The Letter of Notice
(For Declaration of Foreign Postal Articles )
We announce that your package from overseas below has arrived at The Incheon Airport International Postal Customs, so you must make a customs declaration of your package within 15days upon arrival. If you don’t express any intention to make customs clearance, it may result in the mail being returned to the sender according to『Korean Foreign Postal Law』.
Date of Arrival:
clearance no. / Mail no. / Type of mailName of goods / Weight
Forwarding Country / Sender / Addressee
1. Object of taxation【dutiable goods】
ㅇ personal uses included presents, etc. which value exceeds US$150
ㅇ Items exceeds Criteria of Personal Uses which it is defined by regulations
ㅇ company products and commercial goods, etc.
(Except a sample which dutiable value dose not exceed US$250)
※the dutiable value : Item price + Postage (shipping charge) + Insurance etc.
2. Way of declaration
Simplified Customs Declaration / Formal Import Declarationcriteria / packages which value exceeds US$150 / -Purchased items exceeds US$1,000
-Commercial goods
manner / Phone message, E-mail, Fax / using customs helping agency
Required Document / - simplified customs clearance application form
- receipt, invoice, price list, etc
- returned goods (any evidence which had
been sent before ; export license) / - Import application and price application
- invoice, price list, etc
- permission of each administration
Which defined in Korea law
3. Tariffs for primary item 4. duty exemption allowance
description / tariff(%) / description / tariff(%)Furs / 30 / Shoes, Clothes, etc. / 25
Health Foods / 20 / Others (Bags etc.) / 20
ginseng : 300g, tabbaco : 200 pieces
health supplement products : total not exeed 6 bottle
sex products : prohibited (ex : dildo)
viagra medicine (peoples are apt to misuse),
fake product : restricted
5. Contact : ㅇPostal Customs Department
☎Phone: (032)720-7400 (Customs Declaration)FAX : (032)720-7491, 7492
ㅇInternational Post Office☎ (032)745-9747
Incheon Airport International postal Customs
Simplified Customs Declaration Form
☞ the guidance of applying for a simplified Customs clearance
E-mail /Fax number / (032) 720-7491, 7492
Phone no. / (032) 720-7400
★ This form is only available for a simplified customs declaration.
★ Please fill in the inside of the bold line.
Type of Mail / Forwarding Country / Weight(g)Sender / Addressee
Name of goods
clearance no. / Postal No. / Arrival date
Description in detail / Price (with currency unit)
If you ordered in a web shoppingmall / - web site :
- the bid(order) no. :
Purpose of receiving / □ Gift□ Personal use□ Returned goods □ Other
in details :
If these items are prohibited by the law
or customs regulations, I want / □sending back
I apply for a customs declaration as I wrote above.20 . . .
Applicant Identification No.:
phone number :
e-mail address :
Name(Company) : ( Signature)
IncheonAirport International postal Customs