Friends of the Manchester Library

Meeting Minutes June 22, 2016

Attendees: C. Campbell, E. Cisney, F. Gilbert, B. Adams, T. Adams, W. Findley, C. Findley, C. Mercer-Gilbert, T. McBride, S. Lavin, B. Lounsbery, R. Pardo, S. Seykota-Smith

The meeting was called to order by Chermat 7:00 p.m.

Ray moved that the minutes of previous meeting be approved. Bill seconded the motion. Passed.


Correspondence: Carol reported on a letter and check for $5,600 received from Kitsap Great Give on May 6. Cherm has completed formal thank-you cards for the retail donors to the plant sale and invited those present to sign the cards.

Treasurer’s Report: Carol distributed a report including income and expenses and net worth through May 31, 2016, net worth to date, plant sale through June 22, 2016, and salmon bake broken down into meals and book/plant sales.

Branch Manager Report: Susan L reported on the Inspire magazine and the Summer Learning program. The library has received the replacement door closer. Susan expressed thanks for the money to recognize the library volunteers. There is an issue with one of the facility’s fluorescent light fixtures, and an electrical contractor will repair it on Friday, June 26. Susan’s report is attached.

Bookstore: Carol reported that the bookstore is full. We are going to deliver some books to Thrift Books. Currently, we need a regular sorter on Fridays.

Newsletter: Ray reported that the next two issues will be dated July 4 and Labor Day. He asked people to submit items for either issue and said the July 4 issue will contain a report on the Salmon Bake.

Social Media: In Tonya’s absence, Charm reported that she published a thank-you on Facebook to Salmon Bake volunteers, patrons, and donors.

Flea Market: Carol reported that she attended the first flea market in May, which was well attended and a good social time. No one volunteered to cover our booth for June, so we will skip June, and Cherm and Frank will cover in July. The flea market is a good venue to inform the public about the relationship between KRL and FOML.

Facilities: In John’s absence, Cherm reported that John cannot continue his facilities work. Cherm asked Susan S-S to ask Chris if he will step in as Facilities Chair.

Gardens: Carol reported that the work party has been weeding every second Friday and the gardens are looking good.

Plant Sale:Cherm reported that she is stepping down from corporate asks and publicity. Ralph handles overall publicity as it has been done in the past, but someone needs to take over corporate asks as well as our online publicity efforts. She will ask Tonya to redo the ask flyer. Carol’s yard was trashed from storing plants for the last plant sale, and she can’t host 1,600 plants again. We are looking for a new place to store plants between plant sales. This item was later discussed further.

MCAC: Frank reported that Main Street construction is ongoing. Ray asked Frank to find out if flyers or details are available about what is happening, timelines, etc. Frank reported on a presentation by the Fuel Depot, including information about the facilities and what they do. December 14 will be the 75th anniversary of the fuel dock. Manchester Place, the development above the dock, has some stormwater problems.

Salmon Bake:Ray reported that the Salmon Bake was a huge success. We served 800 meals (a new record) for a net of $9,800. Ray has made a poster acknowledging donors of cash and in-kind services. There was a problem with some portion sizes, but all extra food was sold at cost or donated to the Family Kitchen. Credit card operation went well except for a wi-fi issue. The serving-tables layout will be modified next year, and more specific, perhaps documented directions are needed for set-up and take-down. The grill frame will be modified to provide vents to regulate the fire. Ray asked people to patronize the donors and say thank you. Ray’s report is attached.

Action Items from Prior Meeting Minutes

Defibrillator: Susan—ongoing.

Manchester Memorial Book: Ray—ongoing. Go to PTSO to publicize FOML/KRL in fall.

Book Store Signage: Carol reported that KRL has not yet printed the black-and-white “Book Store” signs. She presented research on neon and LED signs ranging from $268 to $700 and circulated information on three possibilities. There was unanimous approval of an LED sign for $268. Ray moved that Carol buy the sign. Eric seconded the motion. Passed.Ray moved that Carol be authorized to spend up to $100 to replace the black-and-white signs using Printing Services. Cherm seconded the motion. Passed. Cherm inquired about the status of the board’s previous decision to outsource printing rather than using KRL. Ray said he had found a bridge/cooperation from KRL regarding printing for the Salmon Bake. The general consensus was to affirm the board’s decision and outsource future printing and, as reasonable, work with KRL.

Port Lease: John was not present—ongoing.

KRL Volunteer Appreciation Event on June 16:Cherm reported that the event was hosted at the Poulsbo Library with a wonderful presentation on the upcoming library levy. KRL will make a presentation at our next meeting, beginning at 6:45 p.m.

PTSO: Ray reported that he did not attend and will attempt again in the fall. Tom Adams suggested the same be attempted with South Colby. Ongoing.

No Smoking Policy: Ongoing.

FOML Logo: Frank passed around a draft of some new logo ideas. Carol suggested forming a subcommittee to determine what we want to convey and how to update and standardize our logo as a brand. Frank will prepare a document that presents all existing versions of our current logo for the next board meeting.

Volunteer Meet and Greet:Cherm reported that after Tonya returns, work will begin on this event, targeting a date near the end of summer and focusing on attractingyounger participants.

New Business

Fluorescent Lights: Carol reported that the light fixture will be fixed on Friday, June 25. The current fixture is unsafe to operate.

Special Friend of the Library:Cherm reported that John Winslow is asking for nominations for the Special Friend of the Library award. An e-mail asking for nominations should be sent to all volunteers. The executive board members will then vote on the nominees.

Land to Store Plants:Cherm reiterated that we need to find storage land for plants pending future plant sales. The land must have water and be accessible for frequent and random access and transport. She mentioned the possibility of storing numbers of plants at multiple locations and asked about tax deductions for people willing to store plants in their yards. Ray suggested consulting a tax lawyer for advice. Frank suggested finding undeveloped land because some plants need to be dug in. Ray offered to put an item in the newsletter asking for volunteers.

Carol’s Yard:Cherm suggested making a donation to Carol to offset the damage to her yard from storing 1,600 plants for the last plant sale. Carol reported that her yard looks fine now and declined compensation.

Hose Reel: Cherm reported that the hose reel is broken. Ray moved that Carol buy a new hose reel. Cherm seconded the motion. Passed.

Farewell Event: Susan L reported that previous Manchester Branch Manager Zach Sherman is leaving Silverdale, and there is a ceremony for him on June 23 at the Silverdale Library from 10:00 a.m. to noon. All are invited and welcome to attend.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Susan Seykota-Smith

Next Meeting: 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, July 27 (early start for KRL presentation)