• To learn and use the key vocabularyrelated to the topic mentioned
  • To learn strategies of learning
  • To know the type of learner we are
  • To talk about past, present and future events with simple sentences
  • To work in groups, to work doing projects and to learn to value the others and oneself
  • To use mass media and technologies with autonomy and critical sense to obtain, understand, elaborate and present in different formats different information
  • To realize that English is the language for travelling
  • Holidays, travelling
  • Countries and nationalities
  • Basic questions
  • Past, present and future events
  • Methodological and attitudinal contents: Strategies of learning, of evaluating, of self-knowledge, of working in groups

COMPETENCIES from the English Language Subject:
Plurilingual and intercultural competence.
Communicative competence: Oral annd written competence in all its dimensions.
Audiovisual communicative competence,.
COMPETENCIES. Support to other subjects:
  • Geography and artistic and cultural issues (art, museums, monuments, music ...)
  • Maths – counting expenses,...
  • Technology, computer and presentations
  • Metadisciplinary: Autonomy, initiative and decision taking

Communicative / Aesthetic and literary / Plurilingual & Multilingual
- Language of learning: question words, verbs, holidays and traveling vocabulary, prepositions, countries, nationalities and cultures.
- Structures for communication:
basic questions and answers, expressing events in past, present and future, prepositions
- Participation in oral, written and audiovisual interactions, comprehensions, expressions.
-knowledge about the rules of the language and how that has to be learned / Valuation and interest inknowing the foreign culture,
different accents and oral and
written productions in English
(like songs)
Reading, comprehension
and pleasure with written texts
- Aesthetic presentations
- Ads, and the double sense of words (playing with words aesthetic and commercial functions) / Recognition of the importanceof
the acquisition of foreign languages for travelling
-Observation of the usual multilin
gual use in mass media,in the
street and in the artistic production
-Disposition of using the knowledge in foreign
languages to do researchin any
possible format(audiovisual,
internet, etc.)in any curricular
subject .
Starting point:
Steps / Activities / Interaction / Material / Timing
1 / a) warming up/initial evaluation – (sheet1: a holiday to remember as flashcards vocabulary) The teacher asks students the words and glues the images on the blackboard with the word written. They copy in their notebooks
b) do simple oral sentences combining words
c) homework: write more sentences at home
quiz: how to learn (sheet2); and how to work vocabulary (sheet 3) / T-S
S-S / Flashcards
1,2,3 / 40’
2 / a)Review vocabulary : who, what, where, why, when, with whom,... GAME with songs – you tube – listen to the song and try to explain the chorus, identify the place where a wh- word appears and understand it.Write down notebooks. What is this song about?
Examples of possible songs:Tell me why – beatles What's new pussycat- Tom Jones- what a wild tune – barenaked ladies- When I fall in love – Richie ashley/celine dion/nat king cole where do broken hearts go – whitney Houston, who said – Hannah Montana, who says you can't go home – bon Jovi How do you do it – beatles, why – why don't we do it in the road – the beatles
b)Reflection on simple grammar rules (reviewing things) past, order of the interrogative questions . Mixed Groups with sentences and analysing things: past, order.. They explained it to the others (deducing and explaining)1 mark *group (a paper with the list of verbs is given in to everybody)
c) game to refresh past verbs. Dividing the blackboard in four, four pupils write the past of the infinitive the teacher is saying aloud, eliminating the pupils who fail, everybody does the activity , the last one obtains a positive / t-s
s-ss / Projector.
Sentences to order / 30’
3 / a) Game to review vocabulary. One in front of the class, a word on the
blackboard he cannot read, the others describe the word and that boy
guesses it . Positive points
b) Dialogues (from sheet nº1) one example, teacher- and then they work in pairs (3 different pairs) Do some aloud / s-ss
s-s / 15’
4 / a)Dictation “A holiday to remember” (sheet4) Two dictations. Models without
prep, reviewing prep. One student writes it on the blackboard
b)One student corrects the dictation of his/her neighbour
c) They do a model, oral or written depending on the group following the
example, give in, the teacher corrects and they can read some aloud / t-s
s / Worksheet 4 / 10+10’
5 / a)Listening : favourite countries
b)Activities. Reviewing countries and nationalities. Map. Saying as a contest the country
and nationality and they speak about countries and cultures they know.
c)Groups, give in different words in different papers. They have to form correct sentences. They have to negotiate with other groups and exchange words,...they give in the sentences to the teacher if the sentences are correct the teacher takes them and at the end of the game the group with more correct s. win a + / t-s
ss-t / Projector
A map / 20’
Final Task
8 / a)The teacher gives them the project to do and explain (worksheet 5)
Project: they are going to be a travel agency. I'm a customer and they have to sell me the
best option. In groups they expose they final product, I choose the best (chart to evaluate
done by everybody (worksheet 6 and video filming)
VALUE HOW MUCH I HAVE LEARNT – ...WATCH VIDEO and comment linguistic and non-lx elements, and comment the unit treatment (aloud or written what they preferred) Extra: Watch The
film “A holiday to remember” activities all types / t-s
sss / Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6 / 20’
Criteria: Pupils should be able to:
  • Use the target vocabulary and language meaningfully
  • Make simple sentences in past, present and future. And in interrogative, negative and positive form
  • Build their own planned trip to sell it
  • Present their final task in the class explaining how the trip is going to be and why it is going to be the best. Self-evaluation. Evaluating the others …

Initial: sessions 1,2, 3
Formative: sessions 3,4,5
Final: Final task (sessions 6,7,8)
Further work:
  • Reinforcement:
  • Guided tasks, models, help of the teacher and of the other pupils
  • Advance:
  • Open activities
  • Final task
  • Help the weakest students prepare the explanation
PI (ACI): It’s very difficult to design activities for a student with especial needs if you don’t know the person because their characteristics are very specific in each case. Even though, the exercises in the worksheets go from very elemental ones to more difficult ones, following Bloom’s taxonomy. So the ones at the beginning are easy enough to be done by the weakest students.