May 29, 2014

These are the proceedings of the Special Board meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Gouverneur held May 29, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. in the Courtroom of the Municipal Building.


Mayor Ronald McDougall

Deputy Mayor Charles Newvine

Trustee Nelson Lawrence

Trustee Shelly Simons-Washburn

Trustee Roger LaPierre

Clerk/Treasurer Jennifer Link

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Barbara Finnie

MAY 29, 2014
A.1990.400 / 48,500.00
A.1990.410 / 11,500.00
A.7140.120 / 14,500.00
A.8020.400 / 6,200.00
A.5182.400 / 26,000.00
A.9060.800 / 25,000.00
A.7310.160 / 5,400.00
A.1620.100 / 8,400.00
A.1620.401 / 250.00
A.3120.105 / 5,700.00
A.3120.200 / 2,500.00
A.5112.200 / 3,800.00
A.7140.400 / 1,970.00
A.7140.410 / 430.00
A.8560.100 / 1,307.69
A.9015.800 / 1,500.00
A.1640.100 / 1,970.00
A.3120.109 / 1,000.00
A.3120.4 / 2,000.00
A.5142.401 / 1,000.00
TOTAL / 168,927.69
A.1210.400 / 812.00
A.1325.110 / 254.00
A.1325.120 / 275.44
A.1410.100 / 982.93
A.1420.400 / 19,157.51
A.1440.400 / 10,253.78
A.1460.100 / 477.39
A.1460.400 / 986.68
A.1620.110 / 424.55
A.1620.200 / 412.67
A.1620.410 / 636.00
A.1640.110 / 73.84
A.1650.400 / 150.00
A.1660.400 / 2,105.00
A.1680.200 / 373.00
A.1680.400 / 254.00
A.1680.410 / 170.00
A.1940.400 / 1,000.00
A.1989.400 / 2,608.75
A.1989.410 / 357.16
A.3120.100 / 9,160.92
A.3120.101 / 18,885.12
A.3120.103 / 659.68
A.3120.107 / 4,568.75
A.3410.401 / 9,393.82
A.3320.400 / 148.77
A.3650.400 / 5,726.80
A.5110.100 / 13,937.88
A.5110.110 / 1,971.48
A.5110.400 / 2,800.00
A.5112.100 / 246.08
A.5142.100 / 4,480.73
A.5142.110 / 22,964.62
A.5142.400 / 2,738.76
A.7140.100 / 656.48
A.7140.110 / 281.41
A.7180.410 / 853.92
A.7310.100 / 524.80
A.7310.130 / 6,829.75
A.8010.410 / 50.00
A.8020.410 / 200.00
A.8160.400 / 5.33
A.8560.110 / 332.09
A.8560.400 / 309.00
A.9010.800 / 9,481.68
A.9035.800 / 86.55
A.9040.800 / 598.06
A.9030.800 / 762.23
A.9060.860 / 2,247.42
A.9730.740 / 6,260.86
TOTAL / 168,927.69
FROM / E.1990.4 / 15,772.47
TOTAL / 15,772.47
E.8510.110 / 6,943.50
E.8510.400 / 959.03
E.8710.110 / 7,711.03
E.9040.800 / 158.91
TOTAL / 15,772.47
FROM: / F.1990.4 / 25,937.89
TOTAL / 25,937.89
F.1460.400 / 986.66
F.1620.110 / 53.10
F.1620.200 / 412.67
F.1650.200 / 459.03
F.1650.400 / 1,075.00
F.1660.400 / 470.00
F.1680.200 / 372.99
F.1680.410 / 170.00
F.1680.400 / 255.00
F.1989.410 / 357.17
F.8160.400 / 4.32
F.8310.120 / 1,347.67
F.8310.140 / 474.74
F.8310.150 / 41.25
F.8310.180 / 1,147.64
F.8310.400 / 1,976.36
F.8320.402 / 634.28
F.8320.100 / 2,879.46
F.8320.110 / 1,530.59
F.8340.110 / 947.40
F.9010.800 / 2,700.60
F.9060.860 / 1,385.61
F.9901.902 / 6,205.95
F.9030.800 / 50.40
TOTAL / 25,937.89
FROM: / G.1990.400 / 62,837.75
G.1990.410 / 20,020.00
TOTAL / 82,857.75
TO: / G.1440.400 / 10,425.70
G.1460.400 / 986.66
G.1620.100 / 152.60
G.1620.110 / 53.10
G.1620.200 / 412.66
G.1620.410 / 635.19
G.1650.200 / 459.04
G.1650.400 / 1,188.13
G.1660.400 / 200.00
G.1680.200 / 372.99
G.1680.400 / 255.00
G.1680.410 / 170.00
G.1989.410 / 357.17
G.8110.120 / 1,347.67
G.8110.180 / 1,147.52
G.8110.140 / 474.74
G.8110.400 / 5,242.01
G.8110.150 / 119.05
G.8130.200 / 7,145.00
G.8130.400 / 8,200.00
G.8130.402 / 171.22
G.8160.400 / 5.32
G.9010.800 / 2,700.60
G.9060.860 / 1,385.61
G.9901.901 / 7,500.00
G.9901.902 / 25,489.90
G.9901.904 / 6,260.87
TOTAL / 82,857.75

Trustee LaPierre made a motion to approve the above transfers. Trustee Lawrence seconded the motion and it was carried.



