The regular meeting of the Town Council of Bar Nunn was held on Tuesday, January 4, 2011, 7:00 P.M., at 4820 N. Wardwell Industrial Avenue, Bar Nunn, Wyoming.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jerry Petty, (who was sworn into office, along with council members John Blase and Steve Hollister prior to beginning of the meeting).

The roll was taken by Carol Pendley, Clerk Treasurer. Those present were Mayor Petty, Paula Stewart, John Blase, Steve Hollister, and Josh Brown.

Mayor Petty led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Next item on the agenda was the minutes of the December 21, 2010 Council Meeting. Paula made a motion to accept the minutes. John seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Payable List for December, 2010 was next. Paula made a motion, seconded by Josh to accept the Payable List for December, 2010. Motion was unanimous.

Next item on the agenda was presentation of the names by Mayor Petty for interim appointments (1 year) for 2011. Parks and Recreation - Jeannie Hollister, Chair; and Zoning and Planning - Jack Kutcher, Chair were presented for consideration. Mayor Petty also asked for volunteers for the MPO Technical Committee, 201 Management Oversight Committees, previously held by Bill Johnston, former Town Engineer. John volunteered for Technical Committee. Paula and Mayor Petty will serve on 201 Management Oversight, and a Town Engineer will not be appointed at this time. Josh asked if there had been interest expressed by anyone else. There had not. Paula made a motion to accept the interim appointments for Parks and Recreation, and Zoning and Planning. Josh seconded and motion was unanimous.

Attorney’s Report was next on the agenda. Charlie did not have anything to report, there were no questions.

Resolutions 2011-01, 2011-02, 2011-03, and 2011-04 were the next items on the agenda for consideration.

Resolution #2011-01 "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MILEAGE RATE FOR ALL BUSINESS MILES DRIVEN IN 2011, TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH INTERNAL REVENUE REGULATIONS”. Paula made a motion to adopt Resolution #2011-01. Josh seconded and motion was unanimous.

Resolution #2011-02 "A RESOLUTION SETTING THE MILL LEVY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2011-TOWN OF BAR NUNN, WYOMING.” Josh made a motion seconded by John to adopt Resolution #2011-02. Motion was unanimous.

Resolution #2011-03 "A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CERTAIN BANKS BE NAMED AS DEPOSITORIES AND CHECKING ACCOUNT BANKS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2011 – PER W.S. #9-4-817”. Josh made a motion, seconded by John to adopt Resolution #2011-03. Motion was unanimous.

Resolution #2011-04 “A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A PROCLAMATION FOR THE YEAR 2011 ARBOR DAY IN BAR NUNN, WYOMING”. (April 23, 2011) Paula made a motion to adopt Resolution 2011-04. John seconded and motion was unanimous.

The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing on a Community Development Block Grant Application. Paula made a motion to adjourn the council meeting. Josh seconded and motion was unanimous.

Paula made a motion, seconded by Josh to open the Public Hearing for the Community Development Block Grant. Motion was unanimous.

Mayor Petty called for anyone present to speak in favor of the Application for the Community Development Block Grant for the purpose of moving Motor Power Equipment facilities to Bar Nunn.

Brian Sunwall, Owner said he is in favor of the grant. Josh questioned which property the business will be built on. Brian said it has not been finally resolved yet. Brian also referred to questions having been submitted to Bar Nunn via e-mail, December 30th, and requested answers in writing to those that can be answered by Bar Nunn.

Bill Johnston, Engineer spoke in favor of the grant with recommendations to Council. Bill recommends Council make a priority, the upgrade of the sewer line to the West, current capacity approximately .44 million gallons per day which needs to be increased to approximately 1 million gallons per day; to accommodate Motor Power Equipment contribution to wastewater flows. The first priority, of course, being the turn lane. Brian agreed the first priority will be the turn lane and second being all utilities to property. He has nothing in writing, although the seller representative of the property has indicated water and sewer would be installed to the property line.

Bobbe Fitzhugh, Consultant with Community Builders, Inc. introduced herself as the grant writer for this project. She gave cost estimates from CEPI for both potential sites, and the higher costs because this is Federal money and Davis-Bacon wages will have to be paid. She also agreed the sewer line currently represented in the application is for new sewer to the property line, not the extension upgrade.

Bill Johnston also encouraged council, since the Town is seeking the grant, to require more reporting accountability to the council.

