Application form: Approved Programme (e-learning)


This document provides an application form for an organisation applying for the Skills for Care Approved Programme Award (e-learning). This application is broken down into two parts:

Part one - Organisational Endorsement; endorses the management of the organisation, ensuring they’re developing and delivering good processes, procedures and practice. This stage is mandatory and must be achieved prior to stage two.

Part two – Courseware Approval; approves the elearning programme content, structure, outcomes and assessment process of individual programmes.

Part two must be completed separately for each programme submitted for approval.

This application form has four sections which fall under the two parts:

Section 1 / Applicant’s organisation details
Section 2 / Application for organisation endorsement
Section 3 / Application for courseware approval
Section 4 / Applicant’s evidence
Section 5 / Applicant’s checklist

Please complete the form electronically.

Information for applicants
Please ensure when you save (and later send) both your completed application form and supporting evidence that the file names include the words ‘Approved Programme e-learning’, your organisation’s name and that the ‘Evidence’ file includes the word ‘evidence’ in the title. e.g. ‘Approved Progamme e-learning_Evidence_Name_A.doc’
Evidence - You must provide a copy of the programme and may attach evidence to support your application in a separate portfolio of up to 15 x A4 pages (approximately 5,000 words).
Evidence can be used for more than one dimension with signposting as appropriate.
Please ensure that you make reference to your supporting evidence for each of the dimensions, and that you clearly signpost to that evidence.
Section 1 and 2 need only be completed once.
Section 3is to be completed in full for each programme submitted for approval.
Section 4 gives you an opportunity to number and list all your evidence; this will enable the reviewers to link your application to your evidence.
Section 5is to be completed and signed to confirm you wish to submit the application for review
When you have completed the application form, please email it, together with your evidence document, to Skills for Care:

Section 1: Applicant’s organisation details

1 / Application reference: / (SfC internal PSO to complete)
2 / Organisation name:
3 / Organisation address: / Postcode:
4 / Contact name and job:
5 / Telephone number: / Office:
6 / Email address:
7 / Website:
* By ticking the box you confirm understanding of the issued terms and conditions
8 / For which awarding organisation(s) are you accredited (if any)? / (In relation to adult social care learning and development)
9 / In no more than 500 words, please outline the organisation’s objectives in relation to adult social care learning and development.

Section 2: Application for organisation endorsement

Dimension 1: Management policies and procedures

Give examples of how the programme management meets the following criteria and how this supports/leads to better quality of life outcomes for people who use adult social care services:

a.Demonstrate how the organisation maintains currency within the sector.
b.How is your management structure clearly defined, documented and understood with clear channels of communication between management and staff?
c.What checks are made when recruiting to ensure that subject matter experts are suitably qualified and experienced to understand the special requirements of online, distance and
blended learning?
d.What systems are in place to ensure all learning and assessment is genuinely undertaken by the named learner and their data safely protected?
e.Demonstrate how this system is effective and learner and tutor records accurately
f.How is feedback gathered from organisations and learners about you as a provider and what
is done to address this feedback?
g.What processes do you have to ensure all learning material remains up to date and what protocols are in place to ensure this happens?

Dimension 1: Supporting statement

(200 words max per criterion – covering a to g and cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3))

a) Statement and evidence reference:
Demonstrate how the organisation maintains currency within the sector.
b) Statement and evidence reference:
How is your management structure clearly defined, documented and understood with clear channels of communication between management and staff?
c) Statement and evidence reference:
What checks are made when recruiting to ensure that subject matter experts are suitably qualified and experienced to understand the special requirements of online, distance and
blended learning?
d) Statement and evidence reference:
What systems are in place to ensure all learning and assessment is genuinely undertaken by the named learner and their data safely protected?
e) Statement and evidence reference:
Demonstrate how this system is effective and learner and tutor records accurately
f) Statement and evidence reference:
How is feedback gathered from organisations and learners about you as a provider and what
is done to address this feedback?
g) Statement and evidence reference:
What processes do you have to ensure all learning material remains up to date and what protocols are in place to ensure this happens?

Dimension 2: Learner support

Give examples of how the learner support meets the following criteria and how this supports/leads to better quality of life outcomes for people who use adult social care services:

  1. Demonstrate that applicants are provided with accurate information to enable them to make a judgement on their suitability for the course. E.g. advertising materials and images.
  1. How are realistic deadlines, set and communicated in advance to learners, and how is learner retention, completion and achievement monitored?
  1. How is the enrolment and application documentation provided so that it is easily accessible and simple to complete and submit? E.g. what is your process for registration?
  1. How is prior learning taken into account in the approach to teaching, learning and assessment?
  1. How do you track the learning/learner progress?
  1. How do you encourage learning and facilitate the achievement of the learning outcomes?
  1. How is the programme constructed to ensure the learning, work, social and domestic context of learners in social care is catered for?E.g. IT skills, access to internet, suitable equipment etc.
  1. What infrastructure do you have for supporting learners? E.g. support portal, user guides, ability to resolve issues, enquiries and complaints?

