Vacancy – Administration Assistant (afternoon)

A vacancy has arisen for the post of Administration Assistant to Stotfold Town Council. The post will be 20 hours per week, 12.30pm to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Salary range NJC SP9 to SP12 (£7.99 per hour to £8.38 per hour) plus Local Government Pension.

It is anticipated that interviews will be held during week beginning 29th January 2018, with the new post-holder commencing employment at the start of March 2018.

The Council

Stotfold Town Council office accommodation is located at the Greenacre Centre, Valerian Way, Stotfold, with the office reception open to the public Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.

Council meetings are held in the Council Chamber at the Greenacre Centre on the first Wednesday of each month, except August, with Committee meetings being held regularly throughout the year on Wednesday evenings.

The Council is responsible for three recreation grounds with play equipment (one with changing facilities), Greenacre Centre, Memorial Hall, Simpson Centre, Stotfold Cemetery, Common Road Allotments, Norton Road Allotments, Millennium Green, Centenary Wood, Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), grassing cutting, landscaping and street lighting around the town.

The post

As the first point of contact for the general public, this ‘front of house’ role requires you to provide a welcome and knowledgeable face to the Council, dealing with members of the public by telephone, face to face and by email. Your duties will require you to provide advice and direction to members of the public, administer two allotment sites, take bookings for the Council’s facilities and provide general administration support such as photocopying, filing, typing. You should be able to demonstrate a professional and friendly outlook and must be approachable and able to keep calm under pressure. We are looking for outstanding customer service skills, coupled with excellent administration skills.


This application pack contains:

Job Description

Application Form

Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form

Applications should be submitted using the application form attached, a continuation sheet may be attached where necessary. CVs will not be considered in place of an application form.

The deadline for completed applications is Wednesday 24th January 2018, directed to Mrs K Elliott-Turner, Town Clerk, Stotfold Town Council, The Greenacre Centre, Valerian Way, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 4HG. Completed application forms may also be emailed to .

For enquiries about the position please contact the Town Clerk on 01462 730064 or email

Job Description

Administration Assistant (afternoon)

  • Administer Allotment plot waiting lists, leases and renewals, produce update reports and carry out inspection visits to the two sites
  • Maintain the record of Planning Applications and Decision Notices
  • Maintain local group contact information and keep Residents Handbook up to date
  • Assist Morning Administration Assistant with enquiries regarding facilities lettings, issue relevant booking forms and hiring conditions
  • Deal with outgoing post – franking and deposit at Post Office on a daily basis, ensuring sufficient funds are maintained on the franking machine account
  • Maintain and update public notice boards
  • Prepare correspondence as and when required
  • Undertake photocopying and other general administration duties as required
  • Be the first point of contact for telephone, email or visitor enquiries
  • Report faults, issues, etc, to appropriate other bodies, i.e. pot holes, street lights, environmental issues. Follow up reports as required
  • To carry out such other tasks as may be agreed with the Town Clerk or Assistant Clerk from time to time

Note: the duties stated herein are not exhaustive and may be subject to change from time to time to meet the operational needs of the Council.





POSITION APPLIED FOR …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Full name……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Tel numbersHome …………………………………………….Mobile ……………………………………………
Please advise how you heard about this vacancy (delete as appropriate):
Stotfold News/local newspaper/Town Council website/Town Council Facebook page/poster/other (please describe)

Present/last appointment

Name and address of employer / Position held / Salary and other benefits (if any)
Date of appointment / Length of notice required

Brief summary of duties and responsibilities in present/last appointment

Are you currently in employment? YES / NO
If no, please specify when last appointment ended and reason for leaving

Secondary education and qualifications

Name of educational establishment / From / To / Qualifications gained

Higher education

Name of educational establishment / From / To / Qualifications gained
Membership of professional bodies / Membership grade / Date / Was membership gained by examination?

