PO BOX 185




March 28, 2012

The annual meeting was called to order by Bob Gurgall at 8:30pm.

Present: Bob Gurgall, Paul Dani, Myrna Malone, Barb Kell, Janet Ducat, Bob Haelterman, George Kell, Gerald Kell, Bob Maule, Ray Gurgall.

The mileage will be raised from $0.48 to $0.51 per mile. Malone stated that grave opening and sexton pay for burials hasn’t been raised since 2006 but it will remain the same. Bob Maule would like to increase the number of teams from 75 to 100 if he gets a lower rent rate. The tournament helps other area businesses. Money from the concession stand goes back into the community. Dani stated that when he started on the board the rate was higher at $100.00 on weekdays and $125.00 for weekend days. Maule said that he has kept the price down for the kids. Ray Gurgall stated that it’s a good thing for them. It gives them something to do. Maule suggested $65.00 on weekdays. Dani said that teams pay entry fees that should cover the gym rent. Janet Ducat suggested a compromise of $75.00 a day during the week. A motion to approve the wages and charges below was made by Paul Dani, Supported by Myrna Malone. Motion carried 4-0.

A motion to adjourn the annual meeting at 9:10 was made by Dani, supported by Malone. Motion carried 4-0.

Town Board: No salary increases.

Supervisor:$5400.00 annual salary

Clerk: $5063.00 annual salary

Treasurer:$5063.00 annual salary-one tax collection $5844.12 salary-two tax collections

Trustee:$84.35 per diem per meeting

Out of Town Meetings:$25.00 per diem per meeting

Mileage:$0.51 per mile

Sewer Department:

Dept. Head:$125.00 per month or $50.00 additional during a project.

Billing person (twp clerk):$90.00 per month

Certified Maintenance:$9.50 per hour starting wage

Non-certified:$8.00 per hour starting wage

Assistant:$8.00 per hour starting wage

Sewer Cleaner Tractor:$75.00 rental per hour includes operator

Split costs excessive of $100.00-25% Twp, 50% Sewer, 25% cemetery


Sexton:$65.00 per grave (includes open house & grave filling)

$100.00 per grave after 4:00pm &weekends & winter burial

Grave Opening:$375.00 casket

$575.00 after 4:00pm & weekends

$175.00 Urn

Winter Burial:$2000.00 plus $50.00 per hour

Sale of Lot:$500.00 Resident

$1000.00 Non-resident

½ lot:$250.00 Resident

$500.00 Non-resident

Town Hall:

Department Head:$125.00 monthly

Janitor: $150.00 salary monthly

$8.00 hourly extra duties

$30.00 clean up after hall rentals


Kids Birthday Party:$50.00 Resident

$100.00 Non-resident

$50.00 refundable deposit

Weddings: $350.00 Resident

$425.00 Non-resident

$100.00 refundable deposit

Private Party:$250.00 Resident

$350.00 Non-resident

$100.00 refundable deposit

Basement Rental:$50.00

$100.00 refundable deposit

Basketball Tournament:$100.00 per day weekends

$75.00 per day weekdays

$20.00 per day Kitchen rental

(Township entities free)

$100.00 refundable deposit

Hall Rental (Dance, Karate):$20.00 per night

$100.00 refundable deposit

Fire Department:

Janitor:$175.00 per month

Township Property:

Maintenance:$8.00 per hour starting wage

Other Hire:$8.00 per hour starting wage

Review after 90 days

Board of Review:

Wage:$10.00 per hour

School:$8.00 per hour

Mileage:$0.51 per mile

Meal out of town

Bank Depository:Wells Fargo

Menominee County Federal Credit Union

First National Bank of Norway

Meeting Dates:

The regular meetings to be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Community Club, with the annual meeting and budget hearing to be held following the March meeting.

Township Attorney: Nancy Finch

Meeting Minutes:

Copies of the minutes will be available at the Laundromat, Senior Center, and at They can also be viewed at Hermansville Public Library.

Election Workers:

Chairperson:$10.00 per hour

Workers:$9.50 per hour

Mileage:$0.51 per mile

Meeting/training$8.00 per hour

Meals included as part of wage



The above minutes were:

___ Approved

___Approved with Corrections

On (Date):______


Myrna Malone, Clerk Bob Gurgall, Supervisor