Jenks Band Parents Club Meeting

Date and time: August 4 Opened at 7:00 p.m.

Location: Jenks H.S. Math & Science Building Auditorium

Attendees: President: Greg Davis

President:Elect: Steve Shoemake

Director: Scott Hillock

Secretary: Becky Lineback

Treasurer: Jen Sims

VP Student Fundraising: Wendi Allen

VP General Fundraising: Meredith Sanders

Trip Account Manager: Laura Hare

VP Publicity: Shannon Wetherbee

VP Guard: Angela Timmons

Band Parents

Presiding: Greg Davis, President

President: Minutes from previous Band Parents’ Meeting were approved.

Guest Speaker: Kathy Guenther, Jenks Public Schools Volunteer Coordinator

Ms. Guenther presented information regarding volunteer policies, tracking of volunteer hours on the JPS website, and use of Lobby Guard for volunteers. She noted that the band parents’ organization typically has some of the highest volunteer hours recorded each year.

Treasurer : Jen Sims

Account balances:

BancFirst Checking: $3,746.88

JPS Activity Fund - General account: $223,483.97

JPS Activity Fund - Concessions: $20,426.02

●Concessions and General Fund go through JPS Activity Office.

●To make payments to your child’s account, use the link on the first page of the website, have your child bring checks to “Money Friday”, or mail checks to the PO Box noted on the website.

Trip Account manager: Laura Hare

●There are new links on the website for making payments, and a new interface for checking your child’s account.

●There is a “how-to” on the parent portal.

●Rustic Cuff sales money has been posted to your child’s account.

General fundraising and Concessions: Meredith Sanders

●These are funds for equipment, director’s or trip needs.

●“Corporate Sponsorships”, that if a family brings in a sponsorship, the student receives 20% of those funds back to his trip account. Last year there were 44; the goal is to double that this year.

●There is a need for a VP of concessions. Meredith is handling that right now with assistance in coordinating by Dee Culver. The first event with paid positions is August 19. There are usually games on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday nights.

●Remember that to work in the concession stand, you must have a volunteer food handler’s permit.

●Concession stand shifts are covered using Sign-up Genius online.

Student fundraising: Wendi Allen

●Goal is to have one fundraiser per month

●Drillers games continue through September 5. Sign-up Genius is utilized.

●$5 Sonic cards are available for sale; 100% goes into the student’s account.

●Rustic Cuff fundraiser just ended; $10 from each sale went to student’s account.

●Fall flowers information will be sent out after school starts in August.

●Cookie dough fundraiser will start in September.

●We will still work at Octoberfest ticket booths; but as Octoberfest is the same weekend as the St. Louis trip, we will only have 2 instead of 4 booths this year.

●Coffee and pie sales will occur around Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Guard: Angela Timmons

●Guard grew from 49 to 65 kids this year.

●Jenks Color Guard has a Facebook Page. Jara puts lots of information there.

●There is a Remind 101 account specifically for guard; but also follow the band’s Remind 101.

●Guard is ahead of schedule on learning the fall routines. Jara gave them the day off tomorrow.

Publicity: Shannon Wetherbee

●Sends weekly email blast; please send announcements to

●Also in charge of spirit wear; there will be some new products coming soon.

●There will be a Dodge Test Drive at the Parent Performance on August 12; please consider participating as the band receives $20 for each test drive.

●Please use the Band website; there is always lots of information.

Chaperone Coordinator: LeAnne Smith

●Due to size of band, we now have 8 school buses when going to local events.

●You must have a volunteer food-handlers permit when chaperoning or working in food services.

●Mr. Hillock chooses the chaperones for the St. Louis and Indianapolis trips; there will be an application process.

Director: Scott Hillock

●The kids are doing well and working hard; having sectionals earlier in the year has been good for learning the music and other things more quickly.

●Chaperones are needed for all local events and away games and overnight trips. Applications for the overnight trips are on the website. All chaperones are very appreciated by band staff!

New Business: President, Greg Davis

●Next week, practices will be 5:00 - 9:00 in the evening only. No morning practices.

●Parent performance is at 7:00 August 12.

●Please donate a case of water per student for trips. There will be a drop-off area outside the stadium at the Parent Performance.

●Please drive carefully in the parking lot!

●The big group photo is the morning of August 12.

●NO morning performance on the first day of school. After that, the usual early-morning schedule will begin.

Old business:

●James Wolf presented results from the Fireworks stand in July. 68 Student accounts received funding (25% of the organization); 1615 hours were worked over 11 days; Sales were up by 21% over last year.

Next band parent meeting will be September 1, 2016.

It was moved to adjourn the meeting by and seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 7:59pm.