(For books published on or between January 1st and December 31st 2017)

Books must be received by: Wednesday 28th February 2018. Please complete the form in full. If possible, please send two copies of the submitted book (see guidelines on the website ) Safe receipt of the above entries will be acknowledged by E-mail.

Title: Click here to enter text.

Publisher: Click here to enter text.

Author: Click here to enter text.

Entry Class: Click here to enter text. Date sent: Click here to enter text.

Date of publication: Click here to enter text. Is this available as an e-book?: Click here to enter text.

Retail price: Click here to enter text. ISBN: Click here to enter text.

Contact name of publisher: Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.

E-mail: Click here to enter text. Tel.No.: Click here to enter text.

Alternative contact1 Click here to enter text.

E-mail: Click here to enter text. Tel.No.: Click here to enter text.

Contact details of author2 Click here to enter text.

1We have experienced difficulty in the past contacting publishers, particularly in large publishing houses. Please make sure you list an alternative contact (above).

2If your publication is nominated your author(s) will be invited to the Awards Evening in July.. Please ask their permission and provide their contact details here – full name and email. N.B. All submitting publishers are automatically invited. We will not pass on details to anyone else.

If your publication is NOMINATED for an Award we will publish the details on this website soon after the meeting in the middle of June. If you do not want a small image of the cover of the publication to appear please tick here: Click here to enter text.

If you would like a link to your website included please give the appropriate website address

here: Click here to enter text.