CSSA Fair Play Ethos (adapted from FIFA)

Play Fair
Winning is without value if victory has been achieved unfairly or dishonestly. Cheating is easy, but brings no pleasure. Playing fair requires courage and character. It is also more satisfying. Fair Play always has its reward, even when the game is lost. Playing fair earns you respect, while cheats are detested. Remember: It's only a game. And games are pointless unless played fairly.
Observe the Laws of the Game
All games need rules to guide them. Without rules, there would be chaos. The rules of with most CSSA events are simple and easy to learn. Make an effort to learn them, so you understand the game better. This makes you a better player. It is just as important to understand the spirit of the rules. They are designed to make the game fun to play and fun to watch. By sticking to the rules, you will enjoy the game more.
Respect Opponents, Team mates, Referees, Officials and Spectators
Fair Play means respect. Without opponents there can be no game. They have the same rights as you have, including the right to be respected. Your team mates are your colleagues. You form a team in which all members are equal. Referees are there to maintain discipline and Fair Play. Always accept their decisions without arguing, and help them to help you enjoy the game more. Officials are also part of the game and must be respected accordingly. Spectators give the game atmosphere. They want to see the game played fairly, but must also behave fairly themselves.
Accept Defeat with Dignity
Nobody wins all the time. You win some, you lose some. Learn to lose graciously. Don't seek excuses for defeat. Genuine reasons will always be self-evident. Congratulate the winners with good grace. Don't blame the referee or anyone else. Determine to do better next time. Good losers earn more respect than bad winners.

Specific CSSA Code of Conduct

Please know the rules of the competition (and the format).

These are freely available on the CSSA website, as are videos showing different events. Please do not suggest rule changes on the day of an event or turn up unprepared (eg without the required number of boys or girls) - if you are unclear about something please email the organiser in advance. If you have an idea for a rule change or format change, please bring this up at the AGM.

Do not dispute referees decisions

CSSA Referees/Umpires have varying levels of experience. All should know the rules of the competition but will inevitably sometimes make mistakes (as will even premiership referees). We can assume mistakes will generally balance out to favour/disadvantage both teams. However, the referee’s decision is final and it is very important children know they shouldn’t question decisions. It is even more important adults do not publicly question decisions as they are setting an example to the children. If there is a serious issue about refereeing decisions (perhaps the referee is unclear of one of the CSSA specific rules) this should be brought up by the member of staff in charge (from the school) directly to the organiser of the competition in private.

School Staff refereeing matches

In some events (eg. rounders and cricket) staff are asked to help with refereeing/umpiring (often jointly). We would suggest every time a point is scored both representatives agree and call out score so a difference of opinion is not apparent at the end of the match. If a dispute does arise, please quietly resolve it in private not in front of the children. If impossible to resolve please contact the event organiser.

Withdrawing from events

Many CSSA events are oversubscribed. Not turning up for a competition on the day is completely unacceptable. Firstly, a school that would have liked to have participated is denied entry. Secondly, this sometimes upsets the draw of a competition and this has to be completely revised. Thirdly, (particularly in the case of the CSSA football league) this sometimes means another school has travelled to a venue and has no team to play. All CSSA entry forms stipulate there must be an alternative member of staff prepared to bring your school team in an emergency.

The school member of staff in charge is responsible for the behaviour of both children AND accompanying adults (eg parents)

This is critical. Problems at CSSA events are now predominantly adults (not children) mis-understanding or ignoring the standards of behaviour expected by the CSSA. The member of staff in charge must take responsibility for having read the CSSA Fair Play Ethos and Code of Conduct - and abiding by it. Furthermore, it is their responsibility to ensure children and accompanying adults abide by it. However awkward, they MUST deal with a difficult parent NOT expect the referee or organiser to. Ultimately, poor behaviour by children or accompanying adults risks the school being withdrawn from the competition or further CSSA events.

I have read and support the CSSA code of conduct.I will ensure any adult accompanying children at CSSA events is made aware of the key points.

School ______

PE Co-ordinators Signature ______

Headteacher’s Signature______

Date: ______