
What is a symbol?

No it is not these:

Symbolism is "something you can see that has taken on a meaning beyond itself"

It is a thing (could be an object, person, situation or action) which stands for something else more abstract. For example our flag is the symbol of our country. (Think about what other symbols might be all around us.

When you think of a symbol, you think of something tangible, something you can touch with your hand. If you can't touch it with your hand, then don’t consider it as a symbol.

When we look at symbolism, we are looking at those items that suggest something beyond the meaning the item itself represents in the poem or story.

"In literature, a symbol might be the word flag or the words a black cat crossed his path or every description of flag or cat in an entire novel, story, play or poem. The black cat might stand for something – what? (Witchcraft and evil?)"

Symbols "have an effect on us," provoking common responses to items that we share in common. For example, a cross not only stands for suffering, but it also stands for Christian suffering. A sunrise not only represents new beginnings but the beginning of a new day and the rose is a symbol of love. Other typical examples include the scales to symbolize justice; a dove for peace, the lion, strength and courage, and so on. Red Cross etc

However, a symbol can come to mean that which the author or writer associates with the item. The more you read and study poetry and stories, the more you will come across words that always function symbolically. The seasons are a perfect example. Winter represents aging, decay, and death; spring is often used to represent energy, birth, and hope; summer is symbolic of childhood, fun, and laughter; autumn stands for maturity, wisdom, and fulfilment.