The Urinary System
NSCI/281 Version 5 / 1

University of Phoenix Material

The Urinary System

Animation: Urinary System Overview

After viewing the animation, answer these questions:

1.What are the major functions of the urinary system?

2.What are the organs of the urinary system?

3.Where are the kidneys located?

4.What is the renal hilum?

5.Blood to be filtered is transported to the kidney by the .

6.Filtered blood leaves the kidney via the .

7.Name the structure that covers the outer surface of the kidney.

8.Describe the structure of the interior of a kidney.

9.Fluids from the ultimately are funneled into the of the .

10.What is the function of the ureters?

11.How is urine propelled through the ureters?

12.What is the urinary bladder? Where is it located?

13.Where do the ureters drain into the urinary bladder?

14.Name the muscle of the urinary bladder wall.

15.Another name for urination is .

16.How is urine expelled from the urinary bladder?

17.Compare the functions of the male and female urethras.

18.What is the function of the internal urethral sphincter muscle? Is it under voluntary or involuntary control?

19.What is the function of the external urethral sphincter muscle? Is it under voluntary or involuntary control?

20.How are both of these sphincters involved with urination?

Exercise 13.1: Urinary System—Upper Urinary,Anterior View

Layer 4 (pp. 684-685)

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Layer 5 (p. 685)

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Layer 6 (p. 686)

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In Review

1.Name the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys.

2.Name the veins that drain blood from the kidneys.

3.Which is anterior to the other?

4.Name the funnel-shaped structure that drains urine fromthe kidneys to the ureter.

5.Name the structure that conducts urine from the minorcalyx to the renal pelvis.

6.How many of each calyx are located in each kidney?

7.Name the outer layer of the kidney. What are its extensionsinto the middle part of the kidney called? Whatstructures are contained in this outer layer?

8.Name the inner layer of the kidney.

9.Name the part of the kidney where blood vessels and therenal pelvis enter and exit the kidney.

10.Name the part of the kidney between the structure inquestion 9 and the renal papillae.

11.Name the muscle in the walls of the urinary bladder.

12.What is the trigone? Name the openings that define thetrigone.

13.The size and position of the urinary bladder varieswith .

14.The volume of the urine also effects the positionof .

Animation: Kidney—Gross Anatomy

After viewing the animation, answer these questions:

1.Where are the kidneys located?

2.What is the renal hilum? Name three structures thatpass through the hilum.

3.The hilum is continuous with the , whichis .

4.How is the kidney tissue divided? Name thestructures of the one tissue division that projectinto the other.

5.The base of each pyramid is located at the junctionof these two tissues, the .

6.Name the structure at the apex of the renal pyramids.Where does it project?

7.Several merge to form thelarger , which merge to form asingle, funnel-shaped .

8.How many lobes are in each kidney? Each lobe consistsof .

9.How is the blood carried to the kidneys forfiltration?

10.List the series of branches that form from this arteryup to and including the glomerulus. Give the locationswhere each artery is found.

11.Name the initial filtering component of the kidney.Name the functional filtration unit of the kidney.What are its components?

12.Name the arteriole that leaves each glomerulus.Upon leaving the glomerulus, this vesselenters .

13.For nephrons in the renal cortex, a formsaround the .

14.List the series of vessels that carry blood as it drainsfrom these capillary networks.

15.What is the destination of the efferent arteriolesassociated with nephrons at the corticomedullaryjunction?

16.These capillaries are known as the .

17.Name the sequence of vessels for the blood drainingthese capillaries.

Exercise 13.2: Urinary System—Kidney,Anterior View

Layer 1 (p. 688)

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Layer 2 (p. 689)

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Exercise 13.3a: Imaging—Kidney

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Exercise 13.3b: Imaging—Kidney

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Exercise 13.4: Urinary System—Renal Corpuscle,Histology

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Animation: Kidney—Microscopic Anatomy

After viewing the animation, answer these questions:

  1. Name the functional filtration unit of the kidney. Approximately how many of these are located in each kidney?
  1. Name the two parts to a nephron.
  1. Describe the structure of the renal corpuscle. What are its two poles? What structures are located at each pole?
  1. Describe the visceral layer of the glomerular capsule. What are podocytes and pedicels?
  1. Describe the parietal layer of the glomerular capsule. What is the capsular space?
  1. Name and describe the three components of the filtration membrane of the glomerulus.
  1. Name and describe the three parts of the renal tubule.
  1. What are the structural differences between the thick and thin segments of the nephron loop?
  1. Several distal convoluted tubules drain into that pass through the . These merge to form that drain into a .
  1. What events occur as the fluid passes through the renal tubule?
  1. Describe the two types of nephrons. What percent of the total number of nephrons consist of each type?
  1. Describe the blood pathway to the vascular pole of the glomerulus. Name the apparatus located at this point.
  1. What are the three parts of this apparatus? What is its function?
  1. The efferent arteriole from each glomerulus enters a .

