Dice Games

Cross-Out Singles

Grades 2-5

Object: To cross out any single sum and then find the total of the sums not crossed out.

Materials: dice

Directions: Choose a partner. Take turns rolling the die and recording your roll on your answer sheet in any square you choose. Once all nine squares are filled, find the sums of the rows, columns, and diagonal, and record them next to the row, column, and diagonal. Any sum that appears only once is crossed out. The total of the sums that are not crossed out is the score. The player with the highest score wins.

Empty the Bowl

Grades K-2

Object: Subtraction

Materials: 20 Counters (beans, cubes, etc)

1 die

a bowl

paper and pencil for recording

1.  Place 20 cubes, beans or any type of counter in a bowl.

2.  On the top of your paper, record your prediction of: How many rolls of the die you think it will take to empty the bowl?

3.  Roll the die. Remove that amount of counters.

4.  Record the subtraction sentence; (for example if you rolled a 3 you would take out 3 counters your subtraction sentence would be: 20-3= 17, your second roll you rolled a 2, the sentence would be 17-2=15 and so on)

5.  Continue in this method until the bowl in empty, recording each time.

6.  Compare the number of rolls to your prediction. Start over again on the back or on a new piece of paper.

7.  Have Fun!!

100 is the Magic Number Grades K-5

Materials: Dice, paper, pencil

Objective: Addition

To Play:

1.  Choose a partner

2.  Take turns rolling two dice and recording the sum of the two, after every turn. Continue to add on to your total after every turn.

3.  Record each turn on paper.

4.  The first person to get to 100 without going over wins the game.

* If you go over 100, then you have to wait your turn to try for an exact number.

Ten Wins!

Players: 2 to 3 (Grades 2-5)

Materials: grid sheet for each player, 2 number cubes (dice) to share


Take turns rolling two number cubes. Players can choose to add or subtract the two numbers on the cubes, then write the sum or difference in any box on the grid.

A player scores a “point” when he or she can successfully put four digits together into a square (four boxes that form a square) to total 10. Students can use a highlighter or crayon to mark successful squares on the grid. The game continues until one player has received a given number of “points” or until the board is full of numbers.

Extension: Make the game even more challenging by changing it to Twenty Wins! This means that the 4 digits you put together into a square must add up to 20.

Uncover (Grades2-5)

Topic: Addition Facts

Object: Uncover the most numbers.

Groups: 2 players


• Uncover game board

• 3 number cubes (dice)

• 36 marking chips (beans, pennies, etc.)


1. Using marking chips, pairs cover every numbered space along their number strips on the game board.

2. The first person rolls the number cubes and adds the numbers on the cubes. The player can uncover the sum or any combination of addends that equals the rolled sum.

3. Pairs alternate turns, rolling number cubes and uncovering sums or addends on their number strips.

4. When a player can no longer use the covered numbers to make a sum or combination, play stops for that player. When neither player can uncover any more numbers, the game ends.

5. The player who uncovers the most numbers wins.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18