Marketing- 3/23/12


In attendance: Phil and LaVonne Owen, Clyde Meyer, Shannon Appleby, Britt Smith, Patti Bammert, and Jennifer Husmann.

  1. Budget remaining—Jennifer reported that there is a little less than $7000 in the Media and Marketing line items yet. We’ve spent approximately $2000 and we are ½ way through the fiscal year.
  1. Anonymous texting program- Britt shared about the program and reported that we are able to use JONES for our key word before people report a tip. Ideas were considered for themes of our Marketing efforts. Clyde thought of “Text & Tell” was something everyone thought was a great idea. Shannon thought of a tag line, “and nobody knows a thing.” The group thought we should run this by some students as well. Britt will e-mail Shannon and Jennifer the poster ideas from TipSoft and Jennifer will forward them to Meredith. Our goal will be to have decided on our images before April 12, the Community Conversation on Underage Drinking event, so besides only speaking about it coming we can show something.

We brainstormed many venues for marketing including the swimming pools, empty store fronts (ask Greg Graver’s dad) posters/banners, window clings for cars and store windows, a vinyl sign for use at schools, swimming pool, and parade, yard signs, being in the 4th of July parade, all the normal ways (posters, business cards, local access channel, websites, newspaper articles and ads, etc.). Britt will take care of Monticello. He plans to talk to the middle school and high school. He will also check with Julin Printing about window clings. Britt suggested each law enforcement agency take care of advertising on their cars and anything else they want to do. Jennifer will check with Greg Graver and Bob Simonson to see if they can take care of their cars.

  1. Permanent Rx Collection Box/ April 28- Rx Drug Drives- Clyde took some Permanent Collection brochures to bring to Long Drug and the Prescription Shoppe. We need to print more and get out to all pharmacies. Jennifer will e-mail Scott Collier to see when they will be sending out the registration for the Rx Drive events to the PDs. (We’ll need to advertise that as well soon.)
  1. Burma Shave signs- The group looked over Clyde’s newest alcohol and tobacco jingles. We talked about which ones we like best and that go with our action plan and sites. Jennifer will e-mail out to get decisions as to which jingles to pick as we go. We still need to find more people who are willing to have the signs, and some people want certain messages more than others. Be thinking of people to ask who live along highways because we can have them up on state highways, but we cannot have our website and logo sign with those sets. The first small alcohol set is going up Monday in Wyoming, a Rx drug set is being ordered and approved for Martelle Rd., and we also have a landowner by Central Park who wants an alcohol set.
  1. Town Hall/ possible other support to SPF SIG efforts- Patti shared what marketing items have been ordered already for the “Community Conversation” and gave an idea of what the night will entail. It is Thursday, April 12, 6:30-8 p.m. at the National Motorcycle Museum. The group agreed to spend up to $300 for an ad for the Town Hall. Jennifer will get that approved with the Executive Committee. (By the way, there is no date and space conflict that night—we are good. ) At a later point our funds might be needed to supplement some of the SPF SIG action steps like Responsible Beverage Service Training and/or the SPF SIG counter-marketing campaigns. (We also need to publicly recognize those who passed the compliance checks when those are done.)
  1. Notepads- Clyde, Britt, and Shannon took some notepads to distribute. Hand sanitizers have been ordered. Both of these give-away items fit with our logic models with their messages.
  1. Newsletters- Shannon took some newsletters to distribute.
  1. Graduation Signs- we’ll be planning to get out what we have in May.
  1. Social Host pads--Shannon reported that BP at Fairview put them out on all their beer so there was a wall of green. Jennifer mentioned it might be good to see if the youth are interested in putting a bunch on around graduation like we did in the past with the Sticker Shock Project. (Our intern could help too.)
  1. Next meeting- We decided to meet Friday, April 13, a week early to accommodate schedules and to work more on the Anonymous Texting promotion before the roll out date of May 1st!