F.D.R and the Shadow of War


Chapter 34

1. Early Examples of American Isolationism from Europe and withdrawal from Asia


London Economic Conference (1933) – what was its purpose and why did FDR

not wish to be involved with it?

Philippines Independence (1934) – (Tydings McDuffie Act) – Why was

Philippine independence given at this point and why was this not the right time?

2. Define it and its fundamental change in foreign policy. Why would America

switch course so abruptly?

3. Examples of the Good Neighbor Policy – Define the issue and America’s actions

Montevideo Conference (1933)-

Haiti –

Cuba –

Panama –

Mexican Oil Controversy (1938) –

Reciprocal Trade Agreements –

4. What were the significances of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements?

5. US Neutrality –

What did the Nye Senate Committee state in 1934? Why was this significant?

Define the Neutrality Acts of 1935,1936 and 1937

What is the ironic significance of these acts in comparison to previous Am. wars?

6. Spanish Civil War – 1936-1939

Who was Gen. Francisco Franco?

What happened?

What was America’s response and why was it disastrous to the future events in


7. Totalitarian Aggression in the 1930’s:Define the following events that occur

during this 1930’s -

Japan – Marco Polo Bridge – (1937) –

Quarantine Speech” - US Response –

Panay Incident – (1938) –

US Response?

Italy - Ethiopia (p. 804) –

Germany – ___ ?______(1935)


____?______(1938) – takes this and the whole country of ______

8. Munich Conference (1938) –

What was the issue and how was it resolved?

What significant insight did Hitler gain from this?

9. Nonaggression Pact (1939) –

10. Invasion of Poland (1939)

How long did it take?

(blitzkrieg ?) –

- How did the Bri. and France respond?

11. Neutrality Act of 1939: How did it revise the earlier neutrality acts?

12. Fall of France -

When did it happen?

What happened at Dunkirk?

What was the US response to the fall of France and Britain being the only

democracy left in Europe?

What was the Havana Conference?

13. Polarization of America – define these two groups and their positions on getting

involved in the war :

Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies vs.

America First Committee (“Fortress America”)

14. What was the Battle of Britain (1940)?

What was the Destroyer-Bases Deal?

How do FDR’s actions illustrate his thinking on the subject of neutrality?

15. 1940 Election:

Who was the Republican candidate?

What was the Republican platform?

What was the Democrat (FDR’s) platform?

What was the outcome?

16. Lend-Lease Act (1941)– Why did FDR propose it and what were its provisions?

Why was it significant?

17. Hitler’s attack on Soviet Union – When did it take place and why did Hitler do


18. Atlantic Charter (Aug.1941) – What was it and what were its provisions?

19. U-Boat attacks –

What was the “convoy system”?

What was significant about the Reuben James?

What change in merchant ship policies occurred because of it?

20. Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor?

21. What is the date and event that will “live in infamy”?