focused Guided Reading group each week as well as on a daily basis within lessons. It is important that reading books are bought into school every day. Each child is responsible for changing their own book; we encourage children to alternate between fiction and non-fiction texts so that they get a broader balance of text types.Spellings will continue to be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday so there is a full week to practice; time is also given in school for this. Each group is given a different spelling pattern to focus on each week, please encourage your child to think of other words following the same pattern.
Times Tables
Well done to everyone who earned certificates for learning their times tables last half term, please continue to practice with your child as much as possible.
Water Bottles / Snacks
Please continue sending in named water bottles which should be taken home every night and returned the next day. Healthy snacks – a piece of fruit, breakfast bar etc can be sent in for morning playif you wish. Toast is available on a daily basis; please send your child in with 20 pence on the day.
As always, if you have any questions or wish to see me over any matter, please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see me before or after school.
We are looking forward to a ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’ half term!
Mrs Williams