Youth Development Centre

2017 Youth Governance Dialogue

Theme: 'Preparing Successor Generation for effective Participation in Governance'

Some eighteen years ago, the journey of the Third Republic of Nigeria commenced. Hopes and expectations were high that ordinary Nigerians would participate in governance based on the ideas and philosophies of participatory democracy. The experience so far has been largely instructive and in several instances rewarding.

However, one of the major challenges confronting participatory democracy in this period is the absence of well articulated philosophy and ideas that can serve as a rallying point of mobilisation framework, particularly for successor generation of Nigerians.

The OlusegunObasanjo Presidential Library in fulfilling its mandate of preserving the past, capturing the present and inspiring the future, under the aegis of its Youth Development Centre is convening a Youth Governance Dialogue on 'Preparing Successor Generation for effective participation in Governance'

The Youth Governance Dialogue is designed as a Youth-adult learning platform for young people to engage the experiences of older and past political office holders, distilling from their philosophies and overriding principles on how to effectively engage the governance process.

Venue: The Conference Hall, OlusegunObasanjo Presidential Library

Date: Sunday 28 May 2017

Time: 12.00 noon

Keynote Speaker:

Mr OsitaChidoka Former Corp Marshal FRSC


Rt. Hon Luke Onofiok (Speaker, Akwa-Ibom State House of Assembly)

Fatimah Kyari Mohammed

(Peace Advocate & Development, Consultant)

Dr EghosaImasuen( Medical Doctor, writer and Publisher)

Mentoring Session on Enhancing Youth Participation in Politics

Chief OlusegunObasanjo

Chief Promoter: OlusegunObasanjo Presidential Library


HE AminuWaziriTambuwal The Executive Governor Sokoto State

Moderator: Samuel Ajibola (Spiff of MNET’s Johnsons family series)

The Dialogue will be followed by a reception with Chief OlusegunObasanjo: Chief Promoter OlusegunObasanjo Presidential Library

Please note that the programme is an equal opportunity programme and females are encouraged to apply.

How to apply

Interested participants should send in their completed application form to the Youth Development Centre, OlusegunObasanjo Presidential Library. Please find below a copy of the application form. Completed applications MUST be sent in English via email.

Shortlisted participants are entitled to a tour of the library at a special subsidized rate of N1, 500 only. However, participants interested in the tourshould indicate such interest in the application form.

Youth Development Centre



Name (Surname first)
Contact Address
Telephone Number / Email
Date of Birth / Gender
Tertiary Institution Attended/Organization / State of Origin
State of Residence
Are you a card carrying member of a political party? Yes/No / If Yes, state party name
Have you been in any leadership position of any organization?
State what interests you in politics and development? (50 words max)
In your opinion, state how you believe young people can proffer solution to the Leadership challenges of Nigeria? (100 words max)
Facebook Advert Referral Email SMS Website

Would you like to participate in the subsidized grand tour of the Library / Yes No

Please email a completed copy of this form to: . Closing date for Submission of completed application form is Wednesday, May 10 2017. Shortlisted participants will be responsible for personal transport and accommodation. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed..Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. For further enquires contact:

The Youth Development Centre

OlusegunObasanjo Presidential Library

Presidential Boulevard

Oke-Mosan Abeokuta

Programme Secretariat: 0817 277 9988