Dimension 2: Supporting statement

(200 words max per criteria – covering a to h and cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3))

a) Statement and evidence reference:
Demonstrate that applicants are provided with accurate information to enable them to make a judgement on their suitability for the course. E.g. advertising materials and images.
b) Statement and evidence reference:
How are realistic deadlines, set and communicated in advance to learners, and how is learner retention, completion and achievement monitored?
c) Statement and evidence reference:
How is the enrolment and application documentation provided so that it is easily accessible and simple to complete and submit? E.g. what is your process for registration?
d) Statement and evidence reference:
How is prior learning taken into account in the approach to teaching, learning and assessment?
e) Statement and evidence reference:
Demonstrate how this system is effective and learner and tutor records accurately
f) Statement and evidence reference:
How is feedback gathered from organisations and learners about you as a provider and what
is done to address this feedback?
g) Statement and evidence reference:
What processes do you have to ensure all learning material remains up to date and what protocols are in place to ensure this happens?
h) Statement and evidence reference:
What infrastructure do you have for supporting learners? E.g. support portal, user guides, ability
to resolve issues, enquiries and complaints?
Potential sources of evidence to cover dimensions one and two
  • Up-to-date organogram
  • Minutes of relevant committee/staff or board meetings
  • CV’s of managerial/administrative staff
  • Appraisal procedure and completed documentation
  • Correspondence with learners
  • Complaints procedure
  • Documentation for bookings
  • Records of learners progress
  • Samples and summaries of any learner feedback questionnaires
  • Evidence of external moderation or tutor monitoring
  • Relevant excerpts from published reports/documents relating to any pilots, research, consultations, public enquiries and sector specific initiatives the organisation has either contributed to or participated in
  • Relevant statistics that confirms the organisation gathers analysis and responds appropriately to stakeholder feedback/comments
  • Evidence where the organisation has aligned their training objectives to those of the adult social care sector and their clients
  • Excerpts from appropriate networking / collaborative meetings and events.

Section 3:Courseware approval

Dimension 3: Programme content

Give examples of how the programme meets the following criteria and how this supports/leads to better quality of life outcomes for people who use adult social care services:

  1. Explain why this programme is required and who it is designed for.
  1. How does this programme specifically meet the needs of people who use adult social care services?
  1. What are the learning outcomes of this programme and how are they met?
  1. Demonstrate how the programme is mapped to meet the following requirements (if applicable):
  • What level is the learning (eg QCF/RQF 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5); if applicable provide evidence
  • Credits mapped towards other accredited Units within qualifications. If so what is
the unit reference
  • What current legislation or sector guidelines the programme refers to
  • The Care Certificate – which standards / outcomes
  • From which official sources of information or sector drivers has the programme evolved eg are Functional Skills embedded?
  • Does the programme form part of CPD and/or lead to a Diploma or similar qualification
  • Other
  1. Who is the subject matter expert responsible for the design of this programme and what are their credentials?
  1. How does the marking schedule take account of nuances and variations that can arise when answers may depend on individual preferences in the context of person centered care?
  1. How does the system guarantee that every assessment task is carried out by the named learner and that they are unaided by others at the point of assessment?

Dimension 3: Supporting Statement

(200 words max per criteria – covering a to g and cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3)

a) Statement and evidence reference:
Explain why this programme is required and who it is designed for.
b) Statement and evidence reference:
How does this programme specifically meet the needs of people who use adult social care services?
c) Statement and evidence reference:
What are the learning outcomes of this programme and how are they met?
d) Statement and evidence reference:
Demonstrate how the programme is mapped to meet the following requirements (if applicable):
  • What level is the learning (eg QCF/RQF 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5); if applicable provide evidence
  • Credits mapped towards other accredited Units within qualifications. If so what is
the unit reference
  • What current legislation or sector guidelines the programme refers to
  • The Care Certificate – which standards / outcomes
  • From which official sources of information or sector drivers has the programme evolved eg are Functional Skills embedded?
  • Does the programme form part of CPD and/or lead to a Diploma or similar qualification
  • Other
e) Statement and evidence reference:
Who is the subject matter expert responsible for the design of this programme and what are their credentials?
f) Statement and evidence reference:
How does the marking schedule take account of nuances and variations that can arise when answers may depend on individual preferences in the context of person centered care?
g) Statement and evidence reference:
How does the system guarantee that every assessment task is carried out by the named learner and that they are unaided by others at the point of assessment?

