NHS Fife

Report to the Staff Governance Committee on8 September 2011


Purpose of the Paper: To update Staff Governance Committee members on NHS Fife’s progress towards the implementation of CEL(2010)23 and the associated action plan.

Why is a Staff Governance Committee decision required? The Staff Governance Committee is required tonote the NHS Fife action plan and the Local Implementation Group decision to consider the extension of the provisions of the CEL to existing employees of NHS Fifeat a later date once the implementation for new staff has been embedded within NHS Fife.

Why is a Staff Governance Committee decision required now? The CEL applies to all new staff on or after 31 December 2010 and this paper coincides with the initial evaluation of the implementation of the circular.

How will any decision be communicated? Via the Director of HR who is the Executive Sponsor, to the NHS Fife Action Officer, who will then cascade details to members of the Local Implementation Group and line managers.


A mandatory set of national Induction Standards and a Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers (HCSW) and a Code of Practice for Employers of Healthcare Support Workers were introduced from 31 December 2010. All new HCSWs employed by NHSFife must agree to comply with the code of conduct at the point of taking up employment and must achieve the induction standards, normally within three months of full-time employment (or the part-time equivalent). A workplace reviewer, who may be the departmental supervisor, mentor, eKSF reviewer etc, will be allocated to support and assess the HCSW in achieving the standards and in complying with the code of conduct.

The Induction Standardscover the following areas:

1. Protecting the public from harm and abuse

2. Being fit (healthy) to work

3. Maintaining health and safety at work

4. Assessing risks at work

5. Reporting incidents at work

6. Working within confidentiality guidelines

7. Developing your knowledge and practice

8. Reviewing your working practice to improve your knowledge

9. Contributing to team work

10. Building ‘customer’ relationships

11. Managing yourself as a resource

12. Working within your own limits

13. Working in line with the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of people

14. ‘Whistle-blowing’ in cases of harm and abuse

There are two codes which must be adhered to:

  • Code of Conduct – for HCSWs in NHSScotland
  • Code of Practice – for Employers of Healthcare Support Workers in NHSScotland

Links with patient safety and competence:

The induction standards, the code of conduct for HCSWs and the code of practice for employers complement the Scottish Government’s commitments to patient safety. In addition, they will give HCSWs the confidence to know what standard is expected of them, from early in their employment, and that they are equipped to deliver their role competently and in a professional manner.

Links with KSF and personal development planning and review processes:

The process for assessing achievement are being embedded within NHS Fife’s existing personal development planning & review and KSF processes.

While the primary purpose of thestandards and codes is patient safety,there are a number of benefits forHCSWs. These include:

  • investment in their support,development and careers;
  • promoting and valuing theircontribution; and
  • promoting integrated team working,learning and development.

Definition of a Health Care Support Worker

The definition of HCSW is anNHSScotland employee who is notstatutorily regulated as a healthcareprofessional and who:

  • has a direct clinical role, undersupervision of a healthcareprofessional;
  • has an indirect clinical role, under thesupervision of a healthcareprofessional;
  • has a direct service provision role,with access to patients and membersof the public;
  • is involved in dealing with personalidentifiable patient data;
  • is involved in having responsibilityfor maintaining premises orequipment used by patients; and/or
  • is involved in the preparation/delivery of goods or services directlyfor/to service users.

NHS Fife Actions to Date

NHS Fife has identified an Executive sponsor – Ms Rona King, Director of HR and an Action Officer – Mrs Rhona Waugh, Head of HR. A Local Implementation Group has been established with representation from the Organisational Development and Learning Department and the four operational units of NHS Fife. Information on the provisions of the circular has been cascaded via e-mail, a leaflet, a section on the Intranet and an article within Staff ‘n’ Nonsense and within CHP newsletters. The Organisational Development and Learning Department will provide support to any reviewer who requires assistance with the new arrangements.

The Area Partnership Forum (APF) considered and agreed the action plan at its meeting on 24th June 2011.

A copy of CEL(2010)23 is attached for information.

Staff Governance Committee Actions:

  • To note the Local Implementation Group recommendation that all staff, who are not subject toprofessionalregistration, should be considered as HCSW, i.e. not restricted to AfC Bands 1–4, subject to the criteria within CEL(2010)23 being met. This will exclude Senior Managers and Executive Directors who have separate governance arrangements.
  • To note the draft NHS Fife Action Plan, copy attached.
  • To note the Evaluation report, copy attached.

Rona M King



File Name: / Issue 1 / Date: May 2011
Originator: Rhona Waugh / Page 1 of 3