Class rules and policies

Mr. Grainger

East Hamilton High School


Mr. Grainger’s e-mail :

Mr. Grainger;s cell phone # (423) 505-8225

1.)When the tardy bell rings students are to be in class, ready to go. If you are not ready to go, then you are late. We will follow the EHHS tardy policy, which states that after 6 tardies the student will be referred to an administrator. I will issue the student a written warning upon the 4th tardy, a detention on the 5th, but when you get #6 it will be referred to Mr. Jackson.

2.)At the end of class all students are to remain in their seats until Mr. Grainger dismisses them.

3.)I understand that you are 17-18 years old. I understand that you have limited time in between class to talk to friends, etc… However, leaving my class for the bathroom, water, etc…will be on a limited basis. Students may not leave my class during the 1st 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of any class, according to school policy. Additionally, if I am actively teaching students may not be excused from class. I understand the occasional need, but 3 times in a week is not occasional, that is a habit. We will not get into that habit.

4.)Students are to ask my permission before they borrow or alter anything in the classroom. Students are not to be in or behind the teacher’s desk for any reason.

5.)If a student has an EXCUSED absence, they will have the number of days missed to turn in all missed assignments before they are considered late. If you miss 2 days, then you have 2 days from the time you return to get your assignments in to me before they are given a grade of 0%. The status of an absence will be determined by our attendance secretary.

6.)Late work. Any assignment that is turned in late will have a reduction of 10%. Late is anytime after when the assignment was collected. The maximum time period for late work is 5 days, unless it is due to a prolonged illness. If it is more than a week old, then you may not make up that assignment. In-class assignments will not have this option. If you are in class and I ask you to do something in class, and you choose not to do it, you get a zero, and will not be allowed to make it up.

7.)I am pretty open when it comes to students speaking their mind in my class. However, I simply will not tolerate profanity or other vulgar language in my class. You will not hear me use this kind of language (unless you catch me watching Tennesseefootball games…then you might hear one!), so you don’t get to use this language. If you are unsure if it is profane, simply ask yourself “Would I stand up in the middle of church and say this to the preacher, with my mother sitting beside me?” I treat this as a serious offense.

8.)Food and drinks are allowed in my class, with certain limitations. As long as it doesn’t disrupt the learning environment, and you clean up your mess, I am fine.I will allow drinks, but only if the container has a screw on top. If you bring a cup from home, you are going to be disappointed.Drinks/Food from a restaurant (i.e. McDonalds, Subway, etc…) will not be allowed in class. Either put it in the garbage, or have a friend keep it.

9.)Cellphones. Phones can be a powerful teaching tool. Phones can also be an amazing distraction. Hamilton Co. is experimenting with becoming a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) district. I am experimenting with more ways to integrate the use of phones in a class setting. It is my job as a teacher to limit anything that distracts students from learning. If your phone is a constant distraction to you, or to others around you, then I will address that with you, and your parents in severe cases. The official East Hamilton/Hamilton County Cell Phone policy states that for a 1st offense a phone will be taken for a minimum of 10 days. I don’t want it to get to that point if at all possible.2 words that will save you countless grief….Airplane Mode!

10.)Earbuds/Headphones – Not in class. If you want to listen to music between classes that is fine, but please remove them from your head/neck once you enter class.

11.)Every Thursday/Friday will end with a quiz. The quiz will cover information and readings that were covered or assignedduring that week. Questions could come from notes, classwork, out of class readings, etc… This is an easy way for me to see who has been paying attention and keeping up with their work.

12.)Student grades will be available online at

If there is ever a question about a grade, it is the student’s responsibility to have the assignment in question. If the grade I have is different than the one I gave you, I will be happy to change it. But, you MUST have the assignment in question. Grades will be updated each week on Sunday night. Monday morning, you should know exactly where you stand in this class. It is the student/parent’s responsibility to be aware of their grade in this class. If you ever have a question about grades, etc… you may contact me via one of the methods listed at the top of this syllabus.

13.)This class will have a comprehensive Final Exam, as will almost all of your college classes. Unlike your college classes, I am going to allow you a small window to earn the right to be exempt from my Final Exam. In order to be exempt a student can miss no more than 3 days, (Excused AND Unexcused absences count toward this total)) and must have at least an A average.

14.)I do NOT offer individualextra credit. Don’t ask.

15.)Credit Recovery will only be offered during the summer. If you don’t pass this class in the fall, you must retake it in the spring. You will not have an opportunity to earn an Econ credit until after the Graduation ceremony in May!

16.)I want you to enjoy my class. I truly believe that if this class is one that students want to come to, then they will get more out of it. I am always open to student questions, comments, and concerns. If there is ever something that is concerning you, or something that you need my help with, I am more than happy to listen to you. It just needs to be at the correct time. Come talk to me after class and we can figure out a time that works best.

17.) Mr. Grainger will reserve the right to amend any of these policies at any time if the need should arise.

I have read each of the papers in this packet. I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep up with my child’s progress in this class, and to notify Mr Grainger with any concerns, questions, schedule a meeting, etc…

Parent Name ______


Student name______

Signed ______Date ______