September 2000doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/308

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

To:Mr Jamshid Khun-Jush, Chairman, ETSI Project BRAN

Cc:Jim Carlo, IEEE P802,Chairman

Howard Frazier, IEEE P802, Recording Secretary

Denise Pribula, IEEE Standards Department, Intellectual Property Manager

Date:September 20, 2000

Subject:re: IEEE P802.11 request to ETSI for considering the adoption of the IEEE P802.11a 5 GHz Wireless LAN standard as a member of HIPERLAN family of standards

Your ref:PLN1803a dated May 2, 2000

Dear Jamshid:

This letter is in response to the ETSI BRAN correspondence with this group of May 2, 2000. The IEEE 802.11 WG (the “Working Group”) has sent an earlier acknowledgement of this same correspondence indicating that the date of it’s arrival did not permit the Working Group to consider it properly at our July meeting in La Jolla, CA, USA. This latest response reflects a more complete consideration of the points raised. The Working Group would like to take this opportunity to respond to each of the issues raised by ETSI BRAN in the letter described above.

a.)The Working Group is in full agreement that the positioning of the IEEE 802.11a relative to existing HiperLAN systems should be carefully studied together by the two groups. Chief among the issues to be examined is the impact to customers that will result from the adoption of IEEE 80.11a as a HiperLAN standard.

b.)The Working Group is aware of the ERC requirements for TPC and DFS. In order to fully address these requirements, a study group has been formed to incorporate these capabilities into the IEEE 802.11a Standard. The Working Group is aware that DFS and TPC must be completely incorporated into the Standard before ERC approval can be granted.

c.)The issue of coexistence between IEEE 802.11a and HiperLAN2 systems is currently being studied by a number of industry consortia. Among the objectives of these efforts is a single world wide 5 GHz standard derived from both technologies. In the interim period, the Working Group is confident that the aforementioned DFS capability in conjunction with the similarities between the HiperLAN2 and IEEE 802.11a PHYs will provide adequate means of coexistence. The deployment densities during this interim period are not expected to result in a significant potential for harmful interference.

d.)The Working Group intends to build on the continuing Liaison with ETSI BRAN. Indeed the sharing of documents has been fully embraced by the Working Group. The objective of this liaison will be to ensure that future changes to the IEEE 802.11 Standards will be consistent with the requirements of HiperLAN standards. It is anticipated by the Working Group that mechanisms to ensure continued compliance with ERC requirements will be jointly developed.

e.)The Working Group solicits letters from each party making a technical proposal during the standards making process. The letters stipulate the position of each party in relation to any IP contained in their proposal. Each of these letters is posted to IEEE and retained by the Working Group. These letters will be made available to ETSI.

The Working Group looks forward to working closely with ETSI BRAN to more fully clarify the issues described in the correspondence of May 2, 2000. As evidence of the Working Group’s sincere interest in collaboration, our Chairman, Mr. Stuart J. Kerry, personally attended the BRAN meeting of June 27-30, and will be attending the upcoming meeting on October 3 – 6 in Stresa, Italy. If you have any questions, or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Stuart Kerry, Chairman IEEE P802.11,
Standards Working Group for Wireless LANs
811 E. Arques Avenue
M/S 42, PO Box 3409, Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3409
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Tel: +1-408-991-4854
Fax: +1-408-991-5758

Reply to ETSI BRAN Liaison letter May 2000 page 1Jim Zyren Intersil