Dimension 4:Programme Delivery

Give examples of how the programme delivery meets the following criteria and how this supports/leads to better quality of life outcomes for people who use adult social care services:

  1. Demonstrate that the learner materials and delivery medium used are appropriate and effective.
  1. Explain how the programme is structured to meet the needs of the learner and how equality, diversity and inclusion are incorporated into the delivery of the programme.
  1. What is the expected duration of this programme of learning and what is your completion/pass success rate?
  1. Can the learner re-attempt a level of study if they fail and does this include appropriate support when necessary?
  1. How does the programme design make effective use of training aids and learning resources e.g. video, scenario based as well as click and read?
  1. What appropriate and effective systems are in place to monitor learner progress, provide feedback and administer assessments?
  1. How do you ensure that only knowledge appropriate for testing through on-line systems is assessed?
  1. What arrangements are in place to ensure any competence requirements are reliably assessed in the workplace?

Dimension 4: Supporting statement

(200 words max per criteria – covering ato h and cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3))

a) Statement and evidence reference:
Demonstrate that the learner materials and delivery medium used are appropriate and effective.
b) Statement and evidence reference:
Explain how the programme is structured to meet the needs of the learner and how equality, diversity and inclusion are incorporated into the delivery of the programme.
c) Statement and evidence reference:
What is the expected duration of this programme of learning and what is your completion/pass success rate?
d) Statement and evidence reference:
Can the learner re-attempt a level of study if they fail and does this include appropriate support when necessary?
e) Statement and evidence reference:
How does the programme design make effective use of training aids and learning resources e.g. video, scenario based as well as click and read?
f) Statement and evidence reference:
What appropriate and effective systems are in place to monitor learner progress, provide feedback and administer assessments?
g) Statement and evidence reference:
How do you ensure that only knowledge appropriate for testing through on-line systems is assessed?
h) Statement and evidence reference:
What arrangements are in place to ensure any competence requirements are reliably assessed in the workplace?

Dimension 5:Programme evaluation

Give examples of how the programme evaluation meets the following criteria and how this supports/leads to better quality of life outcomes for people who use adult social care services:

  1. What forms of assessment are used on the programme to ensure learning has taken place?
  1. How are assessment methods linked to the learning outcomes and requirements of awarding organisations?
  1. How is the programme monitored and reviewed to maintain quality, relevance, accuracy and currency?
  1. What assessments are carried out to ensure the technology used to deliver the programme is fit for purpose and effective and who participates in the review process?
  1. What systems are in place to measure the impact of the programme on the quality of care?

Dimension 5: Supporting Statement

(200 words max per criteria – covering a to eand cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3))

a)Statement and evidence reference:
What forms of assessment are used on the programme to ensure learning has taken place?
b)Statement and evidence reference:
How are assessment methods linked to the learning outcomes and requirements of awarding organisations?
c)Statement and evidence reference:
How is the programme monitored and reviewed to maintain quality, relevance, accuracy and currency?
d)Statement and evidence reference:
What assessments are carried out to ensure the technology used to deliver the programme is fit for purpose and effective and who participates in the review process?
e)Statement and evidence reference:
What systems are in place to measure the impact of the programme on the quality of care?


Please number your evidence, which you are to submit as a supporting file of no more than 15A4 pages. Ensure that the evidence numbers in Section 2 and 3 match the list below.

Potential sources of evidence to cover dimensions three, four and five
  • Up-to-date prospectus and marketing materials
  • Course description
  • Samples of marked learners’ work
  • Sample of learner assessments
  • Appropriate testimonials from learners, employers, stakeholders, clients, commissioners, people who use services, carers etc.
  • Appropriate extracts from Awarding Organisation reports
  • Appropriate awards, accolades, acknowledgements of contributions to the adult social care sector
  • Appropriate examples of the type of course information / IAG provided
  • Evidence where the organisation has amended content and delivery of the programme in relation to internal and external feedback
  • Relevant examples of assessment methods
  • Appropriate observation of teaching and learning reports
  • Excerpts from quality assurance reports that have dictated content and delivery
  • Excerpts from appropriate networking / collaborative meetings and events.
  • Minutes of relevant committee/ staff or board meetings
  • Correspondence with learners
  • Complaints procedure

Section 4: Applicant’s evidence


Section 5: Applicant’s checklist

Have you…

Checked that you have provided a full and complete response to each of the dimensions (section two and three)

Compiled your evidence to support your responses?

Completed the numbered evidence list (section four), giving each piece of evidence a unique number?

Included your evidence in a supporting file?

Attached a copy of the programme?