



SEPTEMBER 25, 2012

4:35 PM

MEMBERS PRESENT: Tammy Malmquist, Denise Cornell,Elizabeth Buckingham, Lisa Kittel, Christine Wiegert, Greg Hall, Barbara Laska, Tedi Carlson and Tony Haider

BOARD MEETING MINUTES: August 28, 2012minutes were approved without amendment.


Past President –

  • No report.

President Elect–

  • No Report.

President–Tammy Malmquist

  • Greg Hall will be contacting Lake Elmo Bank about using their meeting rooms for future board meetings. Greg will get back to Tammy with his findings.
  • Upcoming event the 5960 Foundation Dinner to be held at the Prom Center on Saturday October 27 cost is $45.00. Tammy will make the announcement at tomorrow’s meeting to find out who is interested in attending.
  • John Schiltz has asked Tammy to bring to the Board a monetary request for Bill Wortman who is working on a project for his Eagle Scout. The project is planting trees at a couple of local parks. The request is for $1200-$1500 for these trees. Tammy will be contacting Billyfor additional information and report back to the Board via email.
  • Tedi Carlson & Ray Marshall as volunteered to co chair Community Service Committee. Also spoke of changing Club Service to Club Administration. Tammy will be approaching club members asking for volunteers to Chair this position.
  • Foundation Chair position, with Bob Walz transferring to the Forest Lake Club we now have another vacancy. Christine has agreed to Chair this committee. As Chair Christine will be looking into the Points we have accumulated at Rotary Foundation and report back to the board next month.
  • Addressing the need for open communication with club members. Lisa will be providing Tedi with the member survey that was done some time ago, Tedi to review the survey some time and to discuss at the next board meeting. It is noted that minutes are on the website for members to review. Further discuss ways to improve member’s awareness within the club. Information needed Organization Chart, Copy of Approved Budget, and a list of all the things the club is providing or funding and have the Committee Chairs write up a hand out about their committee. Lisa asked to have it to her by Oct 17th.
  • Greg Malmquist, Fire Chief for Lake Elmo, will be bringing the new equipment which was funded by the Lake Elmo Rotary to the October 24th meeting.

Treasurer Report –Elizabeth Buckingham

  • Elizabeth distributed the Gold Plate Dinner Summary Report. She noted that we should expect a profit of $20,000. She is waiting on the final bill from John Schiltz and noted that we have silent auction items that were not claimed or paid for. It was decided that to call the next name’s on the list to see if they want to purchase the items. Elizabeth will update the Board as to the outcome of this process.
  • Elizabeth distributed the Bank Financial Statement for August. Checking account balance is $7,977.78 with a savings balance $28,523.27. She noted that there was a transfer of $8,500 from savings to checking to cover the purchase of items for the Lake Elmo Fire Department.
  • Discuss the proposed budget with some minor changes under the Vocational budget to increase Strive to $2,500 eliminating Andy & Elmer literacy program. Noted that the Fall Festival event in Lake Elmo made a profit of $300 to $400.Noted the monetary request for $500 for marketing at the Stillwater Artistic Jazz Festival a community event partnering with the other Stillwater Clubs.After further discussion a motion was made to accept the budget it was seconded and approved.

Secretary Report – Denise Cornell

  • 29 active members for the month ofAugust-2 members having the Rule 85 Active Excuse and 1 member medical leave.
  • Augusts’average attendance was76.2%.
  • Bob Walz has resign effective 9/30/12 will be transferring to Forest Lake
  • Elizabeth reported to the Board members that have outstanding dues owed to the club.



  • No Report


  • Clarification as to the Gold Plate Dinner event as it relates to Community Service after some discussion this event is a standalone project not part of community service.
  • Valley Outreach has been place on hold at this time.
  • Tammy asked Greg to assist with the smooth transition of new chairs Tedi & Ray.

INTERNATIONAL-Christine Wiegert

  • Clarification to the “worm project” this project is closed Bob Walz should of taken care of any paperwork that was needed for District.
  • Christine noted that the request for $1000 from the Woodbury Club has not been reviewed by the committee she will make recommendation at the next board meeting
  • Christine spoke about the Medika Mamba program in Haiti looking for the purchase of a motorcycle to get around in the area. Discuss Rotary Grant money request need to look into this.

FOUNDATION: - Christine Wiegert

  • No report.

VOCATIONAL–Barbara Laska

  • Dictionaries will be ordered a check for $1,254.00 will need to be sent. Barb forward the bill to Elizabeth to make payment. The books should arrive in December.
  • Update on Strive – Lisa was at an informational meeting. Barb did not receive any notice about this meeting. Lisa will be forwarding to Barb the email from Mark Fisher. Tammy will be again requesting volunteers at tomorrow’s meeting.



  • No report.

MEMBERSHIP – Lisa Kittel

  • Commented that Mike Schaeffer is full speed ahead also noted Mike Redmond as a potential member. Also noted we may have a lead on another potential member.






Meeting adjourned at 5:50 pm.

Next Board Meeting: October 23,2012 time4:30pmLake Elmo Bank