Planning & Development Committee (P73) Thursday, 12th March 2015

PRESENT: / Cllr Steve Tubb–Chairman
Sheila Game
Maureen Luke
Peter Luke
Wendy Randall
Karen Tweedale
Julie Wesley
Mark Wesley
IN ATTENDANCE: / Julia Lane – Assistant to Town Clerk
PRESS: / 0Member of the press
PUBLIC: / 0Member of the public




Apologies for absence were received from CllrsFox and Hamp.


Councillor / Declaration Of Interest
Wendy Randall / Member of Daventry District Council Planning Committee.


On the proposal of Cllr M Wesley, duly seconded by Cllr Randall, it was

RESOLVED / That the minutes of the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on Thursday, 19th February 2015 having been circulated, be approved and signed as a correct record.


(i)Daventry District Council – DA/2014/0964, Planning Appeal, Land off Badby Road West, Daventry

Cllr Tubb reported receipt of notification of planning appeal in relation to Land off Badby Road West, Daventry. Members concurred that the Town Council had no further comments to submit.

(ii)Daventry District Council Planning Application DA/2014/0869, Outline application for development of up to 450 dwellings, provision of 1.9ha site for 2 form entry primary school (Class D1), Community hub (Classes D1, D2 & A1), public open space, allotments and associated infrastructure

Cllr Tubb reported receipt of notification that aforementioned planning application had been considered by Daventry District Council (DDC) Planning Committee, held on Wednesday, 11th March 2015 and the application had been approved.

Cllr Game advised her attendance to the DDC Planning Committee meeting and she would submit a report under agenda item P73.6 (i).

(iii)Consultation – CTIL and TelefÓnica upgrade – Daventry Telephone Exchange, Badby Road, Daventry

Cllr Tubb reported receipt of notification of proposal to upgrade TelefÓnica’s existing equipment at Daventry Telephone Exchange, Badby Road, Daventry. Noted.

(iv)Canal and River Trust South East Waterway Forum Spring 2015

Cllr Tubb reported receipt of invitation to attend Spring 2015 South East Waterway Forum to be held on Tuesday, 21st April 2015 at Braunston Memorial Hall.

On the proposal of Cllr M Wesley, duly seconded by Cllr J Wesley, it was

RESOLVED / That Cllr Randall be appointed to attend Canal and River Trust South East Waterway Forum to be held on Tuesday, 21st April 2015.


Members considered strategy to enable consultation on major planning applications.

Cllr P Luke proposed that a Working Group be convened to compile strategy to enable consultation on major planning applications, and that strategy be considered at the next meeting of the Planning and Development Committee to be held on Thursday, 2nd April 2015.

Cllr Randall seconded Cllr P Luke’s proposal, and further to a vote of 4 in favour, and 4 against, the Chair took his casting vote, and it was

RESOLVED / That a Working Group be convened to compile strategy to enable consultation on major planning applications, and that strategy be considered at the next meeting of the Planning and Development Committee to be held on Thursday, 2nd April 2015.

On the proposal of Cllr M Wesley, duly seconded by Cllr J Wesley, it was

RESOLVED / That Cllrs Game, P Luke and Randall be appointed onto working group to compile strategy to enable consultation on major planning applications.


(i)To receive feedback from Cllr Game following her attendance to Daventry District Council Planning Committee held on 11th March 2015

Cllr Game gave a verbal report following her attendance to Daventry District Council Planning Committee held on 11th March 2015, advising that the meeting was well attended, predominantly by residents of Welton Parish showing their objection to the proposed development. Cllr Game further advised that representations had been submitted from 2 residents of Welton, Daventry Town Council and the Agent for the land where the development was being proposed. Following extensive debate and consideration of relevant facts the District Council Planning Committee voted in favour.

(ii)To consider appointment of Town Council representative to attend Daventry District Council Planning Committee, to be held on 1st April 2015

On the proposal of Cllr M Wesley, duly seconded by Cllr Randall, it was

RESOLVED / That Cllr Tubb be appointed to attend Daventry District Council Planning Committee, to be held on 1st April 2015.


Members considered response to East Northamptonshire Council in relation to application for new premises license for Maria’s Kitchen, 10 Sheaf Street, Daventry.

On the proposal of Cllr Randall, duly seconded by Cllr J Wesley, it was

RESOLVED / That the Town Council will accept East Northamptonshire Council Licensing Officers decision.


Consideration was given to the schedule of planning applications received on which the Council had been invited to comment; on planning applications withdrawn; on planning permissions granted and applications refused since the last meeting of the Committee.

RESOLVED: / That the comments on the planning applications set out on the schedule which is attached as (Appendix 1) to these minutes be submitted to Daventry District Council for consideration and the following comments be submitted on :-
DA/2015/0099 – 22, Sheaf Street, Daventry
Application withdrawn.
DA/2015/0105 - Badby Park Ltd, Badby Road West, Daventry
Recommend Permission, but would accept DDC Planning Officer's decision.
DA/2015/0106- Badby Park Ltd, Badby Road West, Daventry
Recommend Permission, but would accept DDC Planning Officer's decision.
NMA/2015/0008 - Sites 8 & 9 Middlemore, Daventry
Recommend Permission.
DA/2015/0122 - 25, The Slade, Daventry
Recommend Permission, but would accept DDC Planning Officer's decision.
DA/2015/0131 - Former Bowls Club, New Street, Daventry
Application withdrawn.
DA/2015/0140 - 19, Emmanuel Close, Daventry
Recommend Permission, but would accept DDC Planning Officer's decision.
DA/2015/0155 - Badby Park Rehabilitation Centre, Badby Road West, Daventry
Recommend Permission, but would accept DDC Planning Officer's decision.
DA/2015/0156 - Badby Park Rehabilitation Centre, Badby Road West, Daventry
Recommend Permission, but would accept DDC Planning Officer's decision.
DA/2015/0162 – 4, Barnes Close, Daventry
Recommend Permission, but would accept DDC Planning Officer's decision.
DA/2015/0168 - 2B Daimler Close, Daventry
Planning application not available to view on DDC Planning Portal, therefore ask for extension to deadline for comments.


The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Thursday, 2nd April2015.


The meeting closed at 19:40hrs.

Signed …………………………………..Date …………………