Chiyembekezo Mission Clinic (January-March 2015)

1st Quarter Summary Report


ART Program706


Chiyembekezo Mission Clinic (January-March 2015)

1st Quarter Report (OPD)

No. / Patients Conditions/ Diseases / Children / Adults
1 / Respiratory Conditions / 898 / 183
2 / Diarrhea / 473 / 70
3 / Febrile Illness (RDT : P) / 26 / 23
4 / Febrile Illness (RDT: NR) / 707 / 135
5 / Hypertension / 282
6 / Diabetes Mellitus / 4
7 / Anemia / 141 / 116
8 / Skin Infections / 281 / 41
9 / Skin Non Infections / 43 / 50
10 / UTI’s (Non STI) / 254 / 312
11 / STI’s / 239
12 / Headache / 199 / 253
13 / Musculoskeletal / 78 / 285
14 / Menno Metrorragia / 166
15 / Trauma / 64
16 / Ear disease / 111 / 6
17 / Eye disease / 127 / 31
18 / Dental disease / 13 / 19
19 / Peptic ulcer / 31
20 / Malnutrition / 50
Total number of patients / 1414 / 775
ART Program/Partnership CHRESO
1 / Tested & on Treatment / 25 / 120
2 / Transfers to CMC / 7 / 75
3 / Community outreach VCT (March only / 61 / 420
Total Number of clients seen / 91 / 615

Chiyembekezo Mission Clinic (January-March 2015

1st Quarter Report (MCH)

No. / Type of Services Offered
1 / Safe Motherhood
2 / New ANC / 100
3 / Revisit ANC / 101
4 / Total ANC / 201
1 / RPR Tested / 62
2 / RPR Positive / 6
3 / RPR Treated / 5
Total / 73
1 / HIV Tested / 70
2 / Reactive / 14
3 / Known Positive / 11
4 / Partners Tested / 3
5 / Partners Reactive / 1
Total / 99
1 / Deworming / 91
Family Planning
1 / New acceptors / 36
2 / Revisits / 63
3 / Method- Depo / 45
4 / Noristerat / 28
5 / Pill / 3
6 / Jadelle Insertion / 11
7 / Jadelle Removal / 12
8 / Lud Removal / 2
Total / 200
Under Five
1 / Total Weighed / 196
Vitamin A (6-11months) / 15
Vitamin A (12-59 months) / 9
1 / BCG / 15
2 / OPV O / 7
3 / OPV 1 / 47
4 / OPV 2 / 55
5 / OPV 3 / 53
6 / OPV 4 / 02
7 / HIB 1 / 48
8 / HIB 2 / 53
9 / HIB 3 / 54
10 / PCV 1 / 49
11 / PCV 2 / 53
12 / PCV 3 / 47
13 / ROTA 1 / 51
14 / ROTA 2 / 57
15 / Measles / 26
16 / Fully Immunized / 19
17 / 2nd Dose Measles / 12
Total vaccinated / 648
1 / IPT 1 / 74
2 / IPT 2 / 62
3 / IPT 3 / 25
Total / 161
Total number of Maternal Cases / 573
Total number of Under five cases / 1120