Bibliography: Text Books

* Buck, M., Lund, J., Harrison, J., & Cook, C. (2007). Instructional strategies for

secondary school physical education (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. (3 copies)

Gallahue, D. (1993). Developmental physical education for today's elementary school children. New York: Macmillan.

* Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S., & Parker, M. (2007). Children moving: A reflective approach to teaching physical education (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. (2 copies)

Hastie, P. (2003). Teaching for lifetime physical activity through quality high school physical education. San Francisco: Cummings.

Kirchner, G. (1998). Physical education for elementary school children (10th ed.). Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown.

Metzler, M. (2000). Instructional models for physical education. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Nichols, B. (1994). Moving and learning: The elementary school physical education experience. St. Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby.

Pangrazi, P. (1998). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children (12th ed.). New York: Macmillan.

Rink, J. (2006). Teaching physical education for learning (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Siedentop, D. (2000). Developing teaching skills in physical education (4th ed.). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.

Wall, J., & Murray, N. (1990). Children and movement: Physical education in the elementary school. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown.

Wuest, D., & Lombardo, B. (1994). Curriculum and instruction: The secondary school physical education experience. St. Louis: Mosby.

Bibliography: Book Chapters & Journal Articles

Building Self-esteem

Fox, K. (1988). The self-esteem complex and youth fitness. Quest, 40, 230-246.

Pangrazi, R. (1982). Physical education, self-concept, and achievement. JOPERD, November/December, 16-18.

* Asterisk indicates items available in the curriculum library

Staniford, D. (1983). Personalized physical education: Inviting success and the development of self-concept through movement. Physical Educator, 40, October, 154-148.

Burnout / Role Conflict

Figone, A. (1994). Teacher-coach role conflict: Its impact on students and student-athletes. Physical Educator, 51 (1), 29-34.

Figone, A. (1986). Teacher-coach burnout: Avoidance strategies. JOPERD, 57 (8), 58-61.

Kneer, M. (1987). Solutions to teacher/coach problems in secondary schools. JOPERD,

February, 18-29.

Kosa, B. (1990). Teacher-coach burnout and coping strategies. Physical Educator, 47 (3), 153-158.

Sisley, B., Capel, S., & Desertrain, G. (1987). Preventing burnout in teacher/coaches. JOPERD, 58, (8), 71-75.

Managing the Classroom

Belka, D. (1991). Let’s manage to have some order. JOPERD, 62 (9), 21-23.

Beyer, R. (1994). Successful children can be a natural consequence. Kansas, 64, 36-37.

Carter, J. (1989). The champions program: Behavior improvement in physical education. JOPERD, 60 (5), 66-67.

Downing, J. (1996). Establishing a discipline plan in elementary physical education. JOPERD, 67 (6), 25-30.

Fernandez, J., & Balboa, M. (1990). Helping novice teachers handle discipline problems.

Henderson, H., & French, R. (1991). How to use verbal reprimands in a positive manner.

Henderson, H. et al. (2000). Time-out and overcorrection: A comparison of their application in physical education. JOPERD, 71 (3), 31-35.

Henkel, S. (1991). Teachers’ conceptualization of pupil control in elementary school physical education. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 62 (1), 52-60.

Henkel, S. (1989). STP: The teacher's edge to pupil control. JOPERD, 60 (1), 60-64.

Hill, K. (1991). Pay attention! JOPERD, 62 (9), 18-20.

Himberg, C. (2000). CASPER demands: No more exercise as punishment! TEPE, 11 (1), 17-18.

Kovar, S., Ermler, K., & Mehrhof, J. (1992). Helping students to become self-disciplined. JOPERD, 63 (6), 26-28.

Lambdin, D. (1989). Shuffling the deck: A flexible system for class organization. JOPERD, 60 (3), 25-28.

Perron, J., & Downey, P. (1997). Management techniques used by high school physical education teachers. JTPE, 17, 72-84.

Ratliffe, T., Ratliffe, L., & Bie, B. (1991). Creating a learning environment: Class management strategies for elementary PE teachers. JOPERD, 62 (0), 24-27.

Rauschenbach, J. (1994). Effective supervision practices. JOPERD, 65 (5), 66-68.

Rimmer, J. (1989). Confrontation in the gym: A systematic solution for behavior problems. JOPERD, 60 (5), 63-65.

Vogler, E., & Bishop, P. (1990). Management of disruptive behavior in physical education. Physical Educator, 47 (1), 16-26.

Motivating Students

Bycura, D., & Darst, P. (2001). Motivating middle school students: A health club approach. JOPERD, 72 (7), 24-26.

Fox, K. (1991). Motivating children for physical activity: Towards a healthier future. JOPERD, 62 (7), 34-38.

