Playgroup Frequently Asked Questions
- How many times will I need to volunteer in a session?
Parents or another designated adult will be scheduled to work 25% to 35% of the total session's days (depending on the age and number of the children in the session).
2.How do I schedule a time to observe a location?
Call or email the administrator at the location you are interested in.
Lee Playgroup – Anna, 703-228-0534,
Madison Playgroup- Tracy, 703-228-0939,
Fairlington Playgroup –Mary Kate, 703-228-7498,
3.What is the administrator’s role?
The Administrator will be trained in CPR, First Aid and MAT. The working parents are not required to have these trainings. They will oversee the daily operation of the playgroup, schedule parent workers, provide guidance to parent leaders and ensure that all county and state licensing guidelines are followed. They will manage all participant paperwork and documentation. Additionally, the administrator will be responsible for ensuring that the playroom is stocked with proper supplies and to share county resources i.e. the lending library. The Administrator will also serve as back-up in case a parent scheduled is unable to work due to an emergency.
4.May I bring my infant with me on days that I volunteer?
If your child has an infantsibling (under 12 months), you may bring him/her with you on your Coop work days. We require the VA School Health Form filled out for your infant as well as your enrolled child. Please note that these siblings must be off the floor and kept in a hands-free device (e.g., car seat, stroller, sling, front pack or back pack). No scheduled worker is permitted to carry an infant in their arms while working in the playgroup classroom, as they must have both hands immediately available to assist the enrolled children. Should an infant sibling not be content in a hands-free device, we will request that alternative childcare arrangements are made on your work days. An infant sibling can accompany their parent/caregiver until they turn one-year-old. At that pointthey are no longeran infant sibling, they are a potential participant and every effort will be made tofind thema spot inthe program as an enrolled child.
5.Can my child participate in a playgroup if we are not Arlington residents?
Once registration for Arlington residents has ended, you may register your child if there is still space available.
6. What are the responsibilities of the playgroup volunteers?
Parents will be assigned a role for each day they work based on a rotating basis:
1. Activity Helper- Leads activity in the planning and implementation of the daily project- using onsite resources or requesting additional kits or resources from the administrator.
2. Snack Helper- Provide a healthy and appropriate snack for the participants
3. Clean up Helper- Provide beverage and assist in the cleanup of the room.
4. Extra- provides additional support in the coop. If ratios are low they will be the first worker dismissed after 9:45am
7. How many children are in each class?
A maximum of 12 children can be enrolled in each class.
8. What age does my child need to be to participate?
Lee and Madison Playgroups - Children ages 1 – 3 may participate in our playgroup programs and each class is mixed age.
Fairlington Playgroup – a 1 year old and 2 year old class are available
9. How can I find out if a playgroup still has space available after a session begins?
You may check for availability online at Choose "Preschool" from the column on the right and scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see playgroup registration and information. If the class is full, you have the option of adding your child to the waitlist.
10. What do I do if my child is sick on my scheduled coop day?
You are responsible for finding a substitute if you are unable to co-op on a scheduled day. You may email the playgroup you are participating in, asking for another working parent to switch with you.
11) What are the playgroup hours?
Lee and Madison Playgroup hours are 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Fairlington Playgroup hours are 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
12) Will you supply diapers and wipes for our child?
Parents/caregivers are responsible for leaving a small supply of diapers and wipes in their child's cubby to be used during playgroup.
13. What is the daily schedule?
Typical Daily Schedule (*Varies according to location)
9:15 a.m. Working Parents arrive
9:30 a.m. Arrival / Sign In
Daily Health Inspection
Free Play
10:00 a.m.Activity
10:30 a.m.Wash Hands/Snack
11:00 a.m.Wash Hands
Diaper Check/Potty Time
Free Play
11:30 a.m.Outdoor Play
Alternative indoor activities will be offered if outdoor play is not possible due to inclement weather or Code Red/Purple.
12:00 p.m. Departure/Sign out
12:15 p.m. Working Parents depart
14. How do you accommodate children with food allergies?
If your child has food allergies, contact your program administrator and they will work with you to create an allergy action plan.