Biographical Note

Nicolas Christakis, Ph.D., Professor in Social Psychology

University of Athens - Faculty of Communication and Media Studies

Sector of Psychology of Communication, Communication Practices and Planning

5, Stadiou Str., Athens, 10562, Greece

Tel: +30 210 3689259, 3689406, 6717100, Mob: 00306946495200

Fax: +30 210 3220820, 3689258

Email address:

Personal webpage:

Director of the Sector of Psychology of Communication, Communication Practices and Planning.

Director of the Postgraduate programme in Musical Culture and Communication.

Ph.D. in Social Psychology obtained in 1986 at Paris X – Nanterre University (France) Title: Pop-music: lieu d'identité et moyen d'expression collective.

- Research interests focus on issues of identity processes, social communication, close relationships and rituals.

- Have conducted ethnographic research using qualitative methods such as participant observation, interviews and life-stories researching the Greek independent rock community, motorcycle drivers, and women motorcycle drivers.

- Member of the organising committee of several panhellenic and international conferences and symposiums in the field of clinical sociology and clinical social psychology. Translator of scientific (and literary) texts.

- Member of the research team and co-author of the reports of:

A Panhellenic research entitled ‘The Young Generation in Greece Today’ in collaboration with the Political Communication Lab, funded by the General secretariat for Youth (2005) and

A research project entitled ‘Gender Relationships and Communication in Couples Friends and Colleagues: Images of Emotion and Sexuality’, funded by E.C. Pythogoras I (2006)

Indicative List of Publications

Books in Greek:

Children talk about health and illness: Social representations about health and illness of 10 year-old children (in collaboration with B. Davou) (Papazisis, Athens, 1994).

Musical Identities: Life-stories of musicians and bands of the Greek independent rock community. (Typothito, Athens 1999)

Motorcycle: Risk-taking and the Sacred. (Futura, Athens 2003)

Self and the Others. Issues of Communication and Social Psychology. (Papazisis, Athens 2010)

Same Sex and Cross Sex Friendships. (in collaboration with P. Halatsis) (Papazisis, Athens 2011)

Editings in Greek:

Identities: Psychosocial integration (Editor, in collaboration with Kl. Navridis)(Kastaniotiw, Athens, 1997)

Societies in crisis and seek of meaning (Editor, in collaboration with Kl. Navridis) (Pedio, Athens, 2011, first ed. 2005)

The hypermodern subject (Editor, in collaboration with Kl. Navridis) (Pedio, Athens, 2011, first ed. 2010)

Recent articles:

Christakis, N. Prise de risque et recherche des limites : exemple de la conduite à grande vitesse à moto. Revue internationale de psychosociologie («Le sport à corps et cris», sous la direction de G. Amado et de M. Bolle de Bal), 2003, IX(20), 121-141

Halatsis, P., Christakis, N. The challenge of sexual attraction within heterosexuals’ cross-sex friendship. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2009, 26(6-7), 919-937.

Under submission:

Female motorcyclists: psychosocial career and aspects of femininity(in collaboration with A. Analytis).