Heat Guided Reading

Heat and Temperature

1. All matter is made up of



2. These particles are in constant ______.




3. If you are measuring the temperature of something, it is because of what?

4. Heat energy is ______energy.

5. Define Thermal energy:

6. Describe the thermal energy in a drop of boiling water compared to a pot of boiling water.

Transfer of Heat

1. Heat always flows from ______to ______.

2. What are three ways heat can be transferred?





1. Define Conduction:

2. How does heat move when two materials are at different temperatures (through conduction)?

3. Give an example of conduction heat transfer:


1. Define Convection:

2. Give an example of convection heat transfer:

3. In what two mediums does convection heat transfer occur in?




1. Define Radiation:

2. ______, ______, and ______are all examples of energy that moves from one place to another by radiation.

3. They all move in wave-like motion through ______.

4. Give two examples of radiation:

Heat Energy Transformations

  1. What are the three ways that heat is transferred from place to place?

1. 2. 3.

Thermal Equilibrium:

It is observed that a higher temperature object which is in contact with a lower temperature object will transfer heat to the lower temperature object. The objects will approach the same temperature, and in the absence of loss to other objects, they will then maintain a constant temperature. They are then said to be in thermal equilibrium.


Answer this question on a piece of notebook paper.

  1. New Kitchen ovens often have a setting called “convection” cooking. What do you think happens at this setting that would be different from the regular cook setting?
  1. Analyze the graph. Describe what is being observed on this graph. Explain the concept that this demonstrates.