801 South Clark Street

North Utica, IL 61373

Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees



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I.  7:00 p.m. Call to Order Regular Village Board Meeting

II.  Pledge of Allegiance

III.  Roll Call

IV.  Approval of Minutes

1.) October 14, 2009

V.  Financial Statement

1.) October 2009 Financial Stmt / Summary / Revenue Reports

VI.  Approval of Bills

1.)  October 2009 Prepaids

2.)  October 2009 A/P

VII.  Governmental Affairs Liaison

1.)  Census Maps

2.)  Community Survey – grant opportunities

VIII.  Finance Liaison

1.)  Approval of purchase of Radio Ads – Veteran’s Day $139

2.)  Approval of purchase of Swing set – Neighbor’s Park – not to exceed $1600

3.)  Approval to Donate toward Christmas Walk – not to exceed $1100

4.)  Approval to make changes to website – not to exceed $150

5.)  Approval to renew Municipal League Insurance

6.)  Approval to pay Membership Dues – Illinois Municipal League - $130 / year 2010

7.)  Approval to purchase aerator – not to exceed $7500

8.)  Approval to purchase fertilizer for ball field – not to exceed $100

9.)  Approval of rental of chipper/purchase of dirt for ball field at Neighbor’s Park – not to exceed $3450

10.)  Approval to demolish the property at 315 W. Church St.

11.)  Consideration of Tax Levy

IX.  Clerk’s Report

1.)  Open Bids and possible purchase of Maintenance Truck

2.)  Purchase of New Cell Phones – Illinois Valley Cellular

3.)  2010 Board of Trustees Meeting Dates

4.)  2010 Committee of the Whole Meeting Dates

5.)  2010 Planning Commission Meeting Dates

X.  Maintenance Department

1.)  Department Assessment and Update

XI.  FEMA Report

XII.  Engineer’s Report

1.)  Update on Flood Inspections

2.)  Pocivasek property -2876 E. 765th Road – water runoff issues

3.)  Holland Property – storm sewer issues

4.)  Update on ball field at Neighbor’s Park

XIII.  Attorney’s Report

XIV.  President’s Report

XV.  Public Comment

XVI.  Old Business

XVII.  New Business

XVIII.  Committee/Trustee’s Report

XIX.  Executive Session

1.)  The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal for specific employees

2.)  Pending/Imminent Litigation

3.)  The setting of a price for possible sale or lease of Village Property

XX.  Possible Action Regarding Executive Session Discussion / Employees / Officers

XXI.  Adjournment

Posted 11-06-09

Village of North Utica

November 11th, 2009

Board of Trustees Meeting


Call to Order: At 7:00 p.m. the Meeting of the Board of Trustees held on November 11, 2009 was called to order by Village President Fred Esmond who then led the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were Village Trustees Alvarado, Skoog, R. Pawlak, M. Pawlak, Stewart and Jereb. Also present were Village Attorney Herb Klein and Village Engineer Kevin Heitz.

Approval of Minutes: It was motioned by Trustee Stewart, seconded by Trustee Skoog to approve the minutes from the October 14, 2009 Board Meeting.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

Financial Statement/Revenue Reports: It was motioned by Trustee Alvarado, seconded by Trustee Stewart to approve the October 2009 Financial Statement and Revenue Reports.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

Prepaids: It was motioned by Trustee Skoog, seconded by Trustee Alvarado to approve the October 2009 Prepaids.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

A/P Bills: It was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Stewart to approve the October A/P bills.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

Governmental Affairs Liaison: Trustee Alvarado asked if Building Inspector Tom Brown and Village Engineer Heitz would help with the maps and related forms for the 2010 Census and Both agreed.

Also stated that the Village would be conducting an Income Survey for the purpose of grant application through NCICG. Trustees Alvarado and M. Pawlak will be going door to door to explain the survey and ask for them to be filled out. These grants could benefit the areas affected by flooding and / or water main problems.