Previous appointments held (most recent first)

Only go back ten years, unless previous experience is particularly relevant to the post

Employer / From
Month/Year / To
Month/Year / Position held / Salary on leaving
reason for leaving

Details of relevant experience and other supporting information - please refer to the Job Description and Person Specification for the position applied for

Please make full use of this page to provide further supporting information in support of your application. You may continue on an additional sheet if required (please ensure your name and position applied for is clearly marked).
Name:Position applied for:
Relevant experience and other supporting information, continued

Further information

Please place a in appropriate box / YES / NO
1.Do you possess a current driving licence?
2.If yes, do you have regular use of a car during working hours?
3. Are you subject to any legal restrictions in respect of your employment in the UK?
Please provide your National Insurance No. ______
4.Are you, to your knowledge, related to any Member or Officer of Stotfold Town Council?
5.Do you hold any other position that would continue if you were appointed to this position?
6.Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?
(Declaration subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974)
7.If you have a disability please tell us about any adjustments we may need to make to assist you at interview:


Please tick if you would prefer us NOT to contact your present employer without further reference to yourself

Please give the names and full addresses of two persons to whom reference can be made – the first should be your present/last employer, if applicable

Job Title:
Tel no: / Name:
Job Title:
Tel no:


I declare that the foregoing information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that in particular I have not omitted any material facts, which may have any bearing on my application.
I understand that any subsequent contract of employment with the Town Council will be made only on this basis. Falsification of information could lead to dismissal.
Canvassing of Members or Officers of the Town Council directly or indirectly in connection with this application will automatically disqualify the candidate

Return completed application forms in an envelope marked ‘Recruitment - Confidential’ to:

The Town Clerk, Stotfold Town Council, Greenacre Centre, Valerian Way, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 4HG



Stotfold Town Councilwants to meet the aims and commitments set out in its equality policy. This includes not discriminating under the Equality Act 2010, and building an accurate picture of the make-up of the workforce in encouraging equality and diversity.

The Town Council seeks your help and co-operation to enable it to achieve its Equal Opportunity aims, but requesting your voluntary completion of this form. There is no obligation for you to do so.

The information you provide will remain confidential, be stored securely and will only be referred to by authorised personnel.

Please return the completed form with your application in an envelope marked ‘Recruitment – Confidential’ to The Town Clerk, Stotfold Town Council, The Simpson Centre, Hitchin Road, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 4HP

Gender Male  Female  Prefer not to say 

Are you married or in a civil partnership? Yes No  Prefer not to say 

Age16-2425-2930-3435-3940-44 45-4950-54  55-59  60-64  65+  Prefer not to say 

What is your ethnicity?

Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It is about the group to which you perceive you belong. Please tick the appropriate box


English  Welsh  Scottish  Northern Irish  Irish

British  Gypsy or Irish Traveller  Prefer not to say 

Any other white background, please write in:

Mixed/multiple ethnic groups

White and Black CaribbeanWhite and Black African  White and Asian  Prefer not to say  Any other mixed background, please write in:

Asian/Asian British

Indian  Pakistani  Bangladeshi  Chinese  Prefer not to say 

Any other Asian background, please write in:

Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British

African  Caribbean Prefer not to say 

Any other Black/African/Caribbean background, please write in:

Other ethnic group

ArabPrefer not to say  Any other ethnic group, please write in:

Do you consider yourself to have a disability or health condition?

YesNo  Prefer not to say 

What is the effect or impact of your disability or health condition on your ability to give your best at work? Please write in here:

The information in this form is for monitoring purposes only. If you believe you need a ‘reasonable adjustment’, then please discuss this with your manager, or the manager running the recruitment process if you are a job applicant.

What is your sexual orientation?

Heterosexual  Gay woman/lesbian  Gay man  Bisexual 

Prefer not to say  If other, please write in:

What is your religion or belief?

No religion or beliefBuddhist Christian  Hindu  Jewish 

Muslim  Sikh Prefer not to say  Ifother religion or belief, please write in:

What is your current working pattern?

Full-time Part-time  Prefer not to say 

What is your flexible working arrangement?

None  Flexi-time  Staggered hoursTerm-time hours 

Annualised hours  Job-share Flexible shifts Compressed hours 

Homeworking  Prefer not to say  Ifother, please write in:

Do you have caring responsibilities? If yes, please tick all that apply

None  Primary carer of a child/children (under 18) 

Primary carer of disabled child/children 

Primary carer of disabled adult (18 and over)  Primary carer of older person 

Secondary carer (another person carries out the main caring role) 

Prefer not to say

Thank you for completing this form