Geometry Scavenger Hunt Megan Clemons

Internet Items
1. What is the value of pi to 100 or more decimal places? (10 points) 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197469104200584832614067733375102719565399469716251724831223063391932870798
2. Make a list of geometry terms that all begin with the same letter. Write a sentence for each one correctly using the term. (1 point each...up to 15 max)
3. What are the Platonic Solids and what do they look like? (15 points)
4. What are the names of 2 types of Non-Euclidean Geometries? (10 points) hyperbolic geometry and ellptic geometry
5. How many books in Euclid's Elements ? What is the title of Book Thirteen?(10 points) 13..regular Solids
6. Find a web site/ envelope/ letterhead/ business card with a geometric logo. (10 points)

7. What are 3 devices used to measure angles? (15 points) Protractor, compass, or a length measuring device
8. Find 3 female mathematicians. What is their nationality or country, birth date and what was their contribution to math and science? (15 points)
9. What is a tessellation? Include a picture of a tessellation. (10 points) the pattern resulting from the arrangement of regular polygons to cover a plane without any interstices (gaps) or overlapping
10. Find a comic that involves math. Print it out. Tell me why it is humorous? (15 points)

because they can’t go together.
11. What is the number of hexagons and pentagons on an "official" soccer ball? (10 points) 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons
12. Locate a picture of a work of art, print it and describe its geometric pattern(s). (10 points) trapezoids, circles, triangles
13. Visit a Web site about "Pi Day". When is it? Describe an activity that has been done on Pi Day OR e-mail me a Pi day Greeting Card. () (10 points) March 14…the pi(ano) song: the digits of Pi mapped to notes in a melody, played on the piano
14. Visit the following web site A Plus Math and play MATHO or the Hidden Picture game. Give a brief description of your individual game [ex: what was the hidden picture, what was your time and type of MATHO (vertical, horizontal, oblique)] (10 points) a ship was the hidden picture, it was way too simple.
15. Visit the Math in Daily Life web site. Pick an activity, explore the activity and write a summary of what you did and learned from it. (15 points)
16. Visit a Geometry Web Site of your choice. Give its URL and a brief description of why you chose it/ why it is interesting. (10 points) i like it because it is basically a book and can help a lot.
17. Find pictures of traffic signs and the various shapes of traffic signs. State what is the significance of each shape. (1 point each...up to 10 max) circle, square, rectangle, triangle
18. Create your own scavenger hunt item for the Internet. Give the URL of the Web site where this item can be found. (10 points) find a label with geometric shapes….you can find it on any website.