Higher Modern Studies – working from home

In the event of pupils being unable to attend school it is recommended that they work on any or all of the following:

Past paper Paper 1 essay questions

·  Practice creating skeleton essay plans

·  Create acronyms for each topic as a means of listing key points and examples as essential to balance and relevancy

·  Build a table for each essay that ensures balance by including opposing factors, advantages/disadvantages, oppose/support

·  Write an essay in real time i.e. give yourself 23 minutes to complete. Set an alarm to ensure accuracy. Allow some time to read it over referring back to the actual question to ensure validity and checking for the required balance in your argument, development of all points to include a full explanation and relevant and current exemplification.

·  E mail completed work to your teacher for marking (/) and/or self-assess using the marking schemes available on the SQA website (http://www.sqa.org.uk/pastpapers/findpastpaper.htm?subject=Modern%20Studies)

Electoral systems and voting and political attitudes

1.  To what extent is the media the most important factor affecting voting behaviour? (2012)

2.  Some factors affecting voting behaviour are more important than others. Discuss (2011)

3.  The Single Transferable Vote electoral system provides for better representation that First Past the Post.

Discuss (2010)

Wealth and Health Inequalities in the United Kingdom

1.  The UK’s welfare system continues to meet its aims. Discuss (2012)

2.  Critically examine the view that the Government has failed to reduce gender or race inequalities in the UK. (2012)

3.  Poverty is the most important factor that affects health. Discuss (2011)

4.  Health and welfare provision should be the responsibility of the Government. Discuss. (2011)

5.  Individual lifestyle choices limit good health more than any other factor. Discuss. (2010)

6.  To what extent have government policies reduced gender and/or ethnic inequalities? (2010)

International issues- the People’s Republic of China

1.  In China, democracy has been extended and human rights improved. Discuss. (2012)

2.  To what extent has social and economic change benefited the people of China? (2011)

3.  Critically examine the view that there is little opposition to the Communist Party in China. (2010)