11/2/2016 SCBAA Meeting Minutes – SCB Gym

Attendance: Mike Murray, Josh Toal, Matt Heischmidt, Tammy Buehler, Matt Maher, Jim Doughty, Nick Hester, Eric Gray, Katie Nikodym, Chris Williams, Tj Slattery, Sunny Kaushik, Ivonne Livingston

Opening Prayer (Mike)

Old Business:

*John P is ½ finished with Mrs. Burton’s “to-do” list for the gym. John is doing a majority of this as an “in-kind” donation on behalf of his business.

*SCBAA Christmas Party – Tuesday, Dec. 27 – 7pm Corner Bar. Tammy will send evite to SCBAA and other guests who have greatly contributed to SCBAA this past year.

*Thank you cards/gift cards will be given to Robert Gould, Tony Taylor and Wendy Box on behalf of SCBAA for their time and service to the boards.

*Ad in Church and school bulletin will continue to run for secretary and ref coordinator positions. In addition, SCBAA is looking for volunteers (possibly kids looking for service hours) to scour the gym bleachers.

New Business:

*Chess (Sunny Kaushik): Welcome to Sunny Kaushik who has stepped up to get the newly formed chess club running. To date he has 4 kids registered. They will be going to a few tournaments. At this time it’ll cost $45 to cover the 1st tourney. He needs chess clocks, heavier chess pieces and boards.

*CYC Report (Matt Maher): the district is working on long term plan for basketball, rewriting a few district by-laws, and requesting baseball umpires.

*Track (Chris Williams): Preliminary meets being discussed and they are trying to nail down locations. SCBAA is still looking for a fill in after this season for Chris.

*Soccer (Eric Gray): great season wrap-up. For the most part all went smoothly. SCBAA mentioned in the meeting the tremendous job Eric did his first year stepping up to take over.

*Volleyball (Katie Nikodym): reported season is wrapped up. Again the SCBAA noted the thoroughness and how organized Katie was in her first season as coordinator.

*Basketball: (Nick Hester) asking for coaches input for seatings, Robert Gould still care of game time/scorekeepers, score books are distributed to coaches. Uniforms should be in soon.

*Lil Hoopsters/Pre-K Program (Gregg Jost): Gregg proposed a PreK bball program for PreK-K (3-5 yr olds). It would be intro to bball, prepare, comrade of getting community involved and kids in the “Bobcat” program. Proposed time of 8am on Saturday mornings. He’s willing to commit for at least 2 years. He is asking – projecting it could cost $600-$2500 for (2) adjustable hoops depending on the desire and interest/approval of SCBAA and the overall vision for this program. The board discussed the pros-cons of the program including the long term storage of the investment of the hoops/supplies. Proposed $50 registration fee – includes shirts. The board moved to approve this new program.

*Golf (Mat Heischmidt): - met with Wendy Box at the bank to change the name on the account. Waiting on Father John to sign the signature card so SCBAA can sign checks.

Closing Prayer (Mike)

Next Meeting: December 19th.