Frisco FFA-Show Goat Information
Purchasing a Goat:
Goats will bepurchasedduring the months of July and August.
Students and parents are welcome to attend the breeder’s facilities and sales where the animals will be purchased, however this is not mandatory.
Please plan to spend a minimum of $300 on a goat. (Suggested price)
Feeding and Care:
- The advisor will put your child’s animal on a specific ration for their animal. This will include feed and any additives that that animal will need.
- It is the responsibility of the student to feed his/her animal twice each day. (Failure to maintain a clean and sanitary environment for your animal will result in a citation. Three citations for the same offense will result in the animal’s removal from the FISD Project Center)
- If the student and or parent is unable to feed the animal for any reason, another student may feed. However, the goat advisor should be made aware of the arrangement and this should not become regular practice.
- In addition to feeding, the goat will need to be exercised on a regular basis in order to maintain show animal quality, build muscle and burn fat. The animal will need to be ran no less that three times per week. In a perfect situation, the animal should be ran each day.
- We will trim hooves each month and the student will need to be present to do this.
- Pens are to be kept neat and sanitary at all times. If a short amount of time is spent each day this should never become a problem. (Failure to maintain a clean and sanitary environment for your animal will result in a citation. Three citations for the same offense will result in the animal’s removal from the FISD Project Center)
(Should be obtained before your animal is purchased)
- $30 Medical Fee (for monthly de worming and other medical supplies)
- Muzzle
- Show Chain
- Nylon Halter (small for goats)
- Feed Container that will attach to the pen
- 3-5 gallon water bucket
- Blanket (can wait until December for purchase)
- Bleach and spray bottle
- Feed bucket (a 50 gallon trash can works great and I suggest purchasing something that can be locked)
- Lock
- Brush
- Shampoo (mane and tail works great and is very inexpensive)
- Heat Lamp and Bulb
Bolded items can be purchased thru Ms Jackson.
You can also visit to purchase these items.
Opportunities for Instructional Camp:
A&M Goat Clinic
July 27-29
CountyShow-Will take place the second week of January. Students will miss 2-3 days of school.
Major Shows- Entry Fees for Majors are typically $25. This will be due on December 1st. Your child will also need money for meals for the three days we are there, and hotel rooms. The room costs will be divided by the number of students staying in the room. We attempt to keep this cost low by traveling with LibertyHigh School. (Students will miss 4 days of school during this week)
Jackpot/Weekend Shows- These shows are completely optional but give the students and the goats a chance to get into the ring and practice showing. Most of the time there are two shows per location and the entry fees are anywhere from $10-20 per kid per goat. There will be at least three opportunities for a jackpot show. You will have at least one weeks notice before a jackpot show. (These shows will always take place on Saturdays or Sundays)
All of this will be discussed in further detail before each show.
With a livestock project comes much responsibility. Once the animal is purchased, the student is REQUIRED to feed twice per day, exercise once per day for at least ½ and hour, keep his or her pen clean, clean the water bucket each day to prevent the growth and spread of bacteria, trim the animal’s hooves each month,weigh the animal each week and provide that information to Ms Jackson. I realize that this sounds like a lot but once the student gets in a routine this can all be accomplished in a minimal amount of time.
When the student is out of town or cannot make it to the barn, arrangements need to be made with Ms Jackson or another student to feed, clean the pen and the water bucket. If this does occur, Ms Jackson needs to be notified of this arrangement.
Your child will also be required to keep the pen and the area around the pen clean.
Failure to meet any of the above responsibilities could result in the animal’s removal from the barn. A clean pen and a healthy-well cared for animal will provide a better environment for all animals kept at our facility and higher chances of a successful animal.
I will search for and select animals for those individuals who wish to show-, I must see any animal before it comes to the barn.
Clipping will take place no more than three days before a show-the closer to the show the better, the animal will lookbetter and be able to maintain body heat in cold weather.
The more you spend the more you have to work with. However, if an animal is not fed twice daily, not cared for properly, and not exercised or set up-it will not be successful at the shows.
Please read over this information and feel free to contact me with any questions. I will try to work with you as best I can to make sure your student has a positive experience while exhibiting an animal.
Thank you,
Jennifer Jackson