Data Description

(A) Mat-file

Each Mat file is 3-D datacube with size: 220(height)*180(width)*33(no. of bands), cropped from the original images(example see Fig. 1), whichcontains the radiance data from the original source .tif image.

Three types of images were acquired: front, right, and left. The Mat-files are stored separately as:

Front-Mat file: in the file of SampleImages_F, totally 151 datacubes.

Right-Mat file: in the file of SampleImages_R, totally 125 datacubes.

Left-Mat file: in the file of SampleImages_L, totally 124datacubes.

Name format: HyperFaceCube_(F/R/L)_(Subject Index)_(Session Index for Each Subject).mat>

F/R/L: The image type: front, right or left.

Subject Index: Index of the subject, totally 48 subjects participated the data acquisition.

Session Index for Each Subject: Index for data session acquired for each subject, ranging from 1 to 6.


F: Front Image

7: The 7thSubject

1: The 1st session of this subject

Scaled gray images (.jpg) of the 15th band ofeach mat-file are also shown in eachfile with name format:

(F/R/L)_(Subject Index)_(Session Index for Each Subject).jpg

(B) Source Data

Source data are documented according to the acquisition date. Totally four data sets (I to IV)were acquired at different time (10/17/2007, 11/21/2007-11/23/2007, 12/12/2007, and 3/21/2008). Some subjects may have several sessionsat each time. Each session (e.g. Sample 17 from the 3/21/2008 data set) contains 3 sub-files: f-front image, r-right image and l-left image.

- Exceptions, which are without front, right or left source images or with damaged band, are denoted in the table using ( ), e.g. 26 (no left).

- Some source data were lost after the extraction of the front images:

Data set II: Samples from 31 to 40 (totally 10).

Data Set III: Samples from 1 to 16 (totally 16).

Therefore, for those data, only Front-mat files are provided. Corresponding index is denoted with {}, and highlighted in Red, e.g. {3, no R&L} in the left table for the information of the Mat data, corresponding to {37} in the middle table for the information of the source file in Data set II.

(C)The Table

Column A: Subject index for each mat-file, corresponding to each subject.

Column B: Total number of sessions for each subject.

Column C to F: Four data sets acquired at different date, with each number indicates the data index in the mat-file for each subject.

Column H to K: Source data index corresponding to Column C to F, which is the index of thesource file name (e.g. Sample 17) in each data set.

Column M and N: The name and gender information for each subject.

(D) Example

E.g. Subject 8:

Totally 6 sessions were acquired, taken on 10/17/2007, 11/21/2007, and 3/21/2008

HyperFaceCube_F_8_1.mat>: Front image of the first session acquired on 11/21/2007; source data in data file <20071121 Sample 17/f

HyperFaceCube_F_8_2.mat>:Front image of the second session acquired on 11/21/2007, with {2} denoted in column D indicating the source data is lost, thus no left and right mat data are further extracted. The original source data is in data file <20071121 Sample 38>.

HyperFaceCube_R_8_3.mat>:Right image of the 3rd session acquired on 10/17/2007; Source data in data file <20071017 Sample 15/r>.

HyperFaceCube_L_8_4.mat>: Left image of the 4thsession acquired on 3/21/2008; Source data in data file <20082103 Sample 41/l>.

Fig. 1 Whole scene of the acquired image with black background and white panel.