MAY 29, 2014

WHEREAS, the Village needs to amend the budget for the General Fund budget to reflect an increase in the amount of $4,196.00 in Estimated Revenues A510 and Appropriations A960 by the same amount due to the unanticipated revenue in State Aid-St. Lawrence County-Youth Programs.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes the Deputy Treasurer to increase subsidiary revenue accounts A3820 State Aid-St. Lawrence County Youth Programs by $4,196.00 and an increase in subsidiary appropriation account A7310.4 Youth Agencies by $4,196.00

Motion made by Trustee Newvine, seconded by Trustee Washburn.



MAY 29, 2014

WHEREAS, the Village needs to amend the budget for the General Fund budget to reflect an increase in the amount of $22,192.80 in Estimated Revenues A510 and Appropriations A960 by the same amount due to the revenue in Charges for Demo of Unsafe Buildings.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes the Deputy Treasurer to increase subsidiary revenue accounts A1570 Charges for Demo of Unsafe Building by $22,192.80 and an increase in subsidiary appropriation account A3650.4 Unsafe Buildings-Contractual by $22,192.80.

Motion made by Trustee Lawrence, seconded by Trustee Washburn.



MAY 29, 2014

WHEREAS, the Village needs to amend the budget for the General Fund budget to reflect an increase in the amount of $68,945.08 in Estimated Revenues A510 and Appropriations A960 by the same amount due to revenue in Transfer- Water Fund-BAN.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes the Deputy Treasurer to increase subsidiary revenue accounts A5031.5 Transfer- Water Fund-BAN by $68,945.08 and an increase in subsidiary appropriation account A9730.630-Water Fund BAN- Principal by $60,000.00 and A9730.730 – Water Fund BAN – Interest by $8,945.08.

Motion made by Trustee LaPierre, seconded by Trustee Lawrence.



MAY 29, 2014

WHEREAS, the Village needs to amend the budget for the General Fund budget to reflect an increase in the amount of $71,655.22 in Estimated Revenues A510 and Appropriations A960 by the same amount due to revenue in Transfers – Betterment BAN.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes the Deputy Treasurer to increase subsidiary revenue accounts A5031.6 Transfer- Water Fund-BAN by $71,655.22 and an increase in subsidiary appropriation account A9730.640-DOT Betterment BAN - Principal by $59,133.48 and A9730.740 – DOT Betterment BAN – Interest by $12,521.74

Motion made by Trustee Newvine, seconded by Trustee Washburn.



MAY 29, 2014

WHEREAS, the Village needs to amend the budget for the General Fund budget to reflect an increase in the amount of $250.00 in Estimated Revenues A510 and Appropriations A960 by the same amount due to a donation received from Burnham Financial.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes the Deputy Treasurer to increase subsidiary revenue accounts A2705 Gifts & Donations by $250.00 and an increase in subsidiary appropriation account A3410.4 Fire Department Contractual by $250.00.

Motion made by Trustee LaPierre, seconded by Trustee Lawrence.



MAY 29, 2014

WHEREAS, the Village needs to amend the budget for the General Fund budget to reflect an increase in the amount of $1,037.50 in Estimated Revenues A510 and Appropriations A960 by the same amount due to the unanticipated revenue in Snow Removal/Mowing-Residents.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes the Deputy Treasurer to increase subsidiary revenue accounts A2302.100 Snow Removal/Mowing-Residents by 1,037.50 and an increase in subsidiary appropriation account A8989.4 Mowing/Lawrence Care-Residents-Contractual by $1,037.50

Motion made by Trustee Lawrence, seconded by Trustee Newvine.



MAY 29, 2014

WHEREAS, the Village needs to amend the budget for the Water Fund budget to reflect an increase in the amount of $25,489.90 in Estimated Revenues F510 and Appropriations F960 by the same amount due to the unanticipated revenue in Miscellaneous Revenue from Sewer Fund.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes the Deputy Treasurer to increase subsidiary revenue accounts F2770 Miscellaneous Revenue by $25,489.90 and an increase in subsidiary appropriation account F8320.1 – Supply, Power, Pump – Personal Services by $25,489.90.

Motion made by Trustee Newvine, seconded by Trustee Lawrence.

Trustee LaPierre made a motion to approve payment for the year end audited bills in the amount of: General Fund - $ 15,494.50, Water Fund - $ 17,132.13, Electric Fund - $3,298.79, Sewer Fund - $25,428.09, NYS Home Program - $ 44,984.00, Capital Projects - $13,513.68, Trust and Agency - $ 2,906.00. Trustee Lawrence seconded the motion and it was carried.

Trustee Newvine made a motion to approve the Chamber of Commerce to close Church Street on June 14, 2014 from 10:00 am- 4:00 pm for the Flag Day Parade. Trustee Washburn seconded the motion and it was carried.

Trustee Newvine made a motion to advertise for lawn care bids. Trustee LaPierre seconded the motion and it was carried.

Trustee Newvine made a motion to go into executive session at 8:45 am. Trustee Lawrence seconded the motion and it was carried.

Trustee Washburn made a motion to reconvene the executive session at 10:20 am. Trustee Lawrence seconded the motion and it was carried.

Mayor McDougall announced the following motions made in executive session.

Trustee Newvine made a motion to post an internal letter only in the Department of Public Works for anybody currently working in any department in the DPW for the Full Time Superintendent of Public Works position. This letter will be posted on Monday June 2, 2014 and will be posted for two weeks to be removed on June 16, 2014. Anyone interested is to submit something in writing to DPW Clerk Dawn McCollum. Trustee Washburn seconded the motion and it was carried.

Trustee LaPierre made a motion to contact St. Lawrence County Civil Service to obtain the active 2013 list for the Gouverneur Police Chief ASAP. Trustee Lawrence seconded the motion and it was carried.

Trustee Newvine made a motion to adjourn the Special Board meeting. Trustee Washburn seconded the motion and it was carried.
