A message from our Coordinatorof Volunteer Services

As Coordinator of Volunteer Services at ErinoakKids, it is my privilege to meet and to work with our amazing volunteers. Staff tell me about specific workthey’d like volunteers to take on, and I connect them with the right person who is ready and eager for the volunteer opportunity. There are always good people to choose from – but we are always ready to welcome more volunteers to the ErinoakKids family.

I welcome volunteers, hear their stories and work with them as they enrich the lives of our clients, as well astheir own. It really is a wonderful job. To be the link that enables our excellent volunteers to contribute to the well-being of clients and families by helping staff with programs and special services. It makes me feel like I’m part of a great community!

Our corporate volunteers often arrive in groups, ready to apply themselves for a whole day to projects thatare often outside the scope of what our staff have time for – or even outside what they can do. Such a group might clean out and organize a storage area for therapeutic toys. Corporate groups have even painted murals at our sites for the children to enjoy, or set about building the parade float for the Santa Claus parade, which uplifts and cheers our clients every year.

Every one of our volunteers seeks to make an impact on the lives of children, and every one of our volunteers does. Each person who chooses ErinoakKids does so for their own reasons. But to me, they are all gifts and we appreciate them not only during National Volunteer Week, but every day of every year.

Thank you volunteers! We couldn’t do what we do without you!

Amy Obendorfer

Coordinatorof Volunteer Services