A charity letter is addressed to any business firm, organization or to any individual person to help donate money for help those people who are mentally ill and are in need of funds. There is an event arranged for the sake of the charity. The letter should be genuine and be dispatched with necessary proof so the recipient is convinced of the genuineness of the letter.
Charity Letter for an Mentally Ill PatientsTips
- Provide all the necessary details - Provide all the details necessary for the reader to completely understand what is the purpose and what your plan is.
- Introduce your organization – Talk briefly about your organization and the role played by the organization. Other credentials like credentials of the organization, past success and general information about your organization.
- Clearly state your idea – Be sure to state the idea clearly. Any indecision casts doubts on the minds of the readers. Clarity improves the chances of obtaining charity sources.
- Avoid giving wrong information – Provide information to the reader only if it correct and authenticate. Never lie or provide wrong information to convince readers.
- Always use a professional tone – Remember to always maintain a professional tone when writing a charity letter.
- Say thank you – Always use polite language and remember to say thank you. Explain how helpful it will be for the recipients of the charity.
Sample Charity Letter for an Mentally Ill Patients
Mr. Dennis G. Faulk
Superintendent-Austin rehabilitation Center
1554 James Street
East Pembroke, NY 14056
Subject: Charity Letter for Mentally Ill Patients
Dear Mr. Dennis,
I am Edward J. Wall and I am the Vice President of Royal People Association Pvt. Ltd hereby inform you that our organization has decided to donate certain amount of money for your mentally challenged people rehabilitation center. You have been running this center for nearly a decade and the work you have done is praiseworthy. You see to that all the money donated is used for the welfare of these patients. We are extremely happy with your organization and would like to donate 20,000 dollars to your organization. Kindly accept our sincere donation. I have attached the check for the same amount with this letter.
Yours truly,
Edward J. Wall
Vice President Royal People Association Pvt. Ltd
3411 Monroe Avenue,
Parrish, FL 32491
Charity Letter for an Mentally Ill PatientsTemplate
Receiver's Name
Receiver's Title
Receiver's Organization
Receiver's Address
Subject: ______[Mention the subject]
Dear [Mention the name of recipient]
I am ______[Mention your name]and I am a ______[Mention the your post and organization]. Our organization has been running a home for mentally ill patients. We have been running the home for five years. Running a home for the mentally ill needs a lot of effort and funds. We are in constant need of funds and ______[ Mention what materials are need]. Thus, we are writing to you asking for your help. Any contribution from you will be extremely helpful and it will be acknowledged in many ways. It would be really helpful for making sure the mentally ill patiesnts get the treatment and care that is needed.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Your Name
Your Organization
Your Phone Number
Your Email
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