2016 Fall Final Exam FRQ
Your Final Exam is worth 10% of your grade. For the FRQ portion I will pick three of the below questions for which you will choose two to answer.
Chapter One
I. A famous definition of politics is “who gets what and how.”
A. Explain the three main theories of American democracy.
B. Describe what a linkage institution is and how they shape the government’s policy agenda.
C. Describe two criterions for democracy.
D. Describe two challenges to democracy.
II. Chapter Two
The authors of founding documents of The United States were heavily influenced by events that happened in the years before the nation’s birth
A. Describe the ideas of natural rights, consent of the governed and limited government.
B. Describe a specific example of how each of the above ideas appears in the Constitution or Declaration of Independence.
C. Describe two specific ways the Constitution limits majority rule.
D. Describe two parts of the Constitution that have led to an increase in the power of the federal government.
E. Describe two informal ways of changing the Constitution
III. Chapter Three
Federalism is a salient feature of American democracy.
A. Define Federalism
B. Describe enumerated powers and implied powers and provide and example of each.
C. Describe the shift from Dual to Cooperative federalism.
D. Explain how the federal government engages in fiscal federalism to encourage states to do things.
E. List two advantages and to disadvantages of federalism.
IV. Chapter Six
A. Define Political Socialization
B. Explain how liberals and conservatives differ on both foreign and economic policy.
C. Describe two forms for political participation
D. Describe one event that has led to the decline of trust in government
D. Explain the relationship between class and political participation.
V. Chapter Eight and Nine
One of tasks of political parties is to pick candidates.
A. Describe Open blanket and closed primaries.
B. Describe why early primary and caucus states are important
C. Explain how republicans and democrats distribute delegates differently
D. Explain what happens at the national convention
E. What is the party platform?
VI. Chapter 10
Voting is one of the most common forms of political participation
A. Explain Anthony Downs’ theory about why a rational person would vote
B. Describe political efficacy and explain its relationship to voting.
C. How did the Motor Voter Act impact voting?
D. Which groups of people are most likely to vote.
VII. Chapter 11
Interest Groups are a prominent linkage institution in American politics.
A. Explain what an interest group is
B. Describe the free rider problem
C. Explain the three ways that interest groups attempt to shape policy
D. Describe the revolving door of politics.
VIII. Presidents often going into office hoping to do great things but often time find it difficult to accomplish them.
A. Describe the formal domestic powers of the president.
B. Explain the informal powers of the president.
C. Explain how Congress serves as a check on the executive branch.
D. Describe two roles of the president.