Project Homework: Is a Pirate’s Life for me? Choice Grid

(Autumn 1 2012)

Floating boat
Make a pirate ship that can float in water. Think about what materials you will use to make ensure it doesn’t sink or collapse in the water! This is a great opportunity to recycle! / Pirate Postcard
Imagine you are a famous pirate or Explorer. Research somewhere that pirates have visited and look at photos of that place. Create a post card to send home to your loved ones from this far away place.On the front draw scenes of where you have visited.On the back side write to friends telling them about your visit there - battles your have fought, prisoners you have captured or ships you have plundered. / Treasure map
Make a treasure map showing the pirates where to dig for treasure. You could use coordinates (e.g. A-F along the bottom, 1-8 up the side) or NSEW compass directions. Have a go at writing some clues or directions to help locate the treasure. You could stain you map with used teabags to make it look old.
Pirate Grub
What would a pirate eat for lunch? Use your imagination to design a creative lunch, fit for a pirate. Record your ideas in a menu, as a drawing or indeed make the lunch and bring in a photo for us to see. / Arty Pirate Ship
Using artistic materials of your choice; create a pirate ship scene. / Pirate Wanted Poster
Create a wanted poster for a pirate of your choice. Make sure that you explain why they are wanted.
Pirate Profile
Write a character profile for Blackbeard. / Pirate Glossary
Create an A-Z of pirate vocabulary. / Pirate Journey
Plot the route of a famous pirate or explorer on a world map.

Choose 6 of the 9 choices on the grid to add to your theme homework project. Once you have completed a task, neatly colour in the relevant box on the grid.

Project Homework: Is a Pirate’s Life for me? Choice Grid

(Autumn 1 2012)

Floating boat
Make a pirate ship that can float in water. Think about what materials you will use to make ensure it doesn’t sink or collapse in the water! This is a great opportunity to recycle! / Pirate Postcard
Imagine you are a famous pirate or Explorer. Research somewhere that pirates have visited and look at photos of that place. Create a post card to send home to your loved ones from this far away place.On the front draw scenes of where you have visited.On the back side write to friends telling them about your visit there - battles your have fought, prisoners you have captured or ships you have plundered. / Treasure map
Make a treasure map showing the pirates where to dig for treasure. You could use coordinates (e.g. A-F along the bottom, 1-8 up the side) or NSEW compass directions. Have a go at writing some clues or directions to help locate the treasure. You could stain you map with used teabags to make it look old.
Pirate Grub
What would a pirate eat for lunch? Use your imagination to design a creative lunch, fit for a pirate. Record your ideas in a menu, as a drawing or indeed make the lunch and bring in a photo for us to see. / Arty Pirate Ship
Using artistic materials of your choice; create a pirate ship scene. / Pirate Wanted Poster
Create a wanted poster for a pirate of your choice. Make sure that you explain why they are wanted.
Pirate Profile
Write a character profile for Blackbeard. / Pirate Glossary
Create an A-Z of pirate vocabulary. / Pirate Journey
Plot the route of a famous pirate or explorer on a world map.

Choose 6 of the 9 choices on the grid to add to your theme homework project. Once you have completed a task, neatly colour in the relevant box on the grid.