Name: Date:
US History Ms. Byrne

Politics & Economics: 1970-1980

The Nixon Administration

Appealing to Middle America

•  Many people ______the government and longed for an end to the ______and turmoil of the 1960s

•  Richard Nixon represented the “______” or “middle America” when he promised “______with ______” with Vietnam

•  Nixon managed a victory of ______, defeating Hubert Humphrey’s 42.7%

The Southern Strategy

•  To gain southern support, Nixon met with powerful South Carolina senator ______and won his backing by promising to only appoint conservatives to the federal courts, name a ______to the Supreme Court, oppose court-ordered busing, and choose a vice-presidential candidate acceptable to the south

•  Efforts paid off on election day when large number of southerners deserted the ______party

•  Nixon kept his word and worked to slow ______, but he never fully stopped it

A Law-and-Order President

•  Nixon promised to uphold ______and ______

•  His Attorney General, John Mitchell, declared that he would prosecute “______-______” that stirred up riots

•  Mitchell’s deputy, Richard Keindienst, claimed that he was going to “enforce the law against ______, radical students, ______, civil disorders, organized crime, and street ______”

•  Nixon attacked the Supreme Court’s ruling which expanded the rights of the ______and refused to appoint ______that would uphold this decision

•  Chief Justice Warren retired and was replaced with ______, who refused to expand those rights any further

The New Federalism

•  ______à reduce the size of the federal government by dismantling several federal programs and giving more control to state and local governments

•  Revenue-sharing à bills that granted ______to state and local agencies

–  Intended to give state and local agencies more power

•  Nixon worked to close down many of Johnson’s ______Programs

The Family Assistance Plan

•  Nixon wanted to reform the nation’s welfare program by creating the ______to Families with ______Children (AFDC)

•  Many argued that the program was structured so that it was better to apply for ______than to get a low-paying job

•  1969 à Nixon replaced the AFDC with ______which provided a yearly grant of $1,600, which could be supplemented with outside earnings

•  Welfare recipients complained that the grant was ______and opposition led to the program’s defeat in the Senate

Nixon and Kissinger

•  Nixon expressed that he hoped that a “______” of advisors could run the country as he has no interest in domestic issues

•  Henry ______à Nixon’s national security advisor

–  Also served under Kennedy and Johnson as a ______consultant

Nixon Doctrine

•  ______à gradual withdrawal of American troops while simultaneously training the South Vietnamese to defend themselves

•  Nixon Doctrine à United States expected its allies to be able to ______and would no longer “conceive all the plans, design all the programs, ______all the decisions, and undertake all the ______of the free nations of the world”

New Policy of Détente

•  ______à relaxation of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union and China

•  The United States hoped to build a better relationship with its main rivals in the interest of ______

•  Success of détente lessened when it became clear that the US was engaging in ______

Nixon Visits China

•  February, 1972 à Nixon announced that he would visit ______to work towards more normal relations

•  “Let us start a ______together, not in lockstep, but on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of ______and ______”

United States-Soviet Tensions Ease

•  May, 1972 à American-Soviet ______held to discuss the ______between the nations

•  Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (______) à plan to limit ______in both nations

•  Also agreed to increase ______and exchange of scientific information

The Watergate Scandal

Roots of Watergate

•  Nixon greatly desired ______, so his advisors ordered give men to break into the ______Party’s headquarters at Watergate complex and steal any sensitive ______information

•  They were to also place ______on the office phones

•  A ______making a routine round spotted a piece of ______holding a door lock and ripped it off

•  When he came back around, the tape was there again and he called the police and the men were ______

The Cover-Up Begins

•  Media discovered that one burglar was ______-______and a member of the ______for the Re-election of the President

•  White House begin to try to cover-up the break in by ______incriminating documents and gave ______to investigators

•  With Nixon’s consent, the administration asked the CIA to stop the FBI from investigating the source of money paid to the ______

•  Many Americans believed that the President was ______and he won reelection in 1972

Cover-Up Unravels

•  Watergate burglars went on ______and claimed that they were hired by the ______administration

•  ______, an inner circle member, testified that AG ______ordered the break-in and that Nixon ordered the cover-up

•  Alleged ______were discovered that recorded Nixon ordering the cover-up

•  ______(Nixon’s VP) was forced to resign because he was caught taking bribes à ______becomes the new VP

Nixon Resigns

•  The court ordered Nixon to turn over the tapes and he ______

•  Several days later, the ______Judiciary Committee voted to ______Nixon

•  August 9, ______à Nixon ______and Gerald Ford took the oath of office

Ford and Carter

Mighty Economic Machine Slows

•  The spending from the Vietnam caused ______by pumping money into the economy

•  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (______) à cartel dominated by ______countries – decided to use ______as a political weapon in 1973

•  Same year, war began between ______and ______neighbors and OPEC announced an embargo of oil to countries that supported Israel

•  OPEC ______the price of oil by 70% and then another 130%

A Stagnant Economy

•  ______à combination of inflation and a stagnant economy with high ______

•  Nixon had focused on controlling inflation by ______and raising taxes

•  He then tried to reduce consumer spending by getting the Federal Reserve Board to raise ______

Ford Battles the Economic Crisis

•  By 1975, America was in the worst ______since the Great Depression

•  WIN à “______” – Ford urges Americans to reduce their use of ______and ______, and take steps to ______

•  Ford begin to cut ______and asked Fed to raise interest rates

•  Worked to balance the ______and keep ______low

Ford’s Foreign Policy

•  Ford kept ______as secretary of state and continued ______

•  1975 à Ford met with leaders of ______and the Warsaw Pact and signed the ______

–  Parties recognized the borders of ______established at the end of WWII and Soviets promised to uphold certain ______

•  May 1975 à Cambodian forces seized the ______, an American cargo ship

–  Ford ordered Marines to recapture the ship and called the act “______”

The Election of 1976

•  Gerald Ford ran against James Earl Carter Jr., or ______

•  Carter was the former governor of ______, but had no experience in Washington

•  Carter promised to restore ______and new programs for energy development and national ______

•  Carter won with ______electoral votes

Carter’s Economic Policies

•  Increased government spending and cut ______, but changed his mind when ______increased

•  Asked Americans to support a “______” against rising energy consumption

•  Department of ______à government agency aimed at reducing ______

•  Carter agreed to deregulate the oil industry to increase competition, but insisted on “______” to prevent companies from charging people too much

•  Carter’s policies failed to stop the economy crisis and his ______began to fall when people believed he was blaming them for his ______

Carter’s Foreign Policy

•  Carter worked to remove US’s image of ______by giving the ______back to Panama

•  He singled out the Soviet Union as a violator of ______and condemned their practice of ______people who protested against the government

•  When the Soviet Union invaded ______in 1979, Carter placed an embargo on the sale of grains to the Soviet Union and ______the 1980 summer Olympics in Moscow

Triumph and Failure in the Middle East

•  ______à Carter organized a ______between Israel and Egypt

•  ______Crisis à originally, the US had supported the ______, or ruler of Iran because they were a large supplier of oil to the US

–  Shah became an ______ruler and very unpopular among the people

–  The people forced him to ______in 1979

•  ______à new ruler of Iran, greatly distrusted US

•  November, 1979 à revolutionaries stormed the American ______and took 52 ______

•  Carter attempted a failed ______attempted which ended with the death of 8 servicemen

•  The inability to free the hostages cost Carter the ______

•  January 20, 1981 à day Carter left office, Iran released the hostages after ______days in ______