Mayor Petty called three times for anyone present who would like to speak in opposition to the Grant. There were none.

Paula made a motion, seconded by Josh to close the Public Hearing. The motion was unanimous, and the Public Hearing for the Community Development Block Grant was closed.

Paula made a motion to reconvene the Council Meeting, seconded by Josh. The motion was unanimous and Council Meeting reconvened (all council members and Mayor present).


There was further discussion prior to consideration of the resolution. John asked if adoption of the resolution will cover either of the two locations. Bobbe, explained the grant application is generic enough to cover the turn lane, business description, and infrastructure in either location. There is a description for each of the locations, one of which will be removed when the exact location is determined by Brian.

Figures submitted are for the more costly of the two locations.

The deadline for submission of this grant application is January 15th for consideration in March. If the application is pushed to March for consideration in June, the construction period for this year will be missed. The January deadline is the reason for the urgency.

The $45,000 match money from CAEDA and NCJPB represents 10% match which gives Bar Nunn a higher point total for evaluation of the grant, especially since there is no match required for this grant.

Josh made a motion to adopt Resolution #2011-05. John seconded and motion was unanimous.

Engineering Report was next on the agenda. There was no report. Jerry informed Council Bill (Johnston) has agreed to stay with us (consult) for the duration of the CDBG Grant and the Tower project (Mountain West Telephone).

Fire Department Report was next on the agenda. Chuck Anderson gave the report for December. He also directed attention to the Year End Activity Report for the department. If anyone has questions or would like to discuss the information within, Chuck would be willing to review with you. Josh asked why the light installations to the new pickup are being done in Greeley. Chuck said the company he is having do the work has an office here, but they do installations at their facility in Colorado.

Zoning and Planning was next on the agenda. Jack reported there was no business conducted at the last meeting and nothing to report.

Petitions and Public Comment was next on the agenda. There were none.

Council Miscellaneous was next on the agenda.

A motion was made by Paula, seconded by John to set a Public Hearing for the purpose of the renewal of a Liquor License for Chatters, Inc. to be held February 15, 2011. Motion was unanimous.

Business license renewals for 2011 were next on the agenda:

01. Dynarski Casper KOA - Al & Susan Dynarski

02. Trusses, Inc. - Freida Palmer

03. Silvertip Electric - Charles Franz

04. Antler Taxidermy & Arts - Mike Herrick

05. Bundy's Marine - Wayne Bundy

06. Operating Engineers - Penny Miller

07. Bar Nunn Storage - Rod Palmer

08. Sunset Carwash - Jason Fox

09. RW Specialties - Larry Stauch

John made a motion, seconded by Paula to accept the Business Licenses for 2011. Motion was unanimous.

John made a motion seconded by Paula to bring the Council and Fire Department Compensation issue off of the table for consideration. Motion was unanimous. John said after review of the proposal he doesn't feel current economy warrants Council increases nor beginning compensation for Fire Department. Paula agreed and since it is not a full time position it doesn't warrant compensation. Josh would be interested in looking into a comparison of other departments but council increases not warranted. No motion was forthcoming, issue was allowed to die.

Paula said at "a couple of meetings ago, the December 7th meeting" she "mentioned something about other citizens speaking with me (Paula) regarding the fire trucks that were going around Bar Nunn and I (Paula) happened to notice it was not in the minutes". Paula would like it put in. Mayor said it could be added now.

(Reference was regarding trucks going through Bar Nunn following the Casper Christmas Parade in November, and complaints Paula received claiming the trucks were noisy and out late (8p.m. per Chief Anderson). (Original minutes November 16th, same meeting as November Fire Department Report submitted. Motion to approve November 16th minutes as written, was made by Paula, seconded by Josh and passed unanimously.)

Jerry reported receiving few calls about snow removal issues and the guys were out over the weekend plowing.

Paula reported noticing the STOP sign is down on Sunset. John said a temporary one is there. Jetty said it was hit and the temporary one will be replaced in the Spring.

There being no further business to come before the council at this time, Paula made a motion to adjourn. Josh seconded and motion carried.

Meeting adjourned 8:00 P.M., January 5, 2010.

(Minutes approved with correction that Steve Hollister abstained from voting on Parks and Recreation appointment of Jeannie Hollister as Committee Chair.) Council 01-18-2011.