Finance Liaison: It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee M. Pawlak to approve radio advertising for Veteran’s Day Parade not to exceed $139.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, Seconded by Trustee Alvarado to approve the purchase of a replacement swing set for Neighbor’s Park at a cost not to exceed $1600.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee M. Pawlak to approve the donation to the Christmas in the Village event at an amount not to exceed $1100.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee Stewart to approve the changes be made to the Village of North Utica Website at a cost not to exceed $150.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee Alvarado, seconded by Trustee to renew the Village Insurance with the Illinois Municipal League at a cost not to exceed $30,008.88.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee Alvarado to approve the membership dues for the Illinois Municipal League at a cost not to exceed $130.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee R. Pawlak to approve the purchase of an aerator at a cost not to exceed $7500.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee Skoog to approve the purchase of fertilizer for the Ball Field at Danny Carey Park at a cost not to exceed $100.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee M. Pawlak to approve the purchase of dirt and the rental of a chipper to be used at Neighbor’s Park for the new Ball Field at a cost not to exceed $3450.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

The costs for the demolishing of the Krewer property will be included in the Accounts Payable bills as the invoices are received by the Village.

Trustee Jereb recommended that the Tax Levy be further discussed at the November Committee of the Whole Meeting; it will then be brought back to the Board for approval at the December Board Meeting.

Clerk’s Report: The Bids for the consideration of the Board to purchase a Truck with snowplow for the Maintenance Department were opened and discussed.

Bids were considered from Bill Walsh, Kunes Country, Jeff Perry, Rockford Ford, Geiser Ford and J P Cheverolet. It was motioned by Trustee Alvarado, seconded by Trustee Stewart to purchase a 2009 Chevy Truck with a snowplow for $29,500 + title and license at 0% for 5 years.

4 Yes (Alvarado, Skoog, Stewart, Jereb)

1 Pass (R. Pawlak)

1 No (M. Pawlak

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee Skoog to approve the Meeting Dates for the 2010 Village Board of Trustees Meetings.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee Stewart, seconded by Trustee Alvarado to approve the Meeting Dates for the 2010 Committee of the Whole Meetings.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Skoog to recommend for approval the Meeting Dates for the 2010 Planning Commission Meetings.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

Maintenance: Doug Jakse presented an update of the Maintenance Department.

He requested the EPA Permit from Engineer Heitz for the New Water Tower/Chlorinator. The Utica Fire Department and their contractor, Starved Rock Communications are requesting a time to put the Fire Department antenna on the top of the Water Tower. The contractor will have to meet with Doug to go over their plans of how the antenna will be attached.

FEMA: Don Robey stated that the Village is still waiting on a check from FEMA. The amount will be much larger than the previously stated amount of $17,072. The amount will now be $41,780.00 approximately and does not include outstanding administrative costs which should be approximately $15,000-$20,000.

Engineer’s Report: Engineer Kevin Heitz stated that the Flood Inspections will be done shortly.

Pocivasek property – Doug Jakse is to televise the culvert.

Holland property – Doug will look into the issues with the storm sewer.

Ball Field- Neighbor’s Park – dirt will fill in the area and progress is being made.

Teng wants to work on the ITEP grant and would like to set up a meeting.

Water Tower- timer for lights will cost $1,233. The Village will leave the Tower for now.

Attorney’s Report: Attorney Klein stated that he has received the Deed for the Water Tower and will be filing it. He has still not received the Deed for the Lift Station (Clark’s Run).

Trustee Alvarado asked Attorney Klein about the status of the double wide trailer; Mr. Klein stated that a certified letter had been sent and a date has been given for a response in the matter.

President’s Report: It was motioned by Trustee Skoog, seconded by Trustee M. Pawlak to approve radio advertising at a cost not to exceed $80 for the Christmas in the Village event.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

President Esmond also stated that the Veteran’s Day Parade was a wonderful event and everyone did a great job. Utica is fortunate to have the American Legion in the Community and they do a great job.

Public Comment: Tom Brown addressed the Board about composing a list of items for the Planning Commission to discuss regarding permits and the Zoning Ordinance. He and Attorney Klein will put a list together.

Trustee comments:

Alvarado: Utica Township is donating $300 to the Christmas in the Village event.

M. Pawlak: no report

Skoog: no report

R. Pawlak: Wanted to welcome back Daily Times reporter, Kate Reynolds.

Stewart: no report

Jereb: no report

At 8:20 pm it was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Alvarado to go into Executive Session for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees,; and pending and imminent litigation.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

At 8:40 it was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee R. Pawlak to reconvene the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

It was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Stewart to authorize the Mayor and the Public Works Director to hire temporary part time employee for up to 60 days, and temporary part time snow plow drivers.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

At 8:45 pm it was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Skoog to adjourn the meeting.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

The next meeting of the Village Board of Trustees will be held on December 9, 2009 at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Laurie A. Gbur/Village Clerk

Village of North Utica

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