Hutchinson, G., & Mercier, R. (2004). Using psychosocial concepts to help students. JOPERD, 75 (7), 22-26.

Kilpatrick, M., Hebert, E., & Jacobsen, D. (2002). Physical activity motivation: A practitioner’s guide to self-determination theory. JOPERD, 73 (4), 36-41.

Mitchell, S., & Chandler, T. (1993). Motivating students for learning in the gymnasium: The role of perception and meaning. Physical Educator, 50 (3), 120-125.

Mowling, C., Eiler, K., Brock, S., & Rudisill, M. (2004). Student motivation in physical education. JOPERD, 75 (6), 40-45, 51.

Shakarian, D. (1995). Cultivating mastery-oriented learners: A matter of goals. JOPERD, 66 (3), 43-46.

Tjeerdsma, B. (1995). How to motivate students…without standing on your head! JOPERD, 66 (5), 36-39.

Teacher Characteristics

Hyman, I. (1991). Characteristics of a “good” teacher, part III. Educational Oasis, May/Summer, 20-21.

Hyman, I. (1991). Characteristics of a “good” teacher, part II: Clarity. Educational Oasis, March/April, 19-21.

Hyman, I. (1991). Characteristics of a “good” teacher, part I: Enthusiasm. Educational Oasis, January/February, 29-30.

Sachs, J. (1985). The art of good teaching. Chicago Tribune, November 12, 21.

Teacher Feedback

Boyce, B., Markas, N., Jenkins, D., & Loftus, J. (1996). How should feedback be delivered? JOPERD, 67 (1), 18-22.

Docheff, D. (1990). The feedback sandwich. JOPERD, 61 (9), 17-18.

Ormond, T. (1992). The prompt/feedback pakage in physical education. JOPERD, 63 (1), 64-67.

Pellett, T., Henschel-Pellett, H., & Harrison, J. (1994). Feedback effects: Field-based findings. JOPERD, 65 (9), 75-78.

Teaching Styles

Ashworth, S. (1992). The spectrum and teacher education. JOPERD, 63 (1), 32-35, 53.

Byra, M., & Jenkins, J. (2000). Matching instructional tasks to learner ability: The inclusion style of teaching. JOPERD, 71 (3), 26-30.

Dunn, S., & Wilson, R. (1991). Cooperative learning in the physical education classroom. JOPERD, 62 (6), 22-28.

Gerney, P., & Dort, A. (1992). The spectrum applied: Letters from the trenches. JOPERD, 63 (1), 36-39.

Mosston, M. (1992). Tug-o-war, no more: Meeting teaching-learning objectives using the spectrum of teaching styles. JOPERD, 63 (1), 27-31, 56.

Mosston, M., & Ashworth, S. (1994). Teaching physical education (4th ed.). Columbus: Merrill.

Mueller, R., & Mueller, S. (1992). The spectrum of teaching styles and its role in conscious deliberate teaching. JOPERD, 63 (1), 48-53.

Neide, J. (2000). Active learning strategies for HPER. JOPERD, 71 (5), 26-29.

Shakarian, D. (1995). Beyond lecture: Active learning strategies that work. JOPERD, 66 (5), 21-24.

Sternberg, R. (1994). Allowing for thinking styles. Educational Leadership, 52 (3), 36-40.

Transitioning to Teaching

Chu, D. (1984). Teacher/coach orientation and role socialization: A description and explanation. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education,

Paese, P. (1990). A review of teacher induction: Are special programs needed for beginning physical education teachers? Physical Educator, 47 (3), 159-165.

Ratliffe, T. (1987). Overcoming obstacles beginning teachers encounter. JOPERD, 58 (4), 18-23.

Senne, T. (2002). Transition to teaching: Putting your best foot forward, Part 1. JOPERD, 73 (1), 45-49, 53.

Senne, T. (2002). Transition to teaching: Putting your best foot forward, Part 2. JOPERD, 73 (2), 46-52.

Spencer, A. (1998), Physical educator: Role model or roll the ball out? JOPERD, 69 (6), 58-63.

Stevens-Smith, D. (2000). Help! It’s my first year of teaching, and I don’t know where to start! JOPERD, 71 (4), 50-54.


Alcinena, S. (1991). Formal class closure—An effective instructional tool. JOPERD, March, 72-73.

Dyson, B., & Rubin, A. (2003). Implementing cooperative learning in elementary physical education. JOPERD, 74 (1), 48-53.

Hager, P. (1995). Redefining success in competitive activities. JOPERD, 66 (5), 26-30.

Lambin, D., & McKenzie, T. (2003). Analysis in wonderland: Wickets and winners in elementary school physical education. JOPERD, 74 (4), 20-20-23, 40.

Rauschenbach, J. (1994). Checking for student understanding: Four techniques. JOPERD, 65 (4), 60-63.