15.For cortical nephrons, where is the peritubular capillary network located? Where does it drain?

16.The efferent arterioles associated with juxtaglomerular nephrons are known as that surround . Where does this blood drain?

Animation: Urine Formation

After viewing the animation, answer these questions:

1.What are the primary functions of the kidneys?

2.In the process of these functions, they regulate . How?

3.Where is urine formed? What are the three processesin its formation?

4.Where does glomerular filtration occur? How doesthis occur?

5.What is tubular fluid? What occurs to it as it flowsthrough the renal tubule?

6.What occurs to the fluid during tubularreabsorption?

7.How do the solutes move across the tubule wall intothe interstitial fluid? Where do they go from there?

8.How does water move through the tubule wall?What percent of water is reabsorbed from each portionof the renal tubule?

9.What percent of the water in the glomerular filtratereturns to the bloodstream? What happens to theremaining water?

10.What event occurs during the process of tubularsecretion?

11.Give some examples of waste products involved inthis process.

12.What happens to the waste products to preparethem for excretion?

13.Tubular fluid that enters the collecting ducts iscalled .

14.What determines whether the urine produced isdilute or concentrated?

15.Describe the urine produced when water intake ishigh and also when water intake is limited.

16.What are the two key factors that determine the kidneys’ability to concentrate urine?

Exercise 13.5: Urinary System—Renal Cortex, Histology

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Exercise 13.6: Urinary System—Renal Medulla, Histology

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Exercise 13.8a: Urinary System—Podocyte, Histology

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Exercise 13.8b: Urinary System—Podocyte, Histology

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Exercise 13.9: Urinary System—Distal ConvolutedTubule, Histology

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Exercise 13.10; Urinary System—Proximal ConvolutedTubule, Histology

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In Review

1.Name the three parts of the renal tubule.

2.Name the specialized cells of the distal convoluted tubule that are part of the juxtaglomerular device.

3.What is the function of the juxtaglomerular device?

4.Name the structure that regulates the final volume and electrolyte content of the urine. What hormone influences this regulation?

5.What is the function of the capsular space?

Exercise 13.11a: Urinary System—Ureter, Histology

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Exercise 13.11b: Urinary System—Ureter, Histology

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Exercise 13.12a: Imaging—Kidney, Ureter, and UrinaryBladder

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Exercise 13.12b: Imaging—Kidney,Ureter, and Urinary Bladder

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Exercise 13.13: Urinary System—Lower Urinary—Female, Sagittal View

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Exercise 13.14: Urinary System—Lower Urinary—Male,Sagittal View

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In Review

  1. Describe the structure of the urinary bladder.
  1. What are the two functions of this organ?
  1. What is the function of the female urethra?
  1. Give two reasons why urinary tract infections are morecommon in females.
  1. Name the structures that form the trigone of the urinarybladder.
  1. Name the first part of the male urethra.
  1. Where are sperm formed?
  1. Name the four different parts of the male urethra. What is the function of the male urethra?
  1. Name the external orifice of the urinary tract.

Exercise 13.15: Urinary System—Urinary Bladder,Histology

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Exercise 13.16: Urinary System—Urinary Bladder,Histology

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Animation: Micturition Reflex

After viewing the animation, answer these questions:

  1. What type of reflex is the micturition reflex? What pathway do the impulses take?
  1. How is the reflex coordinated? What signals can influence this reflex?
  1. What causes the increase in the frequency of action potentials along this pathway?
  1. What is the parasympathetic response to these action potentials? How does the urinary bladder respond to these stimuli?
  1. What causes a conscious desire to urinate?
  1. What happens if urination is not appropriate?
  1. What causes the external urethral sphincter to remain contracted? What does this prevent?
  1. When urination is desired, what stimulates the micturition reflex?
  1. How does the brain then initiate urination?

In Review

  1. Name the connective tissue layer of the urinary bladder that contains blood, lymph vessels, and nerves.
  1. Name the three-layered muscle of the urinary bladder.
  1. What is this muscle’s function?
  1. Describe the transition epithelium of the urinary bladder.
  1. What is the function of this epithelium?
  1. Name the connective tissue layer that attaches the epithelium to the muscularis mucosa.

Exercise 13.17: Coloring Exercise

Scan completed coloring exercise and submit as a separate document.


Broyles, R. B. (2012). Workbook to accompany anatomy & physiology revealed version 3.0. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.