Mersey Road Allotment Association

Annual General Meeting

Meeting held on 8th November 2016

Present: Richard Longster, Brian A, A Stoker, Simon Draper, Claire Draper, Vivien Richmond, P Hardman, C & J Chandler, S Kelly, G Kelly, Christine Sinclair, Claier Crystall, Nichola Ruffles, Tim Axworthy, Debra Williams, A Matthiesen, M . W. Whittam, J Scott, M Byrne, P Merrick, P Foulder, B Leegan, A Edwards, T Wignall, T Crinnion, Henry McGhee, Clem Fisher, Dorothy Gregory, Ernie, Gregory, Bill Franks, M Fair, M Sanderson, Simon Kember, John Whiteside, Allison Pollard, Catherine Butters, Simon Abrams, Joanne Abrams, P McCoubrey, Harry Laybourn, Lyn Easby

Apologies: Alan Easby, George Cook, Pam Wilshaw, Sue Redgrave, Philip Knowles, Nigel Gilmour, Sally, Sheila Donelan

Chair’s Opening Comments
Chair, Jude, thanked everyone for coming out in such poor weather.
Approval of minutes
Matty proposed the minutes as a true record of the AGM that took place on 17th November 2015. Harry seconded this.
Question from floor regarding letters that are sent out. Clarification of origins of such letters. Lyn explained that letters 1, 2 and NQT are standard letters produced by LCC and required for informing plot holders of infringements of their Tenancy agreement. Occasionally letters are sent from the Secretary but these are usually a gentle reminder or a request for a response.
Chair Person’s Report
It has been a busy year and lots of work has been done by the Committee and volunteers these include grass cutting, hedge cutting, cleaning toilets and taking deliveries. She felt that without the work of the Committee the site would not run as it does. She gave the Committee a vote of thanks on plot holders behalf for the work they do.
Treasurers Report
A complete audit has not been possible as there was not enough time to find an auditor . A document has been produced which states the figures currently in accounts.
Finance Management Account £2005.02
Community Account £6527.70
Petty Cash £671.15
Total £9203.87
The Management Fee will remain at £15.00 per plot in 2017
Please be aware that Liverpool City Council may increase the rent for 2017
Secretary’s Report
As Jude said it has been a very busy year and unfortunately I have not been able to produce a
Newsletter. My general activities. are taking minutes, writing letters and contact with LCC
As usual we have held Plant sales, Open Day and Apple & Pumpkin Day.
Fusion Festival
Some plots experience damage from the people who were trying to gate crash the event through our site. I contacted Fusion about this damage and they apologised and wanted to send someone to fix the damage. However by then most people had done the repairs so Fusion were asked to make a donation to the Allotment Funds.
The Fusion Festival is probably going to take place again next year but this time they want to meet with the Committee to discuss our security prior to the event.
Plot Inspections
We have established a team for plot inspections and have carried out monthly inspections from March this year. Collective decisions are made and I send out letters and emails.
About 9 plots had reached the letter 2 stage but all managed to improve. 2 plots resigned and 2 reduced size to half plot. 1 NTQ was given.
Overall the plots are ok but the emphasis should be on cultivation, whether its flowers or food crops but some gardens are grossly under used and those plot holders should consider either giving up or reducing to a half plot. We do write to plot holders suggesting just this when a plot is under used.
The Main pathway is still on the list of LCC repairs.... we’ll keep nagging!
Those present were asked to decide if each Officer, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer should get a £50 per year as an honorarium payment.
A vote was taken ... results unanimous consent to award the honorariums.
Election of Officers
The Chair is currently held by Jude who is standing down after the AGM. Peter is willing to take on this role as there are no other nominations and was nominated by Jude and Matty Byrne
Treasurer was Matty Byrne but after the AGM he is also standing down as yet we had no replacement.
Secretary is willing to continue.
New Members
Caroline Chandler is willing to join the Committee and may be prevailed upon to become the Treasurer.
Catherine Butters would also like to join the Committee.
Closing remarks by out-going Chair
Jude said it was a privilege and an honour to have Chaired the Committee for the past few years and felt that the site was ‘blossoming’.
Drawing Competition
Prizes awarded to Emily & Lyla of Glitter Pens ( this took place earlier as the eldest child is only 3!)
Prize awarded to Felix
Best Newcomer salver presented to Julian and Caroline Chandler
Best Plot Salvers given to Margaret Sanderson and Mary Bates
Minutes taken and prepared by Lyn