The Commissioner is committed to putting things right when you have expressed dissatisfaction with the policing service you have received.
Sometimes, however, you may continue to feel dissatisfied even after your complaint has been looked at by the Commissioner.
This is what you can do.
- If your complaint was about a member of staff in the Commissioner’s Office, the Deputy Commissioner or about the way the Commissioner works
You should complete the attached form to let us know why you are still dissatisfied. You can email this to: or post it to the address on the form.
The Commissioner will review your appeal and respond to you within 10 working days.
- If your complaint was about the Commissioner
You should write to the IPCC (the Independent Police Complaints Commission) at this address:
P O Box 473
M33 0BW
Tel 0300 020 0096
Or complete an online appeal form at:
- If your complaint was about the Chief Constable
You should write to the IPCC (the Independent Police Complaints Commission) at this address:
P O Box 473
M33 0BW
Tel 0300 020 0096
Or complete an online appeal form at:
Where you see an * this information must be provided.
Please tell us a few details about yourself:
First name*
Last name*
Daytime telephone number*
Evening telephone number*
Mobile number
E-mail address
How would you like us to contact you?
If by phone, what is the best time for us to contact you?
If you wish to nominate someone to work on you behalf in matters relating to this appeal please provide the reasons why and their details.
I would like the person below to work on behalf because: ______
Their name*:
Their relationship to you*:
Address for writing to them*
Their daytime telephone number*:
Their evening telephone number*:
Their e-mail address:
Please tell us why you would like to appeal about the way your complaint was handled*(you can add more information at the end of this form).
Your name(please print)______
Your signature______
Now send us your appeal:
By post to Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire, Ploughland House, 62 George Street, Wakefield, WF1 1DL.
Fax(01924) 294008
We will acknowledge receipt of your appeal within 2working days and provide our response to you within 10 working days.
If your complaint was about:
- Police and Crime Commissioner we will refer your appeal to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
- Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner we will refer your appeal to the Police and Crime Commissioner
- Member of the Police and Crime Panel we will refer to the Monitoring Officer of the Wakefield MDC
- Police Officer, Police Community Support Officer, Special Constable or member of police staff we will refer to the Professional Standards Department at West Yorkshire Police
- The Chief Constablewill be referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
If you wish to let us know more about your appeal please use the attached sheet.
More detail about my appeal:
Author:T Holder
Date of issue:04.02.13
Date of review:04.02.14
Version: 1.1